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In the Land of Leadale

14Sub | Dub
336 Reviews
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Due to a terrible accident, Keina Kagami is forced to live on life support in order to survive. The only way for her to be free is within the VRMMORPG "Leadale." One day, her life support stops functioning, and Keina loses her life. But when she wakes up, she finds herself in the world of Leadale 200 years in the future. She is now the high elf Cayna, who possesses lost skills and OP statuses and becomes closer to the other inhabitants of this world. But among those inhabitants happen to be the "children" she made in character creation?!

Kadokawa Pictures Inc.
Japanese, English, Deutsch, Español (América Latina), Français, Português (Brasil), Русский
English, Deutsch, Español (América Latina), Español (España), Français, Italiano, Português (Brasil), Русский, العربية
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(15 reviews)05 January 2022
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My Reviews from episode 1 and 3 are below. These are my final thoughts: I'm going to desperately miss this shot of happy chemicals in anime form. It is my favorite anime of this season by a country mile. Everything about it makes me feel happy while I'm watching and much like Nichijou i will be coming back frequently to both the sub and dub whenever i want to feel good. A second season is VERY unlikely due to low Japanese ratings, but i hope it overcomes that for a second season. That said, the last episode put a nice bow on the show so it does feel like no threads are left untied. (Episode 3 review) My OG Ep1 review is below, here's my updated take: Best anime of the season for that sweet dopamine hit. There's better animated, better voiced, better written-- but this is the one I've been looking forward to since that first week of new drops. If Fruit of Evolution left a bad taste in your mouth or if you're just looking for a fun, unserious anime with a great MC, secondary cast, and okay animation used to best effect, this is your jam. There's "better", but none have the bang for your time-buck enjoyment this has. Well worth it. (Episode 1 review) Liking it! The premise is a really great twist on Isekai/Deep Dive MMORPG animes. I'm not a huge fan of the genres, but the SAO-style starting with tragedy where the MC is cut off from their physical body is always promising. The characters are all fun so far, if a bit generic. MC is likable and well voiced. The world is well drawn even if the animation is a little stiff. Seems like a fun little show with some promise, just keep your expectations realistic in terms of animation quality and originality and such. Enjoy it for what it is, not what you think it should be.

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(4 reviews)13 January 2022
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Simple and sweet

With the two episodes up thus far I'm getting major Kuma Kuma Bear vibes. Not a bad thing at all. Very much feels like an anime to just sit back and enjoy without it feeling like you're sorting through a web of crazy tension or anything. Simple and sweet overall and gets a few little laughs and smiles which given a lot of stuff floating around out there well worth a watch. Edit: As of E6 still fairly lighthearted. Don't need to dig super deep on this, it does feel a bit more shallowish though in how quick it seems to want to move the main char feels oddly swingy in how they act like the writing can't decide what it wants them to be personality wise. It doesn't detract from the overall nice and light fluffy anime vibe it has going but it does kinda make it a little weird here and there.

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(4 reviews)19 January 2022
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3 episodes in, slice of life goodness

There are days where I just want to watch something relaxing and fun, this would be the show. Enjoying this Slice of Life Isekai.

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(8 reviews)20 April 2022
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I Got Bored

I really wanted to get into this Anime but as I watched more episodes, nothing interesting happened. I couldn't really put my finger into what is missing but I got bored. The main character has a very short temper. Usually it is cute but in here she's like pissed off almost all the time that it becomes annoying. I even feel bad for her children. I usually like shows that doesn't really have anything deep so that I can just watch and relax but somehow, this doesn't hit the spot for me.

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(4 reviews)09 February 2022
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A fun premise held back by passable animation and far too much being lost in translation (to put it nicely)

I was very optimistic about this series after watching the first episode, something along the lines of another Overlord with its own flavoring. The premise is simple, our main character is a nice, charismatic girl, and the world is generic VRMMO fantasy that needs little-to-no explanation (again, like your slimes or your overlords). The first two episodes are promising, but I write this as we're 6 episodes in and I can say with confidence that this is a tough weekly watch to come back to. I don't know what here is lost in translation -- from the LN to the animation -- and I'm going to give it the benefit of the doubt and say it's quite a lot. But just like any other series, when reviewing the anime, we can't pretend it is its source material. Our MC makes no sense. In some ways, I will blame this on the anime not conveying her written thoughts from the LN. Thing is, I haven't read it, and I feel like I'm missing out for it. Practically nothing happened this [random] episode, and suddenly our MC is flipping out and chastising other characters around her, or she gets depressed, or suddenly makes a decision that makes little sense, even with context clues. This is an issue, but not a big one. But then we start talking about the plot. It feels as though the plot is secondary to our MC being super duper strong. Here's an example (very light spoiler), so you know what I mean. Are there other players? Unlike Overlord, we get our answer quickly, and some kid is still playing the game, somehow, and he knows it's a game and it's clear he wants to treat it as such. Our MC wins by overwhelming force, and when her opponent is crying on the ground asking to be spared, she doesn't have any questions for him. Not a single one. Not "are you playing or are you trapped," not "how long have you been here?" not "who are you?" Not even when he's been *spared* does anyone ask any questions. I guess all of this to say it has a slow start, and it feels directionless compared to Overlord.