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Mechagodzilla is a mechanized daikaiju created by Legendary Pictures, that first appeared serving as the final antagonist of the 2021 film Godzilla vs. Kong.


Apex Cybernetics developed Mechagodzilla in the aftermath of Ghidorah's cataclysmic rampage in 2019. To control Mechagodzilla via radio waves, a cockpit was created out of Ghidorah's left head's skull. Ren Serizawa, Ishiro Serizawa's son, was the pilot, and while piloting the mecha, he would lapse into a trance. Its purpose was to exterminate all living Titans on Earth so that humans might rise to the top of the food chain.

Godzilla vs. Kong[]

The first glimpse of the Mecha was seen when Godzilla assaulted an Apex facility in Florida in quest of Ghidorah. When Godzilla blew open the base with his atomic breath, he accidently uncovered an unusual metal orb, which was later confirmed to be one of Mechagodzilla's eyes. At the Apex site in Hong Kong, the completed Mechagodzilla was pitted against a Skullcrawler known as Number 10, with the mecha's might and proton scream (a red electrified beam) tearing through the Titan, slashing it in half, and spilling blood across a bunker. Mechagodzilla, on the other hand, shuts down rapidly as the effort depletes its limited power source, forcing its creators to wait for a response from the hollow earth mission.

Mechagodzilla is charged up with energy from the Earth's core after a trip to the Hollow Earth. The vestiges of Ghidorah's consciousness in the skull, however, overrode the controls, electrocuting Ren Serizawa and killing Walter Simmons with a sweep of its palm as a result of the energy surge. Following the great battle between Godzilla and Kong, it escapes from its neighboring facility and wreaks havoc throughout Hong Kong. Mechagodzilla fights its organic counterpart after quickly colliding with Godzilla. Mechagodzilla defeats the King of the Monsters quickly and brutally, and would have killed him if Kong hadn't intervened.

Mechagodzilla defeats and overpowers both Godzilla and Kong despite being pitted against each other. However, before the mecha can kill Kong, Josh Valentine pours Bernie Hayes' bourbon on a control panel, causing it to pause for a brief while, allowing Godzilla to charge Kong's axe. Kong then uses his axe to dismember and decapitate Mechagodzilla, putting an end to the monster's brief reign of terror.

Full Plot[]

Madison Russell, Josh Valentine, and Bernie Hayes find Mechagodzilla in an enclosed Apex facility in Hong Kong after stowing away aboard a carrier containing Skullcrawler eggs. Mechagodzilla put its might to the test against an adult Skullcrawler known as "Number 10," grabbing the Skullcrawler and slicing it in half with its energy beam (known as the Proton Scream). It does, however, turn off shortly afterward. Later, Apex CEO Walter Simmons outlines his plan to use energy from the Hollow Earth to overcome Mechagodzilla's restrictions. Apex manages to hold a stone containing a piece of the energy and utilize it to enhance Mechagodzilla after a trip to the Hollow Earth. Following Godzilla's victory against Kong in the Godzilla-Kong confrontation, Simmons sees this as an opportunity to put his invention to the test and activates Mechagodzilla. Mechagodzilla, on the other hand, malfunctions as a result of the energy surge, electrocuting Ren to death. Ghidorah's consciousness is "awakened" by the combination of the energy source and Ghidorah's brain network, causing it to inhabit Mechagodzilla. Following Godzilla's triumph against Kong in the Godzilla-Kong battle, Simmons sees this as an opportunity to put his invention to the test, and Mechagodzilla is activated. The energy spike, on the other hand, causes Mechagodzilla to malfunction, electrocuting Ren to death. The energy source and Ghidorah's brain network combine to "awaken" Ghidorah's consciousness, producing it to inhabit Mechagodzilla. Godzilla is quickly and brutally overpowered by his mechanical counterpart, who blasts him with numerous weapons and throws him around the city, having grown tired of the previous struggle against Kong. Fortunately, Nathan Lind uses his Hollow Earth vehicle as a defibrillator to resurrect Kong, and Jia persuades him to assist Godzilla. Mechagodzilla, however, even with Kong's help, proves to be too powerful and defeats both kaiju. After Josh pours Bernie's vodka into the robot's control panel, Mechagodzilla stalls before it can finish them off. Godzilla then uses his breath to charge Kong's axe, allowing him to dismember Mechagodzilla limb by limb before ripping its head off, putting an end to the monster's short reign of terror.
