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starring in

by Marc Camolette
adapted by Robin Hawdon
directed by Dennis D. Hennessy
FEB 2ND 2022 – APR 10TH 2022

Bernard is planning a romantic weekend with his chic mistress in his charming country farmhouse on Martha’s Vineyard, while his wife, Jacqueline, is away. He has arranged for a Cordon Bleu cook to prepare gourmet delights, and has invited his best friend, Robert, along too to provide the alibi. It’s foolproof; what could possibly go wrong? Well…. suppose Robert turns up not realizing quite why he has been invited. Suppose Robert and Jacqueline are secret lovers, and consequently determined that Jacqueline will NOT leave for the weekend. Suppose the cook has to pretend to be the mistress and the mistress is unable to cook. Suppose everyone’s alibi gets confused with everyone else’s. An evening of hilarious confusion ensues as Bernard and Robert improvise at breakneck speed.

This comedy was a smash hit in Paris, where it played for over two years, and in London, where it ran for six years. It has since played in theatres all over the USA and the English-speaking world and was revived in Chicago and on Broadway in 2012. This production was nominated for two Tony awards.

The New Theatare is located at 9229 Foster Street, Overland Park, KS 66212. For info call (913) 649-7469.

Click Here for tickets.

Our Almost Completely True Story

Finding true love in Hollywood has always been challenge. When you’re no longer a young starlet it’s even more difficult, regardless of how many movie star friends you have, or how many episodes of Gunsmoke you did. And if you’re a short funnyman with a face for radio, well, you can practically forget it. Still – true love can happen. A statuesque Hollywood icon and a Jewish leprechaun might just fall forever-after in love, if the stars align just right (and she laughs at his jokes). — OUR (almost completely true) STORY is a 90 minute romantic comedy feature written by Mariette Hartley and Jerry Sroka. This is THEIR almost completely true story – So naturally, the two also star, along with Bernie Koppell, Tess Harper, Morgan Fairchild, John Rubinstein, Peter MacNicol, Sam McMurray and others.