Liu Fang music CDs - Chinese pipa and guzheng music - solo albums


Liu Fang's pipa and guzheng music world

Solo albums

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Label: Philmultic | Cat. No.: PMPCD001-3 | Release: 2006

The soul of pipa, Vol. III

Pipa Music from Chinese Folk Roots
performed by Liu Fang on pipa solo

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[01] Zeng Qingrong: Night scene of Red River, dance music of Yi national minority from Yunnan Province (South of China).
[02] Traditional: Autumn moon in the Palace of Han, an ancient melody from traditional repertoire of Yinzhou pipa music (South-East of China) (Listen to the whole piece)
[03] Liu Dehai: Friends from afar, anchor your stay, a folk song of Sani national minority from Yunnan.
[04] Wu Junsheng: The night of bonfire fest, music and dance of Yi national minority from Yunnan.
[05] Zeng Qingrong: Bamboo house, music and dance of Dai national minority from Yunnan.
[06] Liu Dehai: Dao Chui Lian, traditional Guangdong music (South China).
[07] Ren Hongxiang: The love for the Wei River, folk music style of Shanxi Province (West China).
[08] Wang Fandi : Give you a rose, folk music and dance from Xinjiang province (North-West China)
[09] Liu Tianhua: Fantasia on reform, composed in the early 30s on classical style.
[10] Wang Huiran: The dance of Yi people, folk melodies of Yi national minority from Yunnan.

About this CD

This Album features 10 pipa solo pieces performed by Liu Fang as part of the series of 3 CDs: “Soul of pipa (1)” (2001) representing the most ancient classical repertoire for which composers remains anonyms, “Soul of pipa (2)” (2003) reflecting the time evolution of classical repertoire from the ancient traditions to the recent compositions, and the present volume stressing on the various folk roots from different parts of China.

Press reviews

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Label: Philmultic | Cat. No.: PMPCD801 | Release: 2005

Emerging Lotus

Chinese Traditional Guzheng Music

performed by Liu Fang on guzheng solo

Traditional and Classical Chinese Pipa Music

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[01] Lotus emerging on the surface of water
[02] Three variations of plum blossom

[03] A red point
[04] High mountain and flowing water
[05] Seagulls playing in water

[06] The autumn moon in the palace of a Han emperor

[07] Freedom flowers
[08] Pink lotus

[09] Song of fishermen on a home-bound boat during sunset
[10] Chanting of a tiema

[11] Embroidering of the golden tapestry
[12] Guangling fantasia

Press Reviews

"... This is why listening to Liu Fang, true master of Chinese music, one experiences both pleasure and relief at the great music and poetry that she attains with her exquisite playing of the guzheng; through the beauty and lyrical expressiveness she attains, far from being confined to a dusty past, her personal interpretations lead to the discovery of a wide ranging diversity of melodies and sounds, while keeping faithful to a tradition that is thousands of years old." - Lucie Rault, Musée de l'Homme, Paris, 2005.

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Label: Philmultic | Cat. No.: PMPCD001-2 | Release: 2003

The soul of pipa, Vol. II

Chinese Classical Pipa Music
- from the ancient to the recent
Performed by Liu Fang on pipa solo

Traditional and Classical Chinese Pipa Music

[1] Zhu Yi and Wen Bo: Spring Rain
[2] Liu Tianhua (1895-1932): serenity
[3] Yang Jieming: New variation of Tang Dynasty Liuyao-dance
[4] Hua Yanjun (A-bing, 1893-1850): Great waves clean out sands.
[5] Traditional: The ancient tunes from Yingzhou
[6] Liu Tianhua (1895-1932): On the theme of an air to dance.

[7] Ying Rongzhu and Yu Xiaoguang: Songs of Zhaojun
[8] Traditional : The Ambush

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Press Reviews 5 star by La Scena MusicaleClick to see press reviews5 star by La Scena MusicaleClick to see press reviews5 star by La Scena Musicale

This CD is a veritable feast of alluring sounds, ranging from the eloquent and lyrical to the flamboyant and percussive. The varied soundscape produced by one player and one instrument is quite dazzling. Liu Fang's masterly technique (e.g. tremolo, delicate harmonics, lyrical tunes, and boisterous percussive effects), as well as the music itself -- which is based on short sections characterized by ever-changing tempos and dynamics - all evoke an improvised and exciting quality. ... Definitely a CD to enrich anyone's musical palette and provide a sample of China's rich musical heritage, ... The WholeNote Magazine (Toronto), April 3, 2003

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Label: Philmultic | Cat. No.: PMPCD001-1 | Release: 2001

The soul of pipa, Vol. I

Chinese Classical Pipa Music
- from the ancient traditional repertoire
Performed by Liu Fang on pipa solo

Traditional Chinese Pipa music

[1] Swirl snow decorating the evergreen 05:21
[2] A Moonlit night on the Xunyang River 10:38
[3] High mountain and flowing water 02:38
[4] Songs from the other side of the border 11:52

[5] Sunny Spring and white snow 3:02
[6] The moon is high 12:35
[7] Ducks playing in cold water 06:05
[8] The King Chu doffs his Armour 11:31

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Press Reviews

"... a virtuoso player of the pipa (and no slouch on the guzheng zither), as ably displayed on this CD of time-worn compositions from back home. She shifts nimbly from sparse passages that allow the pipa's sharp tones to blossom and breathe, to blistering runs that, in their density, would make flamenco masters weep. - Montreal Mirror, March 21, 2002.

"... Liu's latest CD, Chinese Pipa Music From the Classical Tradition, features the unaccompanied musician working the pipa's four strings and 30 frets. The eight pieces convey haunting, almost cinematic soundscapes, as on A Moon-lit Night on the Xunyang River and Ducks Playing in Cold Water..." - The Gazette (Montreal), March 26, 2002.

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