Just wondering what the phrase “Trix are for kids” refers to.

Is it perhaps from a past QT movie or is this only explained in Vol.2?

Hoping someone could help me out there.

-Backdoor Bandit

Slight spelling mistake…“What does it mean?”

Has something to do with The Bride’s real name. That’s all you need to know dude.

Spoiler, maybe:

Bea-Trix? ??? Hm! ???

Bea-Trix is for kids…

“Dumm gelaufen!” Well I thougt it means something diffrent.

Well, QT said he would expect only Americans to get this joke and it’s a joke the Vipers had in combination with Beatrix’s name and the US Trix commercial. Where that white bunny always tries to eat a bowl of Trix cereal and the two kids in the last moment find him and take it off him and the catch phrase in the commercial is: Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids.

Apparently the rabbit was only allowed to get to eat his Trix twice over the years, once in 76 and once in 1980. They did a poll and kids felt sorry for the rabbit and let him have a bowl, lol. So it’s a famous commercial from the 70’s and he used it in the movie as a joke in combination with The Bride’s real name.

Here is some info on the Trix commercial and rabbit:


Wow, thanks for the very detailed explanation, Mata_Hari!

General Mills cereals aren’t the biggest things in my country compared to say… Tony the Tiger, so I’ve definitely never ever watched any Trix (Lucky Charms or whatever GM churns out) commercials before, save for the print ads in Archie comics. True but strange… if not for Archie, I wouldn’t have a clue as to what a person is supposed to do with Trix.

Anyone notice there’s a lot of cereal in Kill Bill? The Trix thing of course, and then there’s the Kaboom cereal in the beginning of the movie. What kind of cereal product placements will we see in Kill Bill vol.2? Reese’s Puffs? Cracklin Oat Bran?

[quote]Well, QT said he would expect only Americans to get this joke and it’s a joke the Vipers had in combination with Beatrix’s name and the US Trix commercial. Where that white bunny always tries to eat a bowl of Trix cereal and the two kids in the last moment find him and take it off him and the catch phrase in the commercial is: Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids.

Apparently the rabbit was only allowed to get to eat his Trix twice over the years, once in 76 and once in 1980. They did a poll and kids felt sorry for the rabbit and let him have a bowl, lol. So it’s a famous commercial from the 70’s and he used it in the movie as a joke in combination with The Bride’s real name.

Here is some info on the Trix commercial and rabbit:


Thanks for the info, Mata Hari. I ´m from Germany, never heard about this Silly Rabbit cereal thing. (The only silly rabbit I heard from, ws the one who fucked up O-Ren…

just bringing this topic to the top again to delte another one…

Yeh Quentin Tarantino likes putting cereals in his films as he is a BIG cereal fan! i hear he likes to collect cereal boxes and he even used one which had stopped selling, in Pulp Fiction (Lance)!!

Has Quentin actually said that it refers to the Bride’s real name? Cos it just seems to stretch just a little too far. Now if it’s a joke on the whole sceme like how the rabbit couldn’t get the trix or whatever that would make more sense… but to allude back to her name is just too much of a stretch for it to be cool or whatever



I always found that a bit far-fetched

well ive heard that phrase “silly rabbit tricks are for kids” before but im from england and not seen those commercials so the cereal company probably were punning that phrase from somewhere else too. but yeah its def gonna be referring to her name and probably the cereals too because i remember reading a book bout tarantino where hes going on about cereals and the type lance eats in pulp fiction. but i think the important thing it was referring to was the crazy 88 turning up, the were just kids, well teenagers anyway

Ughhh, read the original Kill Bill script. Trix are for kids is what oren and bea said while to their enemies when they were fighting side by side as part of the DiVAS. Oren and Beatrix shared a special friendship that wasnt seen in any other characters besides maybe Bill. Thats why she didnt wanna look back when she knew she had killed Oren because Oren had been her good friend. But the trix are for kids line has nothing to do with her name, its just some random thing that QT used.

Yeah, I think its more of a groovy saying that’s just supposed to sound cool then any sort of edic message…

Yeah, When they say “Silly Rabbit, Trix Are For Kids” I think it was probably a joke among the Vipers for when they couldn’t get what they wanted… like when they couldn’t fulfill the mission or they could kill who they wanted to.

Nope, its very simple. Its a foreshadow on what her name was. Beatrix Kiddo, its supposed to be a humerous thing. The whole time u just think bill is just calling her kiddo, when that was really her last name. When u see the funny name of uma sitting in the classroom and the teacher saying Beatrix Kiddo ur supposed to look back and laugh…Trix are for kids and Kiddo

Little fact I picked up today

In 1954, Trix breakfast cereal was introduced by General Mills. The new cereal, a huge hit with kids, was 46.6 percent


Man, they dont make cereal like that anymore where I live…its all ‘No added sugar’ and ‘no preservatives’…I miss sugar which went under the alias of ‘breakfast cereal’…sniff…those were the days

I like Trix

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I was watching The Simpsons the other day, and Homer and Bart dug a whole in the ground, and wanted to fill it with Lucky Charms because they wanted to lure a Leprechaun. So Homer starts emptying the hole with the cereal box and all these rabbits all of a sudden appeared and jumped in to the hole, so Homer looked at the cereal box which was actually “Trix”, (and then he proceeded to fill it with Lucky Charms) I couln’t help but to smile at that point, because it reminded me of Kill Bill. (no we dont have Trix here in the UK, so references like that are hard to come by!) ;D