Kid Rock | Kid Rock

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May 26, 2024
Kid Rock's Rock-N-Rodeo airs on CBS today!

Kid Rock’s Rock N Rodeo airs on CBS today (12pm EST)….I thought for sure the powers that be would try to cancel it airing. Maybe, and HOPEFULLY, this is a sign EVERYONE has had enough of this PC, woke, DEI, everyone gets a trophy, cancel culture world some have tried to force feed us over the past several years. I am so proud of this Rodeo. In my opinion it is the last non woke sporting event that celebrates America and her greatness, a sport where men and women compete together on teams, and not because of some kind of inclusion thing, but because they are the best at what they do! Nothing cooler than cowboys and cowgirls in my opinion. We worked our tails off to make this event happen and I know we have changed the sport of Rodeo forever, and for the better! Look forward to taking Teams Rodeo to the next level and providing sports and entertainment events like no other on earth! Enjoy! Kid Rock



April 09, 2024
R.I.P. Donna Yakes

There are some extra special people that come into your life and Donna Yakes was at the top of that list. She and her husband Tom are my son's Godparents. But Donna and her family were so much more than that. They looked after my son often (and many times myself) and made it possible for me to pursue my career, especially in the early days, when I was making very little money, playing small clubs and working on music as much as possible. Donna had a heart of gold and was the ultimate homemaker and nurturer. I will forever be indebted to her and her family and will FOREVER cherish her smile, her laugh, her pranks, her cooking, our gatherings and always being there for us. I know there is a special place in heaven for people like her. Rest in peace Donna, I love you with all my heart. Bob Ritchie / Kid Rock. 


Donna Yakes' obituary

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