30 All Occasion Poems to Write in a Greeting Card - LetterPile Skip to main content

30 All Occasion Poems to Write in a Greeting Card


Greeting Card Poems

It can be difficult to come up with something original to write inside a store-bought greeting card. In the end, you search and search the cards for something that sounds close to your sentiment, but often, you can’t find a card you like. All the poems and one-liners in this article are offered to you to help you express your true feelings. I hope you enjoy them

How To Use These Poems

  • Get them printed on a special birthday balloon.
  • Create a birthday card and insert one or more of the poems inside.
  • Tell your friend in person by reading them one or more of the poems.
  • Text one or more of them to your friend or family member.
  • Create a meme for social media.
  • Print your favorite poem on a tee shirt or some other item and give it to them.
  • Put the words to music—maybe a tune you already know.
  • Post them on their social media pages.
  • Use them as a prompt to create a longer version of your own.

Longer Poems


Stay humble

In all you do

Stay humble

Cause a humble heart

Wins over the hearts of others

It’s what set my love

For you



Gotta lock on the love

For you

I hold deep down

Inside of my heart

A lock with no key

Cause I never

Want to set your love


Wait this is sounding



As we sit

Here in the sunset

Of our lives

I know one thing to be true

My love on this day

Feels like the first day

I fell in love with you


I’ve been looking

For a present

Oh so many days

I’ve been looking

For a present

Can’t seem to find one

What more can I say

But this card

Will be your present

This card

Will be your gift

I’ll throw in an

I love you

And a big

Birthday/Christmas wish


Love can’t be measured

By the size of a gift

It is measured by…


Yes, I forgot to buy you

A gift

Happy Birthday / Merry Christmas


When you stepped

Into my life

Nothing else seemed

So right

There was a love



I trembled

With the potential

Of a life

Wrapped together

In one love

A new life so clear

A new life so dear

Happy ..,,,


In you I find refuge

Nothing good happens

Apart from you

Nothing I do compares

To the love

You impart to me

True love

In all its beauty

In all its splendor


What’s the key

To a good birthday

The recipe

Is really quite clear

Take one party

Throw in a few friends

You hold so dear (Especially me)

Add some music and fun

Then have a good time


The best present

I could get you this year

Was being in the presence

Of someone you hold so dear


Oh ok, I’ll admit

I forgot to buy you a gift

Merry Christmas / Happy Birthday

Your Day

Hope your

Birthday / Christmas

Is full of





As you spend time

Celebrating and

Making memories

With family and friends

My Days

There were times

Throughout my days

I searched for love

Someone to share

All my

Till one day you

Walked into my life

Now my moments

Are filled with

Great joy

As we walk into

Our sunsets


What is a birthday cake

But a symbol of

The number of years

You’ve lived your life

Which means your cake

Is going to be really

Big and bright


Cake, presents and friends

All Around

The smell of candles and

Fill the air

The taste of ice cream and cake

Delight the tongue

The laughter and celebration

Are music to the ears

The feeling of joy

Warms the heart and soul

Happy Birthday


Trees, presents and decorations

All around

The smell of pine and baking

Fills the air

The taste of cocoa and cookies

Rolls across the tongue

The sound of carols and bells

Fill the air

The feeling of joy

Warms the heart



Cards, candy and gifts

Given out of love

The smell of flowers and perfume

The taste of love and chocolate

Rolls across the tongue

The sounds of music and

Fill the air

The feeling of love and joy

Abounds everywhere

The Present

The present I got you


Is much bigger than last year

It took time to find something

For someone I hold so dear

I looked high, then I looked low

I looked left, the I looked right

The all of a sudden a card

This card came into my sight

It cost a little more

But for you I’d pay more

Than the card from last year

Which came from the dollar store


Still I have you

Still I have you

After all these years

Still I have you

Much of my life

Is gone

The people I know

The places I’ve been

The years rolled by

Again and again

Still I have you

Still I have you

After all these years

Still I have you

Birthday Rules

Party, party, party

Again be ready to party

Use good judgment

Follow your heart

Always enjoy yourself

Raise your glass in good cheer

Believe in

Leave a little joy in your heart

My Whole Heart

I love you

With my whole heart

I love you

With all my heart

No half-hearted promises

Don't want it that way

It's either all or nothing

Is why I say

With my whole heart

With my whole heart

I want to love you

With all of my heart

I Love You

I love you

I love you

I love you

In my heart

I know it's true

I love you

I do

The know will be tied

It can't be broken

No greater words

Have I spoken

Than I love you

Holiday Blessings


May your birthday

Be filled with happiness

Overflow with blessings

As you’re surrounded

By your friends

May all your wishes

Be wrapped in smiles

As your life is


And enriched

By the love which abounds

And may the day be remembered

In your heart

Happy Birthday


May this Christmas

Be filled with happiness

As you’re surrounded

By those you love

As the perfectly wrapped

Gifts are opened

Also may your heart

Be brightened and enriched

By the meaning of the season

And in the end

May you be blessed

As the day is remembered

In your heart

Merry Christmas


On this special day

I’m filled with happiness

As I celebrate each day

Wrapped in your love

You have surrounded me

With many blessings

Enriched my life in many ways

And brightened my world

Each and every day

May your love be remembered

As each moment ticks by

Happy Valentines Day

Shorter Poems


Age is just a number

Which grows each year

But with age comes wisdom

And knowing I love you

More and more

As the time ticks away


I gotta say yes

I will not deny

This birthdays special

Here’s the reason why

You’re (insert age)

One Thing

If I could say One thing

On this special time of year

Wait, just one thing

There’s more about you

Which I hold so dear

(Fill in the blank

My Love

How long is my love for you

It had a beginning

But has no end

My love encircles you

To protect and defend

How deep is my love for you

Deeper than the deepest ocean

Deeper than the


There is strength

In silence

Power in the

Unspoken word

Cause the measure

Of a true love

Comes in actions

Which are always heard

As always I let

My love for you

Speak louder than words

Good Times

Good times

Are made for


and others

A surprise


With your family




Like Me

Don't forget me

Special Day

Special days come

Special days go

But it’s not the days

Which matter

But the times spent

With those you love

Remember those thoughts

When you open the gift

I still have to gat you

One Liners

  • Don’t listen to people who say Christmas is overrated. Well at least not until you get my gift. Then it is okay.
  • Don‘t think of it as getting older. Wait, think of it just like that…you’re getting older. Happy Birthday
  • Someone once told me love is like stinky cheese. Sometimes it stinks but once you get past the taste and smell true love is delicious.
  • What is my love to you? ill give you a minute.
  • it took me a whole year to remember what I forgot - your Birthday

© 2022 Timothy Whitt