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17 Must-Try Summer Sangria Recipes

When the sun shines and it heats up, I always recommend a summer sangria. It’s the perfect drink for cooling off. These recipes capture the essence of summer, mixing ripe, seasonal fruits with wine, creating a refreshingly flavorful drink. It’s ideal for relaxing afternoons or entertaining at a barbecue. Not just for wine lovers, anyone looking to enjoy a simple, fruit-filled drink will find something to love. These sangrias bring vibrancy and a fun twist to any summer occasion. I suggest checking out this roundup for the best summer sangria recipes.

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classic red sangria in a pitcher with glasses

Red Sangria

This recipe creates a classic sangria that uses brandy and red wine as well as a traditional combination of fruits. An apple, an orange, and a lemon each contribute to the layered fruity taste of this sangria. Before combining with orange juice and brandy, muddle the fruits with sugar to a touch of sweetness.
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Summer Berry Sangria

Summer Berry Sangria

Follow this summer sangria recipe for a berry-forward option. The drink calls for white wine in addition to silver tequila. Since the drink tastes sweet from strawberry nectar, a sweet or dry here. Three varieties of fresh berries incorporate a more fruity flavor, while lemon-lime soda adds a touch of citrus and pleasant bubbles.
Check out this recipe
Strawberry Sangria

Strawberry Sangria

This sangria also prominently features strawberries. Not only does the recipe call for fresh fruit, but it also uses a homemade strawberry simple syrup for double the flavor. White wine gives this sangria its kick, while club soda adds a fizzy element. Ripe orange slices add color and citrus to this fruity sangria recipe.
Check out this recipe
Watermelon Sangria

Watermelon Sangria

Juicy and refreshing watermelon provides a summertime treat and makes for a festive pink drink when used in sangria recipes. This watermelon sangria calls for white wine, vodka, and triple sec, making it an excellent option for winding down on hot summer nights. Lime and orange add a citrus zing to the fruity drink.
Check out this recipe
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Peach Rosé Sangria

Stone fruit makes for a lovely addition to any sangria but melds particularly well with the rosé in this recipe. Peach plays the starring role in this drink, adding bright, fruity notes contrasted by slightly tart raspberries. Fresh peaches, peach brandy, and peach nectar add a punch of flavor mellowed by the addition of sparkling water.
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Summer Rosé Sangria

Summer Rosé Sangria

The next recipe on the list also uses rosé as a base but also calls for Grand Marnier and brandy. Only small amounts of the spirits are used for flavor, so this isn’t a particularly boozy sangria, making it a good choice for serving at casual parties. Pomegranate and lemon juice add intense flavor and a pleasant red color.
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white wine sangria 5

White Wine Sangria

This option is one of the most versatile summer sangria recipes, calling for your choice of fruit. Select options that pair with your choice of white wine, though the recipe recommends a pinot grigio. Orange liqueur and lemon-lime soda add a refreshing burst of citrus that pairs well with any fruit!
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Strawberry Mango Sangria

This fruity sangria introduces the taste of the tropics through ingredients like mango. Strawberries add tart notes that blend perfectly with the sweet white wine in the recipe. A generous portion of coconut rum adds even more tropical notes, making this a perfect option for sipping poolside.
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Blackberry Sangria

Blackberry Sangria

Rich blackberries provide the fruity element in this sangria recipe. Unlike other fruits, the blackberry flavor holds up against the robust dry red wine used in this sangria. Blackberry syrup doubles down on the fruity flavor while adding sweetness, while ginger ale adds a refreshing effervescence. Sliced limes and lemons add contrasting citrus notes.
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Pina Colada Sangria 18B

Pina Colada Sangria

The pina colada sangria provides one of the best options if you want to serve cocktails but don’t have time to make them. Combine white wine with pineapple juice for a sweet and tropical base. Coconut-flavored rum gives the sangria a taste reminiscent of the classic cocktail. Chopped pineapple and maraschino cherries are the fruit elements in this sangria.
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Summer Moscato Sangria IG 5

Summer Moscato Sangria Recipe

One of the lighter summer sangria recipes, this drink calls for Moscato, a sweet wine. Unlike other sangrias, no additional sweetener is used. A plethora of fruits flavors the sangria, with colorful choices like green apples, bright mango, and red strawberries. Blueberries and raspberries add some tart notes that meld nicely with the citrus in the recipe.
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summer sangria square

Peach Strawberry Cherry Summer Sangria

This sangria showcases three flavor-forward fruits, peach, strawberry, and Rainier cherries, which have a more delicate taste than darker varieties. The taste of the cherry adds to but doesn’t overwhelm the other fruit notes. In addition to a drier white wine, vodka melds with these fruity flavors highlighted by a bit of sweetness from the simple syrup.
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Tropical Summer Sangria

This summer sangria is an excellent option for any outdoor party, especially those with a tropical theme. The recipe makes four servings of this citrusy and bright sangria with sparkling Moscato. Pineapples, strawberries, and oranges add fruity elements, while mango-flavored rum incorporates intense tropical tones.
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wickedspatula watermelon peach white wine summer sangria recipe 1

Watermelon Peach White Wine Summer Sangria

Watermelon and peach add sweet mellow, fruity notes, elevated by the addition of tropical mango. White wine and tequila give the drink its punch, while fresh citrus brightens the overall flavor. Fresh mint adds distinctive invigorating notes. Those that prefer a sweeter drink can add honey to the sangria.
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Margarita Sangria

This recipe blends the flavors of the traditional cocktail in the sangria style. Lime and pineapple juice add a sweet yet tart taste that pairs well with the sauvignon blanc. Tequila also contributes to the booziness of the drink. Agave nectar sweetens the sangria, while the fresh basil garnish adds an herbaceous contrast.
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Lavender Sangria

The lavender sangria uses the flower as garnish and in a simple syrup, giving the drink a floral taste and aesthetic. These beautiful drinks make for a stunning option for any party. In addition to a pinot grigio, this recipe calls for brandy and Grand Marnier. Strawberries and peaches add pops of color and fruity flavor to the drink.
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strawbberry rose sangria

Sparkling Strawberry Sangria

Two types of wine combine to make this flavorful sangria. White wine and a sparkling rosé create this drink's tart and bubbly base. White rum gives the sangria more kick, while a simple syrup melds the ingredients with its sweetness. Finally, strawberries add a fruity and attractive element to finish the drink.
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A Summer Sangria feature a large, clear glass pitcher filled with a vibrant red sangria, brimming with colorful slices of oranges, lemons, and berries. The pitcher is placed on a rustic wooden table, surrounded by individual glasses also filled with the sangria, each garnished with a slice of fruit on the rim. In the background, there is a sunlit outdoor scene, possibly a garden or a terrace, with lush greenery and blooming flowers adding to the summery vibe. The lighting is warm and golden, highlighting the refreshing and fruity essence of the drink.

17 Summer Sangria Recipes

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes
4.8 from 4 votes
Course: Drinks
Cuisine: Spanish
Keyword: summer sangria recipes
Servings: 1
Author: Paul Kushner
Cool down this summer with easy-to-make sangria recipes! Perfect for any occasion. Find your favorite now!


  • Pick your favorite recipe
  • Gather all the needed ingredients
  • Prep a summer sangria cocktail in less than 5 minutes
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17 Must-Try Summer Sangria Recipes
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Paul Kushner

Written by Paul Kushner

Founder and CEO of MyBartender. Graduated from Penn State University. He always had a deep interest in the restaurant and bar industry. His restaurant experience began in 1997 at the age of 14 as a bus boy. By the time he turned 17 he was serving tables, and by 19 he was bartending/bar managing 6-7 nights a week.

In 2012, after a decade and a half of learning all facets of the industry, Paul opened his first restaurant/bar. In 2015, a second location followed, the latter being featured on The Food Network’s Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives.

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An Applejack Cocktail in a cozy autumn orchard setting. The cocktail is a warm blend of applejack, apple cider, and a hint of cinnamon or nutmeg, served in a rustic glass or mug. It has a rich, amber color, garnished with an apple slice or a cinnamon stick. The background features an inviting autumn orchard scene with ripe apples on trees, fallen leaves, and a rustic wooden table, capturing the essence of the harvest season and the warm, comforting flavors of the Applejack Cocktail.

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