Over 4000 FREE Survival Handbooks & PDFs - SHTFPreparedness Skip to Content

Over 4000 FREE Survival Handbooks & PDFs

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Over 4000 FREE Survival Handbooks & PDFs - I came across the mother load of all free survival PDFs and manuals. They are separated into categories so its super easy to browse and a nice easy layout. All are FREE and can be downloaded and saved to your computer.

While browsing the interwebs this morning, I came across the motherload of all free survival PDFs and manuals. They are separated into categories so it’s super easy to browse and a nice easy layout.

All are FREE and can be downloaded and saved to your computer.

I would also recommend printing them out because what good are they on a computer if the power goes out?

Obviously that will take a lot of ink, so start with the most relevant ones for you or your family. Please share on Facebook and all your social sites so others may get these FREE, too.

Over 4000 FREE Survival Handbooks & PDFs