【官方頻道】Lalamove Hong Kong – Telegram
【官方頻道】Lalamove Hong Kong
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【歡迎你加入Lalamove Hong Kong ! Welcome to Lalamove Hong Kong 】🚐🚚🛵🏃🏻

本頻道將公佈所有Lalamove 的資訊及動向,例如優惠,獎賞活動,車貼計劃/交相事項,系統更新,通告等等。


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【歡迎你加入Lalamove Hong Kong !Welcome to Lalamove Hong Kong 】

本頻道將公佈所有Lalamove 的資訊及動向,例如優惠,獎賞活動,車貼計劃/交相事項,系統更新,通告等等。

【優惠期有限】快啲嚟領取 Lalamove 全新保溫袋啦!依家上荔枝角辦公室領取新袋只需 $100,攞完新袋15日內完成一程之後仲會回贈返 $100 比你!💰 優惠期有限,換完即止。

🎉[GOODIES ALERT] 🎉 Lalamove exclusive delivery bag are now available for FREE!! 🤑🤑

Get a LalaBag from our office with $100 deposit and complete an order within 2 weeks to get your deposit back to your e-wallet now! 💰
🧧農曆新年快到了,Lalamove 預祝大家鼠年快樂!🐭

由於叫車需求因節日急劇增加,為確保各位師兄師姐的利益,Lalamove 將對以下日子的每張柯打收取額外附加費。調整的價格將自動更新,請以此價格為準。

Happy Lunar New Year! 🧧 There will be an additional holiday surcharge on 17th, 18th, 20th and 21st of Jan, the price will be automatically adjusted in our app.
[入帳程序更新] 無論是 電子錢包轉賬 或 銀行入帳請務必填妥表格  並於入數紙填寫「跑台電話號碼」及「跑台車牌」,否則該入數轉賬將不獲受理且不作另行通知。

[UPDATE] Please fill in the following form for purchasing membership / account top-up. Remember to upload the relative bank in advice, or else your transaction will not be handled.

【官方頻道】Lalamove Hong Kong pinned «[入帳程序更新] 無論是 電子錢包轉賬 或 銀行入帳,請務必填妥表格  並於入數紙填寫「跑台電話號碼」及「跑台車牌」,否則該入數轉賬將不獲受理且不作另行通知。 [UPDATE] Please fill in the following form for purchasing membership / account top-up. Remember to upload the relative bank in advice, or else your transaction will not be handled.…»
【Lalamove問卷調查📣 】 為咗了解師兄師姐們選擇柯打時嘅偏好。請協助完成以下簡單嘅問卷,方便我哋收集相關資訊。(問卷需時約兩分鐘)


【CNY Office Hour】Operation hours will be change due to CNY holiday.
24 Jan : 9 am to 2 pm
Also, Operation hours of CS hotline will change to 9 am to 7 am from 24 Jan to 28 Jan. Thank you for your attention and wish you have a happy CNY holiday🥳
🎉[系統更新]📢 新一年,Lalamove司機版應用程式將進行以下三項更新,希望各位新一年能擁有更好的接單體驗!

1.每張 🚛 噸車柯打 🚚 的假日收費將會由 $15 調高至 $30(只適用於早上7時至晚上8時59分)




[APP Update] There will be 3 updates in our app to enhance your experience with us:

1. Holiday surcharge for TON will increase from $15 to $30 (ONLY valid between 7am to 8:45pm) 🚚🚛

2. Multiple stop discount for TON and Van will be deactivated 🚐🚛

3. Orders list will be sorted by distance - order nearest to you will show on top of the list

Happy Chinese New Year 🧧🧧
新年期間出行,記得注意衛生,勤洗手,帶口罩😷 祝大家身體健康,🐭年行大運🧧

Remember to wash your hands and wear a mask during Chinese New Year. All the best and stay healthy!
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