Banana Split

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Banana Splits are classic, nostalgic, and can be customized with an endless array of toppings. These banana splits come together in minutes and are perfect for any occasion!

oval dish with classic banana split recipe with vanilla ice cream chocolate sprinkles and a cherry on top.
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Our banana splits couldn’t be easier to make. All you need to do is set everything out and you are ready to go! We like setting out our toppings buffet style so that each person can customize their own banana split. The sliced banana pairs great with candy, ice cream syrups, nuts, and additional fresh fruit.

We like to use bananas that are yellow, but not starting to brown. This will make them easier to slice and will give you a nicer looking banana split. With that being said, you are more than welcome to use whatever bananas you have available!

bite of banana split on a golden spoon.

Why You’ll LoveThis Recipe

  • It is easy to make for a large group.
  • The balance of ripe bananas, vanilla ice cream, and sweet toppings creates a tasty and unforgettable treat.
  • They can be topped with anything from candy to fresh fruit. 

Recipe Ingredients

digitally labeled portion bowls each with raw ingredient to make a classic banana split.
  • Bananas—The perfect sweet vessel to hold ice cream and other toppings.
  • Vanilla Ice Cream—Can be replaced with your favorite flavor of ice cream.
  • Chocolate and Caramel Syrup—Adds a rich, smooth flavor to your banana splits.
  • Whipped Cream—Canned or homemade.
  • Maraschino Cherries—Adds a sweet, fruity burst of flavor.
  • Chopped Peanuts—Provide a savory contrast to the sweetness of the ice cream.
  • Sprinkles—For a colorful finishing touch.

See the recipe card for full information on ingredients and quantities.

How to Make a Banana Split

oval dish with banana split making in progress with bananas and vanilla ice cream.
oval dish with banana split making in progress with bananas and vanilla ice cream chocolate and sprinkles.

Step #1. Slice each of your bananas in half lengthwise. Fill your bowls or dishes with ice cream and add two slices of banana to the sides. 

    Step #2. Top your banana splits with sprinkles, chopped peanuts, caramel, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and cherries as desired. Serve and enjoy!

      Recipe FAQs

      How do I choose the best bananas for banana splits?

      The most ideal bananas to use are ones that are yellow and have few to no brown spots. Using an overly ripe banana with many brown spots will be hard to cut and has the risk of being almost mushy. A green banana that is not yet ripe will not be very sweet and can affect the taste of the banana split. 

      How can I prevent the ice cream from melting too quickly?

      While you can set out your banana split toppings beforehand, we recommend keeping your ice cream in the freezer until all the toppings are laid out and ready to assemble. Additionally, you can serve your banana split in a chilled dish to prevent the ice cream from melting as quickly. You can place your serving dishes in the freezer for about 30 minutes before adding your ice cream.

      Can I make a healthier version of a banana split?

      Absolutely! You can use low fat or frozen yogurt instead of ice cream on your split. As for the toppings, try using fresh fruit, nuts, or granola. Use your judgment to determine what toppings you would like to add if you are trying to avoid sugar or opt for a healthier alternative. You can also add chopped up dark chocolate to add a little bit of extra sweetness. 

      oval dish with classic banana split recipe with vanilla ice cream chocolate caramel sprinkles and a cherry on top.

      Additional Toppings for Banana Splits

      The best part of making a banana split is that there are no rules! You can add any sweet or savory toppings and they will taste amazing on your split. Here are some additional ideas to get you started:

      Fruit toppings:

      • Pineapple chunks
      • Blueberries
      • Raspberries

      Nutty additions:

      Sauces and syrups:

      • Strawberry puree
      • Nutella
      • Butterscotch sauce


      Expert Tips

      • The best way to serve banana splits is by laying out the toppings buffet style so everyone can customize their own dessert.
      • You can heat your sauces or syrups in the microwave for a few seconds before drizzling them on top of the banana split for a nice contrast with the cold ice cream. 
      • Banana splits are best enjoyed fresh so assemble right before eating them. It can be hard to save already assembled splits, but you can make them again if you have leftover ingredients.
      • If your ice cream is too hard to scoop, run the ice cream scoop under hot water for a few seconds to make it easier to scoop it out.
      oval dish with classic banana split recipe with vanilla ice cream chocolate sprinkles and a cherry on top.

      More Dessert Recipes To Consider

      oval dish with classic banana split recipe with vanilla ice cream chocolate sprinkles and a cherry on top.
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      Banana Split

      Banana splits are timeless and nostalgic, offering limitless topping options for customization. They can be assembled in just minutes, making them ideal for any occasion!
      Prep: 5 minutes
      Assembly time:: 5 minutes
      Total: 10 minutes
      Servings: 4


      • 4 ripe bananas
      • 4 cups Vanilla ice cream
      • Sprinkles
      • Chopped peanuts
      • Caramel sauce
      • Chocolate syrup
      • Whipped cream
      • Maraschino cherries
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      • Slice each of your bananas in half lengthwise.
      • Fill 4 oval shaped bowls or dishes with ice cream and add two slices of banana to the sides.
      • Top your banana splits with sprinkles, chopped peanuts, caramel, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and cherries as desired.
      • Serve and enjoy!


      • Ideally you want to use bananas that have a few brown spots, but are not overly ripe. If your bananas are too ripe then they will be difficult to slice in half and if they are too green they will not be very sweet.
      • Other toppings you can use are crushed toffee pieces, strawberry purée, mini chocolate chips, etc.
      • We like to lay out our toppings buffet style so everyone can customize their own banana split.


      Calories: 378kcal, Carbohydrates: 58g, Protein: 6g, Fat: 15g, Saturated Fat: 9g, Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g, Monounsaturated Fat: 4g, Cholesterol: 58mg, Sodium: 107mg, Potassium: 685mg, Fiber: 4g, Sugar: 42g, Vitamin A: 631IU, Vitamin C: 11mg, Calcium: 175mg, Iron: 0.4mg
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