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The movie we will never watch

r/Damnthatsinteresting - The movie we will never watch
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It's a 119th anniversary edition of "Being John Malkovich", which contains unseen footage and deleted scenes.

John has said it is a video of him taking a shit and then yelling at the audience for fucking everything up.

u/Slap_My_Lasagna avatar

Wait, it's just an episode of Space Force?

I'm still angry we aren't getting season 3.

That show should've been so much better than it was imo.

Great cast, solid concept and it just kinda felt flat for some reason

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I loved first season, anticipated second. When it landed with not much fanfare, I watched maybe 10 minutes, turned it of and never returned to it. Can't explain, just didn't like the resolution of cliffhanger it seems. In 30 years of watching TV shows, this is the first time I just didn't care. 

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u/Toss_Away_93 avatar

That man is a national treasure.

So john is just being Malkovich?

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Damn, dude, no spoilers, geez

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I have my 6.0 imdb rating ready for it whenever it is released 😏

You think that's bad.

It's on PirateBay.

u/cassiandracos avatar

Please tell me you're joking haha. That's hilarious.


It’s a short film that Malkovich initially thought would be a commercial. They shot it at the same time as other stuff that has been released. Seems like there may only be 3 actors involved with this project. It was funded by a cognac company that has a 100 year timeframe for aging their product.

they made a teaser about it found it here

Pharrell Williams composed a song titled 100 Years – The Song We’ll Only Hear If We Care. The only copy of the song has been engraved on a unique record made of clay from the Cognac region of France, and stored in a state-of-the art, customised safe that will automatically unlock in November 2117.

Ah, so it's just advertising/a publicity stunt. Lame.

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u/StickFlick avatar

A crummy commercial?

...son of a bitch.

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So it's just a long freaking advertisement for the future

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So in 100 years some marketing majors may HAVE to watch this, but that’s about the whole audience?

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Didn't know that, thanks kind stranger

Yea, that felt super cologne ad-like, but for liqour lol.

he initially thought it was a commercial but it's....[checks notes] ..a commercial

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u/upvoter222 avatar

Someone from r/fullmoviesonyoutube found a copy on YouTube a few days ago:

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It's funny that I'll watch a comedy if it has 6 but if it's a drama or action move it has to be high in the 7 to pique my interest.

u/Groxy_ avatar

It's because a movie can still be critically bad, but funny. Comedies hardly ever get high scores because critics are boring fucks.


Rotten Tomatoes is good for that because it has separate scores for critics and audiences. Sometimes they are WILDLY different.

What you have to do is decide who’s right. Did critics pan a film because of snobbery or did the audience grossly inflate the score because their favourite pop star has a cameo…

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u/Ok_Cardiologist8232 avatar

Nah its that comedies are rarely innovative.

They are funny if you've watched only 1-2 a year.

But once you've watched 20 they are all fairly boring.

Innovative comedies like Tropic Thunder got rave reviews from critics, same with films like Blazing Saddles.

Even films like 21 Jump Street are critically loved.

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for real?

I couldnt find it but i only spent like 2 minutes looking. Noone else has responded with proof

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To promptly discover its format is no longer readable, and the last person with suitable knowledge is an 82 year old vintage tech enthusiast from Lagos

Cowboy bebop had an episode where they needed a vhs player. They found one but it turned out they needed a beta max player

I love that they went through that whole quest, and then the player got dropped off on the next Space Fedex delivery run.

u/RevWaldo avatar

And then you start crying.

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u/Hellkyte avatar

I loved how he just casually kicks the shit out of the machine

u/dark_hypernova avatar

Oh yeah, loved that episode.

Also funny is that the mailing system had been trying to deliver that tape for over a century.

u/klineshrike avatar

Easily one of the most memorable episodes of that anime too. I watched it so long ago, but remember THAT episode well.

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u/scandyflick88 avatar

Who is also a wildly aggressive hermit.

This would be a good dystopian film "Reel Hermits"

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u/smemes1 avatar

With a penchant for buggery

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u/No_Sir_6649 avatar

Hermits are the sane ones.

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u/0h-No-Not-Again avatar

this is already a better premise than whatever 100 year cognac ad John Malkovich cooked tbh

South Park have a 2-part episode that uses this concept really well.

It's called Go God Go and it's a treasure.

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Lightning Fast VCR, how can we help you?

Remember folks, if it isn’t “Lightning Fast VCR Repair” it’s a hack and a fraud

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They could have put the player inside the vault.

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u/RunningRunnerRun avatar

And someone will make an Indiana Jones type movie about finding the vintage tech enthusiast and the action flick will do better than the weird vault movie that no one watches.

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Damn I miss bootlegs. My DVD man woulda still had this anyway lol

u/79watch avatar

lmfao he would.

Interpreters and the bootleg guys are definitely the real ones. I met an interpiter from around kandahar in dallas not to long ago, gives me hope that more than i thought made it out.

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u/Financial-Ad7500 avatar

It’s on the Pirate Bay.

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u/GandalfTheSexay avatar

Would love if Nicholas Cage went on a mission to steal the movie and release it early

u/space_office avatar

He could also bring a copy of Half-Life 3

u/maxman162 avatar

"Maybe the clues are on our money!"

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This will be a nice Easter egg in Fallout 6.

u/drydorn avatar

This will be a nice Easter egg in Fallout 6 Half-Life 3. FTFY

You mean 5? FO4 was the last mainline Fallout

Fallout 4 was 2015. You think one sequel every fifty years is too optimistic?

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u/Fr0gFish avatar

The joke is on them because I was never going to watch that movie anyway

Fr tho, I don't care how illustrious your career is. How can someone just assume they're important enough that folks 100 years from now will care what they did?

u/DepartureDapper6524 avatar

I think it’s less vanity and more, this will be cool for historical reasons.

u/penguins_are_mean avatar

But what if the movie sucks ass?

u/DepartureDapper6524 avatar

It probably does. It’s only interesting as an intentional window into 100 years in the past.

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u/kabukistar avatar

Comments above indicate it's an ad for a cognac company. So it probably does suck.

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Think ultimately it would have the same impact of when you see something mildly interesting on Reddit, then move on to the next thing. I doubt that even in 100 years there will be any fanfare. Though tbh, with the amount of digital content that exist today. Looking back at humanity in our time today probably won't be as impactful as it is now.

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I mean think about movies from about 100 years ago. Black and white silent movies.. only historians know and care about them.

I mean thats not true. Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin all acted in the 1920s and are still incredibly well known, rivalling the status of Babe Ruth as the first modern day celebrities.

And then in the 1930s you get serious classics like the wizard of oz, Frankenstein, the original version of a star is born, King Kong etc etc. And then the 1940s you have all time greatest movies of Casablanca, Citizen Kane and all the Disney movies that kids still watch today like Pinocchio, Dumbo, Bambi. These movies are still very relevant 80-90 years after they were released and still will be in 10 years time when they start turning 100.

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u/JarneWW avatar

That's just not true, just because u don't have any interest in cinema based on its age doesn't mean anyone else is like that

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u/butareyouthough avatar

Watch me make it to 121 years old. Bet on it

I plan to be around to collect that bet

u/butareyouthough avatar

You’re on

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!remindme 100 years

The bot ignored you lol

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u/DanielGREY_75 avatar

I bet that the storage degraded somehow and it's unwatchable

u/butareyouthough avatar

I wouldn’t be surprised but it’s not like we don’t have dozens of examples of over 100 year old film that is still watchable today that I’m sure was stored in less ideal conditions

u/Interesting_Tea5715 avatar

We'll prob see this film like we see current 100yo ones. Neat! But not really like it because it's from a different time we no longer relate to.

It's an ad for a cognac company that will be out of business by the time this drops.

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Or just get the pirated version they made and "leaked" as a fucking AD for Bullshit.