The Meaning Behind The Song: If I Was by Midge Ure - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: If I Was by Midge Ure

The Meaning Behind The Song: If I Was by Midge Ure

The Scottish singer-songwriter Midge Ure wrote the song “If I Was” in 1985. Initially, the song did not receive much critical acclaim, but it soon rose to fame, becoming a classic in pop-rock. Dealing with themes of desire, identity, and self-discovery, the lyrics of the song offer a deep insight into the complexities of human emotions. In this article, we explore the meaning behind the song “If I Was” by Midge Ure.

Verse One: The Importance of Understanding Oneself

The opening verse of “If I Was” invites the listener to introspect and contemplate the significance of self-discovery. The lyrics, “If I was a better man / Would fellow men take me to their hearts? / If I was a stronger man / Carrying the weight of popular demand” reflect the importance of living up to societal expectations and fitting into prescribed roles and labels.

As Ure mentioned in an interview, this song represented a turning point in his career. He had started to question why he was making music, and the entire creative process became challenging for him. The song’s lyrics, therefore, reflect the struggle Ure had with his identity and how he was perceived in the public eye.

Chorus: The Quest for Identity

The chorus of “If I Was” reaffirms the challenges of self-identity. The lyrics, “If I was a better man / Would understand the spaces between friends? / If I was a wise man / Would see that I’m a slave to no man”, delve into the theme of self-doubt and how the quest for a personal identity can often feel burdensome.

During the 1980s, Ure had become an icon in the British pop-rock scene, but he began to realize that fame and recognition were not enough to satisfy his creative pursuits. The lyrics, therefore, offer an honest insight into his disillusionment with his previous success and his pursuit of finding a new creative direction.

Verse Two: The Desire to be Understood

The second verse of “If I Was” conveys a sense of vulnerability and the longing for acceptance. The lyrics, “If I was a good man / I’d understand the spaces between the beginning and the end / If I was a strong man / I’d never hurt you, never worry you again”, reveal the inherent human desire to be loved and accepted.

The song’s lyrics and melody are a testament to the uncertain nature of the creative process and the challenges of expressing oneself. Ure wanted to convey the message that it’s okay to be vulnerable and to express one’s innermost desires.

Chorus: Returning to One’s Roots

The song’s chorus reiterates its underlying theme of the importance of returning to one’s roots and finding meaning in the things that matter the most. The lyrics, “If I Was / If I Was / If I Was / Someone else, someone better / If I Was / If I Was / If I Was / Someone else”.

Ure believes that the song’s chorus is about how we often try to be someone else and how it’s important to embrace our unique qualities. The lyrics, therefore, serve as a reminder that we should be true to ourselves and not be afraid of our vulnerabilities or shortcomings.

Verse Three: Live Up to One’s Potential

The song’s final verse is perhaps the most personal and reflective of Ure’s journey. The lyrics, “If I was a brave man / I’d climb to the top of the mountain / If I was a strong man / I’d swim the ocean for you”.

The lyrics convey the message that we should be brave and undeterred by the challenges that life offers. The song, therefore, encourages its listeners to live up to their potential and embrace their true selves.


1. What inspired Midge Ure to write the song “If I Was”?

Midge Ure wrote “If I Was” during a time when he was struggling with his identity and his place in the music industry. He wanted the song to reflect the complexities of the creative process and the inherent desire to find one’s true self.

2. What does the chorus of “If I Was” mean?

The chorus of “If I Was” reiterates the song’s underlying theme of the importance of finding one’s true self and being true to oneself. It encourages its listeners not to be afraid of their vulnerabilities but to embrace their unique qualities.

3. What is the message behind “If I Was”?

The message behind “If I Was” is one of self-discovery and the quest for personal identity. The song encourages its listeners to embrace their true selves and to be undeterred by the challenges of life.

4. What are the challenges of the creative process?

The creative process can be a challenging and elusive endeavor. The process of creating art requires the artist to be vulnerable, honest, and genuine, all of which can be difficult to express at times.

5. How important is self-discovery in personal growth?

Self-discovery is an essential part of personal growth. It allows individuals to develop a sense of self-awareness and to identify their unique qualities and strengths to realize their potential.

6. What is the significance of vulnerability in art?

Vulnerability is significant in art as it allows the artist to explore and express their innermost emotions and thoughts. It also helps to create a connection between the artist and the audience.

7. What can we learn from the song “If I Was”?

“If I Was” teaches us that it’s okay to be vulnerable and to express one’s innermost desires. The song’s lyrics and melody offer a deep insight into the complexities of human emotions and the importance of self-discovery.

8. How can we achieve a sense of personal identity?

Achieving a sense of personal identity requires introspection and self-discovery. It’s important to identify one’s unique qualities and strengths and to embrace one’s vulnerabilities.

9. How can we be true to ourselves?

Being true to ourselves requires honesty and a willingness to embrace our vulnerabilities. It’s important to identify our unique qualities and strengths and to pursue our passions while staying true to our core values.

10. What are some of the challenges of being a musician?

Being a musician can be a challenging endeavor. The creative process can be elusive, and the musician must be willing to be vulnerable and honest in their expression. Additionally, there is the pressure of fame and recognition, which can be difficult to handle at times.

11. What is the importance of self-expression?

Self-expression is essential to personal growth and development. It allows individuals to express their innermost emotions and thoughts, creating a connection between the artist and the audience, and fostering personal growth.

12. How can we overcome challenges in our lives?

Overcoming challenges requires resilience and a willingness to embrace our vulnerabilities. It’s important to identify our unique qualities and strengths and to pursue our passions while staying true to our core values. Additionally, having a supportive network of family and friends can be instrumental in overcoming adversity.

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