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Strawberry Sangria

During summer, nothing beats the refreshing taste of Strawberry Sangria, especially on a hot day. This drink combines white wine with homemade strawberry syrup, fresh strawberries, and a splash of club soda for a refreshing touch. It’s the perfect balance of sweet and tangy, with a hint of citrus from the orange slices. Fresh mint leaves add a subtle aroma that enhances the drink. It’s a crowd-pleaser at any gathering. Try making this Strawberry Sangria today; it’s sure to refresh and impress.

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Strawberry Sangria

Strawberry Sangria

Prep Time: 20 minutes
No ratings yet
Course: Drinks
Cuisine: Spanish
Keyword: Sangria, Strawberry
Servings: 6
Author: Paul Kushner
Refresh your summer with homemade Strawberry Sangria. Try this easy recipe today.



Strawberry Simple Syrup

  • 3 cups fresh strawberries sliced
  • ½ cup water
  • cup sugar


  • Strawberry Simple Syrup prepared as above
  • 1 bottle of white wine 750 ml
  • ½ cup club soda or more to taste
  • 2 cups fresh strawberries sliced
  • ½ orange sliced
  • Fresh mint leaves for garnish


Strawberry Simple Syrup

  • In a small saucepan, combine the sliced strawberries, water, and sugar.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, then reduce to a simmer.
  • Let the mixture simmer for about 10 minutes, or until the strawberries are soft and the syrup has taken on a bright red color.
  • Strain the syrup through a fine mesh sieve into a bowl, pressing on the strawberries to extract as much liquid as possible. Discard the solids.
  • Allow the syrup to cool to room temperature.


  • In a large pitcher, combine the cooled Strawberry Simple Syrup with a bottle of white wine.
  • Add the sliced strawberries and orange slices to the pitcher.
  • Refrigerate the sangria for at least 4 hours, or overnight, to let the flavors meld together.
  • Just before serving, stir in the club soda for a refreshing fizz.
  • Serve the sangria over ice and garnish with fresh mint leaves.
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Strawberry Sangria
See also  Ginger Peach Summertime Screwdriver
Please drink responsibly, be fully accountable with your alcohol consumption, and show others respect.

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Paul Kushner

Written by Paul Kushner

Founder and CEO of MyBartender. Graduated from Penn State University. He always had a deep interest in the restaurant and bar industry. His restaurant experience began in 1997 at the age of 14 as a bus boy. By the time he turned 17 he was serving tables, and by 19 he was bartending/bar managing 6-7 nights a week.

In 2012, after a decade and a half of learning all facets of the industry, Paul opened his first restaurant/bar. In 2015, a second location followed, the latter being featured on The Food Network’s Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives.

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