Best music stores in Los Angeles for guitars, drums and more

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Photograph: Courtesy Caveman Vintage Music

The best music stores in LA

Stock up on gear, get your guitar fixed and learn how to properly play at these music stores across the city

Michael Juliano
Written by
Michael Juliano

Before you can take the stage at a local live music venue, you need the proper equipment. Rest assured, Los Angeles is stocked with music stores that cater to both amateurs and professionals alike. From a massive music complex in Echo Park to a beloved acoustic shop in Santa Monica, buy your first guitar or the latest addition to your keyboard collection at these music stores.

9 best music stores in LA

McCabe's Guitar Shop
  • Music
  • Music venues
  • Santa Monica
  • price 2 of 4

If you can pluck it, strum it or hammer it, you'll probably find it at this Santa Monica institution. McCabe's has been specializing in mostly acoustic and folk instruments since 1958, from guitars and banjos to bouzoukis and ouds. By day, it's a revered guitar shop and lesson location, but on weekend nights it doubles as an intimate performance space.

  • Shopping
  • Musical instruments
  • Westwood
  • price 2 of 4

This stalwart music shop has resided in its Westwood space since 1947, serving the likes of Neil Young and Dolly Parton in the process. There's a heavy folk influence here, with a niche selection of dobros and banjos alongside a typical assortment of acoustic and electric guitars and basses. In addition, the shop runs a repair service and a full-blown music academy, with everything from hourly lessons to group classes.

  • Shopping
  • Musical instruments
  • Lincoln Heights
  • price 2 of 4

Pick up a guitar, bass, keyboard or drum set at this Lincoln Heights music shop, alongside amps and effects pedals. As the name implies, the inventory here is largely vintage, particularly a handsome supply of old microphones. The shop also offers repairs on stringed instruments, as well as everything from tube amps to combo organs.

  • Music
  • Music venues
  • Hollywood
  • price 1 of 4

While this Hollywood music emporium is known more for its music collection, Amoeba also sells all sorts of turntables. More importantly, it's maybe the best one-stop-shop for any aspiring turntablist to build up his or her arsenal of tunes. The variety of CDs and records, both new and used, is awesome, the prices are fair and the staff knows its onions.

  • Shopping
  • Musical instruments
  • Hollywood
  • price 2 of 4

This Hollywood shop has been keeping the beat since 1959 as a go-to repair and equipment shop for drummers. You'll find all sorts of snares, sticks and cymbals, as well as electronic kits for apartment dwellers and gongs for, well, inconsiderate apartment dwellers. Additionally, the store sells all sorts of racks, stands and accessories that you just couldn't find in a general music shop.

  • Shopping
  • Musical instruments
  • Downtown Santa Monica
  • price 3 of 4

Nearly every inch of this Santa Monica shop is covered in stringed instruments and accessories. You'll mostly see electric guitars here, alongside acoustic guitars and basses—plus some slightly esoteric instruments, from cigar box guitars to baby sitars. In addition, the store offers repairs, lessons and custom pedalboards.

  • Shopping
  • Musical instruments
  • Little Tokyo
  • price 1 of 4

Part coffee shop, music school and ukulele store, U-Space resides within Little Tokyo's Japanese American Cultural Community Center. In addition to repair service and restoration, the space has all sizes and colors of ukuleles for sale, all of which come with a "free service for life" plan.

  • Things to do
  • Event spaces
  • Echo Park
  • price 2 of 4

Bedrock is a utopia for Eastside musicians, with recording and rehearsal spaces—as well as pinball parlor Pins and Needles—all housed in a single, colorful building. But Bedrock also doubles as a one-stop gear destination; its small retail shop, Muffin Man Music, is geared mostly toward last-minute recording and rehearsal needs and stays open until midnight. Plus, you can rent PA systems, drums, amps and keyboards, as well as get your gear patched up from the in-house electronics and guitar repair.

  • Shopping
  • Musical instruments
  • Highland Park
  • price 2 of 4

The future of music is analog judging by this Highland Park shop's supply. Sure, you'll find modern effects pedals and keyboards here—as well as in-house guitar and equipment repair—but Future Music's differentiator is its stock of pre-1983 equipment (that's pre-MIDI revolution). Make sure to swing by on the second Sunday of each month for the musical instrument swap meet.

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