Gandhi the Man: How One Man Changed Himself to Change the World by Eknath Easwaran | Goodreads
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Gandhi the Man: How One Man Changed Himself to Change the World

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This is the moving story of a nonviolent hero, illustrated with more than 70 photographs, and told by a highly respected author who grew up in Gandhi’s India.

Gandhi’s life continues to inspire and baffle readers today. How did an unsuccessful young lawyer become the Mahatma, the “great soul” who led 400 million Indians in their struggle for independence from the British Empire? What is nonviolence, and how does it work?

Easwaran answers these questions and gives a vivid account of the turning points and choices in Gandhi’s life that made him an icon of nonviolence. Easwaran witnessed at firsthand how Gandhi inspired ordinary people to turn fear into fearlessness, and anger into love. He visited Gandhi in his ashram to find out more about this human alchemy, and during the prayer meeting watched the Mahatma absorbed in meditation on the Bhagavad Gita, the scripture that was the wellspring of his spiritual power.

Quotations highlight Gandhi’s teachings in his own words, and sidebar notes and a chronology, new to this updated edition, provide historical context.

This book conveys the spirit and soul of Gandhi – the only way he can be truly understood.

216 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1973

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About the author

Eknath Easwaran

176 books569 followers
Eknath Easwaran (1910–1999) is the originator of passage meditation and the author of more than 30 books on spiritual living.

Easwaran is a recognized authority on the Indian spiritual classics. His translations of The Bhagavad Gita, The Upanishads, and The Dhammapada are the best-selling editions in the USA, and over 1.5 million copies of his books are in print.

Easwaran was a professor of English literature and well known in India as a writer and speaker before coming to the United States in 1959 on the Fulbright exchange program. In 1961, he founded the Blue Mountain Center of Meditation, based in Tomales, California, which continues his work today through publications and retreats.

His 1968 class on the theory and practice of meditation at UC Berkeley is believed to be the first accredited course on meditation at any Western university. For those who seek him as a personal spiritual guide, Easwaran assured us that he lives on through his eight-point program of passage meditation.

"I am with you always”, he said. “It does not require my physical presence; it requires your open heart."

Please visit for a fuller biography.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 169 reviews
Profile Image for S.E. Nelson.
Author 3 books60 followers
January 1, 2013
If you are a Gandhi fan, as I am, this is the kind of book you keep on your shelf. It is a lesson in what mankind can achieve if he is willing to do so. Gandhi believed that everyone has greatness in them, and that he wasn't special or different from any other man. Well, after reading the book I believe he was a gift to mankind. The author does a good job of illustrating how Gandhi's background shaped who he became. It's because of him that people like Martin Luther King succeeded. As they say, he was the grandfather of non-violence. The illustrations of Gandhi in the book add more to his persona. Gandhi's spirituality as expressed in this book made me want to be a better person. If you want to understand Gandhi the man, this is a very good book to read.
Profile Image for Sanaz Rezapour.
33 reviews11 followers
April 6, 2020
سرگذشت اينكه چگونه يك وكيل خجالتى و به گفته خودش انسانى عادى با تمامى تناقض هاى ذاتى انسانى، با كمك ساتياگراها(نيروى روح و حقيقت) و اهيمسا(عدم خشونت) تبديل به مهاتما(روح بزرگ) شده و رهبرى ٤٠٠ ميليون هندى را طى استقلال خواهى در دوران سلطنت بريتانياى كبير بر هند ، بر عهده مى گيرد و چنان انقلابى در شيوه دادخواهى بدون اعمال خشونت بنيان مى گذارد كه تمامى جهانيان را تا به امروز متأثر مى سازد.
در طول خواندن كتاب به اين فكر ميكردم كه جهان درواقع پيامبران و پيشوايان بسيار بيشترى نسبت به آنچه ما تصور ميكنيم داشته است.
پ.ن: ترجمه شهرام نقش تبريزى بسيار روان و دقيق بود.
Profile Image for HAMiD.
466 reviews
April 26, 2017
کتاب شیوه ی اندیشه ی گاندی را می پردازد و راهگشای اندیشه در مورد کارکرد این شیوه در زندگی شخصی هم می تواند باشد. ساتیاگراها(نیروی روح) و اهیمسا(دوری از خشونت) که گاندی آنها را اصول اساسی تغییر درون خود می داند که کم کم جهانگیر می شود و به آزادی مردمش می رسد ولی هیچگاه پایان پذیر نیست. بازگردان به پارسی کتاب خوب بود و به زبان اصلی نزدیک به گمانم. برای آغاز روزهای نو این کتاب بسیار اندیشمندانه و کاراست.
پایان گرفت در یکم فروردین یکهزارو سیصد و نود و شش خورشیدی

"Be the change you want to see in the world." These words are by Mahatma Gandhi and his way's basic point to find the truth. In that book we can find new points about ourself and the way to life. This is Gandhi massage.
Profile Image for Hussein Dehghani.
86 reviews2 followers
June 5, 2017
«عشق ورزیدن به آنانی که ما را دوست دارند، عدم خشونت نیست. عدم خشونت یعنی به کسانی که از ما متنفرند عشق بورزیم. من خود می‌دانم که پیروی از این قانون بزرگ عشق تا چه اندازه دشوار است. اما مگر انجام همه‌ی کارهای بزرگ و با ارزش دشوار نیست؟ عشق به کسی که از ما متنفر است، دشوارترین کارهاست. اما به لطف و رحمت خدا، حتی این دشوارترین کارها نیز اگر مصمم به انجامش باشیم، سهل و ساده خواهد شد.»
«همواره خود را ناتوان از احساس تنفر نسبت به هر موجودی نگاه داشته‌ام. با توسل به دوره های طولانیِ انضباط شدید توأم با دعا و عبادت، چهل سال است که از احدی در دل نفرت ندارم. می دانم که این، ادعایی بزرگ است؛ با وجود این در نهایت تواضع چنین ادعایی دارم.»
«اما از پلیدی، هر کجا که باشد، متنفرم. من از نظام حکومتی ای که انگلیسیان در هند بر پا ساخته‌اند متنفرم. از استثمار بی رحمانه‌ی هند متنفرم. به همان اندازه که از اعماق وجودم از نظام زشت نجس‌انگاری [اعتقاد هندوان به نجس بودن طبقه‌ای از جامعه] که میلیون‌ها هندو بانی آنند نفرت دارم. اما همان‌گونه که از هندوان سلطه‌جو نفرتی در دل ندارم، از مستبدان انگلیسی نیز هیچ تنفری ندارم. من در پی آنم که با توسل به روش‌های عاشقانه‌ای که پیش‌رو دارم در اصلاح آنها بکوشم. ریشه‌های عدم همکاری من نه در نفرت که در عشق نهفته است.»
Profile Image for Fereshteh.
250 reviews633 followers
July 16, 2015

تصور اولیم از این کتاب یه قالب بیوگرافی وار از زندگی گاندی بود ولی غیر از فصل اول کتاب که مختصر راجع به زندگی متفاوت قبل از گاندی شدن گاندی توضیح میده بقیه قسمت ها به توضیح و معرفی "ساتیاگراهی" میگذره و روش عملی گاندی برای مبارزه با استعمار بریتانیاو روش دور از خشونت و در ارامش کامل و سرشار از عشق به همه حتی دشمن....کتاب گویا گاندی رو نمونه ای مثالی قرار داده برای معرفی و تبلیغ ساتیاگراهی
ولی من به شخصه چون می دونستم هرگز به این درجه نمی رسم بی خیال خوندن بسیاری از قسمت ها می شدم :دی
در مجموع کتاب بدی نیست و خوندنش توصیه میشه ولی کتاب با این که حجم کمی داره به نظرم می شد از این هم خلاصه تر نوشته بشه !
Profile Image for Heather.
241 reviews5 followers
April 20, 2012
I keep wondering if this is actually a five star book because it is one I definitely want to own. We watched the 1982 film about Mohandas K. Ghandi this spring, and it sparked my interest in learning more about him. Ghandi started out as a regular boy and a regular man, and made himself into a mountain of spiritual strength who brought about a bloodless revolution in one of the world's most populous countries. This biography was written as a tribute by the author of my favorite meditation book, who knew Ghandi personally. Easwaran is an excellent writer with a way of making spiritual quests clear and gripping. The only small complaint I had was that his tone became almost a little too reverential towards the end, which I don't think Ghandi himself would have been comfortable with. Part of Ghandi's charm--and even his message and his life--is that he thought nothing of himself.

My very favorite parts of this book were the words of Ghandi himself that kept popping up as quotes in sidebars. He was an amazing man who said and did amazing things.
Profile Image for Erin.
356 reviews9 followers
June 29, 2011
I was absolutely thrilled to win a copy of this book through Goodreads First Reads, and simply could not wait to learn more about this remarkable man who has made such an impact on humanity and the world.
The aesthetic quality of the book is simply remarkable. Before I even began reading, I flipped through the glossy pages as I would a photo album, in awe of the large, intimate photos of Gandhi's life. Nearly every photo is graced with Gandhi's own words that reveal compassion, strength, and wisdom rarely found in humanity. His words seem to contrast his visual frailty, though the text will inform you that he was anything but weak and frail.
What I loved about the text was the emphasis placed on Gandhi's physical, emotional, and psychological struggles that led him to become the extraordinary man he came to be. It is hard to imagine that Gandhi was not always such an enlightened and compassionate soul, but his struggles with shyness, his below average performance in academics, and his turbulent marriage all shine a light on Gandhi's humanity and his remarkable evolution over the years. It's been said the behind every great man is a great woman, and this seems to ring true for Gandhi as well. Enath Easwaran indicates that Kasturbai, Gandhi's wife, was integral to his evolution, and Gandhi's own words demonstrate the deep love and respect he held for his wife.
It is clear that Gandhi did not simply have a philosophy or ideology that he preached to the world, but instead allowed his life to be his message. Though the text goes into no great detail regarding the history and politics surrounding India's battle with the British, this book shines light on Gandhi's spirituality, his compassion towards all of humanity, his incredible strength and influence over the people he came in contact with, and most importantly his philosophy of nonviolence. Gandhi's life proves that change can happen without violence, without war, and without alienating one group from another.
Really, my only complaint is that I wanted more. This text has a very clear focus, and Easwaran does an excellent job of bringing Gandhi the man to life. But for me, to truly understand Gandhi as a man, I need more history, more details, and a clearer context, but this was a beautiful and visually stunning introduction to his life, one that will grace my shelf for years to come.
Profile Image for Adriane Devries.
509 reviews10 followers
July 9, 2016
This journalistic snapshot of the life of Ghandi introduced me to this compelling, endearing man, whose self-discipline and indomitable will over a lifetime enabled him to love his enemies and to seek their own welfare as ardently as his own. His principle of social reform, called Satyagrahi, is based on the Bhagavad Gita, from which he draws direct parallels to Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, and purports that the victim and exploiter are one, rather than contenders who must win at the expense of one another: thus, neither is free while the other is enslaved. He used nonviolent noncooperation with his massed followers against the injustices of British imperialism, and because his methodology was sincere, respectful, restrained, never defiant nor capricious or hateful, not self-serving or compulsive, patient, and eager to suffer even for its enemy’s greater good, he won over his enemy’s heart. Policy change soon followed.

What others called political reform, he claimed was merely an outflow of his ongoing devotion to the Lord of Love, and that “all my activities run into one another; and they all have rise in my insatiable love of mankind,” and he said that if you want to define his religion, “You must watch my life, how I live, eat, sit, talk, behave in general. The sum total of all those in me is my religion.” Thus, like Jesus, his spirituality was not a dry set of rules to follow, but rather a life of beauty and love, a life that is in itself a poetic work of love and devotion to God. For others who wish to attain this kind of spiritual depth, he claimed, “I have not the shadow of a doubt that any [one] can achieve what I have, if he would make the same effort and cultivate the same hope and faith.”
Profile Image for Jacque.
74 reviews3 followers
July 28, 2011
This is a biography of Gandhi. It explains his philosophy of nonviolence and how he used it in South Africa and then in India to help the Indian people in both places win their freedom. I found the book to be very interesting. I had heard of Gandhi in the past but this book made him into a real person and showed me how one person can make a difference.
It also explains the use of nonviolence as used by Gandhi in India and how it can be used today. It can be used in our families or in our workplaces. I found the concepts used in this book to be very interesting. I think that violence is overused and does not really come up with a solution to the problem. Violence just kills the problem.
Gandhi seemed to understand what violence does to people and tried to teach people how to handle problems without violence. He spent a lot of time in jail and his life ended in a tragic way. He was assassinated by a man who was angry because Gandhi was succeeding. This book is a wonderful book for learning more about Gandhi and also learning more about his principles of nonviolence.
Profile Image for Samuel.
430 reviews
February 15, 2019
I am ashamed to say that I did not know very much beyond a very fuzzy idea of who Gandhi was: a Hindu-influenced spiritual/political leader who championed a radical concept of nonviolence and civil protest that helped to liberate India from British rule in the mid-twentieth century. For example, I didn't know that he was married at age 14 and that he credits his wife with teaching him the power of love and patience (and he also admits to a shameful past of lustful desires toward her and at times domineering behavior before coming to some radically shifted perspectives on equality and forbearance). I didn't know that he trained to be a lawyer in London for three years or that he began his nonviolent protests in South Africa (and later organized similar protests of colonial rule, caste distinctions in India). I also was amused to learn that he had four sons.

This book fleshes out the legendary figure presenting a very human man, who transformed himself from being initially a fairly common person reacting to his environment and going along with the cultural web to which he was born into. This in no way diminishes but rather enhances one's understanding of the peaceful pacifist and disciplined practitioner of civil disobedience that he became. I enjoyed getting to know more about this man whose humble commitment to ideals of equality, love, and nonviolence literally changed the world that we live in.

[I remember that my good friend Tony Mercer used this book as the subject for an Elders Quorum lesson in the Berkeley Ward in 2011. I believe he mentioned that this was one of his favorite books, so I am glad to finally have had the chance to read it in its entirety--also it was a surprisingly concise account.]
Profile Image for Kimi.
390 reviews29 followers
March 3, 2017
I feel totally guilty give 2 stars for this book. Bukan salah Gandhi kok ini. Sekali lagi bukan. Siapa yang tidak terpesona dengan karisma beliau? Orang hebat beliau itu dan India patut bersyukur memiliki Gandhi.

Tapi ini masalahnya ada di... Entahlah. Sejak awal membaca saya merasa buku ini tidak mampu menarik saya lebih dalam. Bukunya juga terlalu ringkas. Kurang pas kalau mau dibilang biografi karena isinya kebanyakan pandangan si penulis akan Gandhi. Juga pokok-pokok ajaran Satyagraha sih.

Saya jadinya sekarang malah penasaran sama buku biografi Gandhi yang betul-betul biografi ya. Saya jadi semakin penasaran dengan beliau. Siapa tahu saya bisa menerapkan ajaran Satyagraha-nya (meski itu tampak sangat mustahil).
1,149 reviews4 followers
November 5, 2020
If it were possible to rate this book ten stars, I would. Excellent chronology as well as great pictures.
1 review
May 13, 2024
"Gandhi the Man: How One Man Changed Himself To Change The World" is a biography written about Mahatma Gandhi by Eknath Easwaran. The book give details of the life of a great man and how he transformed himself to change the world. It was very easy to read, only 175 pages in large words, large pictures, and plenty of awesome quotes, and yet it still did a good job at explaining who Gandhi was and why and how he changed the world in his simple ways.

The said man was very shy during his teenage days and was a below average student at school. He was a person you won’t look at twice when you cross paths on the street. His career as a lawyer was a failure. But one thing that is for sure is that he never gave up. His wake-up call came when he was in South Africa solving a case among two family members. He realized that winning a case against an opponent is not a win but living in peace with everyone is what matters. He lost his mother. His wife was a major source of inspiration to him. Living in South Africa at a time when Indians were mistreated and taken advantage of made him stand up for himself and his people. He encouraged them to stand up for themselves too and demand their rights through non-violence.

Gandhi was a very spiritual person who had lived his life according to the Bhagavad Gita. He uses the Bhagavad Gita as a guide to live and to solve problems with his enemy. Gandhi was shot by one of his enemies. He died but his teachings continued to spread throughout the world. Back in his hometown, although they were ruled by the British, he never really experienced the abuse of human rights because his family was always there to provide him with love and care whenever he needed it. But when he traveled to foreign country, it was the turning point of his life. Because his family was not there to comfort him, he was alone in a country he hardly knew and there were people who looked nothing like him. It helped to transform and turn his life around.

I can relate to Gandhi in the same way because as an only child who was living in the Caribbean with mom and dad. We had to leave our comfort home and move to a foreign country. Knowing nothing would happen next. And when you have to fit into an environment that you don't like that much, it's hard. Living in the States is helping to shape my life to not be dependent on others. I believe in myself that I can do anything and have a good mind set and encouragement.

The author does a good job of illustrating how Gandhi's background shaped who he became. It's because of him that people like Martin Luther King succeeded. As they say, he was the grandfather of non-violence. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn a little bit about Gandhi, his life and how he fights with non-violence for this country.
Profile Image for Edy.
273 reviews33 followers
January 7, 2014
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi dilahirkan di Sudamapuri India 1869. Beliau dimasa kecil dikenal sebagai anak yang rendah diri, kurang pintar, kurang pergaulan namun sangat berbakti kepada orangtuanya. Saat usia 13 tahun dan masih di sekolah menengah atas, beliau dinikahkan dengan Kasturbai. Pernikahan di usia muda membuat rumah tangga mereka sering bergejolak walaupun mereka juga berusaha untuk saling menyesuaikan diri.

Setelah lulus sekolah menengah atas dengan nilai pas-pasan, Gandhi melanjutkan study di Inggris di bidang hokum. Di sana dia belajar beradaptasi dengan budaya bangsawan Inggris, namun hal itu malah menimbulkan alienasi (keterasingan). Gandhi akhirnya berusaha mencari jati dirinya sendiri dengan menanggalkan budaya Inggris yang selama ini dipakainya. Setalah 3 tahun, Gandhi berhasil menamatkan pendidikannya dan pulang ke India. Disana dia mendapati kenyataan pahit bahwa ibunda yang disayanginya telah meninggal.Di India Gandhi berusaha menjadi pengacara namun rasa mindernya membuat dia gagal.

Gandhi kemudian mendapatkan pekerjaan sebagai konsultan hukum di sebuah perusahaan di Afrika Selatan yang saat itu masih kental dengan budaya apartheid dan banyak orang India di sana. Karena menjadi konsultan hokum swasta yang sedang menghadapi masalah perdata, Gandhi mengalami kesulitan tentang akuntansi. Gandhi tidak patah semangat sehingga dia mulai belajar pembukuan (akuntansi). Semangat kerja kerasnya membuahkan hasil sehingga dia menguasai teknik pembukuan dengan baik. Kasus perdata yang ditanganinya pun berhasil dia selesaikan dengan pendekatan musyawarah win-win solution dengan pihak lawannya. Kepiawaian Gandhi yang memecahkan persoalan hokum dengan “hati” kemudian menarik banyak pihak lain, sehingga konsultan hokum Gandhi berkembang dan mengalami kejayaan pada saat Gandhi menginjak usia 27 tahun.

Meski Gandhi sudah makmur secara ekonomi, Gandhi mempunyai kegelisahan melihat banyak warga keturunan India yang memperoleh perlakuan tidak adil di Afrika Selatan tersebut. Gandhi kemudian mulai meninggalkan kehidupannya yang mapan dan beralih sederhana. Gandhi kemudian terlibat dalam aktivitas pelayanan social seperti merawat orang sakit dan terlibat dalam Korps Ambulan India ketika terjadi Perang Boer di Afrika Selatan.

Ketaatan terhadap agama Hindu yang dianutnya dan juga dari beberapa kitab suci lain yang dibacanya, membuat Gandhi menemukan kembali beberapa ajaran penting yang kemudian dipergunakan sebagai pegangan hidup garis perjuangannya yakni Satyagraha, Ahimsa dan Swadeshi. Ajaran2 tersebut mula-mula dia kembangkan di Afrika Selatan, namun kemudian makin berkembang ketika beliau pulang ke India di tahun 1915.

Satyagraha adalah berpegang teguh pada jalan kebenaran dan keadilan. Kebenaran dan keadilan adalah menjadi “tujuan perjuangan”. Beberapa poin penting dalam ajaran Satyagraha ini adalah (a) setiap orang pasti mempunyai nilai kebenaran universal dalam sanubarinya. Oleh karenanya untuk mengatasi konflik harus diupayakan untuk bicara dari hati ke hati dan kompromi guna menemukan nilai kebenaran tersebut tanpa rasa permusuhan, (b) Kebenaran sejati akan muncul bila kita tidak mempunyai pamrih kecuali pamrih menegakkan kebenaran itu, (c) satyagraha bukan merupakan sebuah metode resolusi konflik, tapi merupakan pola pikir dan pola hidup bagi pemeluknya, (d) satyagraha menuntut pemeluknya untuk mau berempati dan berani menghadapi penderitaan, (e) pihak yang berseberangan seperti lawan politik yang dihadapi haruslah dianggap sebagai mitra untuk menemukan kebenaran dan bukan sebagai musuh, (f) penegakan satyagraha diarahkan untuk merubah system yang menindas dan bukan perlawanan terhadap individu tertentu.

Ahimsa merupakan ajaran Gandhi berikutnya dimana beliau menekankan perlunya pendekatan anti kekerasan (nirkekerasan). Untuk mencapaui tujuan perjuangan yakni mewujudkan kebenaran (dan keadilan (Satyagraha), pejuang haruslah menempuh cara nir kekerasan (Ahimsa). Lebih baik mengorbankan diri sendiri seperti protes, mogok kerja, pembangkangan kebijakan publik dll untuk menegakkan kebenaran daripada melakukan aksi yang menumpahkan darah.

Swadhesi merupakan ajaran Gandhi yang menekankan perlunya swasembada untuk mengurangi ketergantungan dan penjajahan oleh pihak lain. Contoh yang dikembangkan oleh Gandhi adalah pengembangan kain tenun local untuk mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap import textile dari Eropa.

Pengaruh ajaran Gandhi tersebut makin meluas di India sehingga beliau menjadi tokoh pergerakan kemerdekaan India yang terkemuka. Beliau menjadi tokoh spiritual yang bijak dan negarawan yang disegani tidak hanya oleh bangsanya tetapi juga disegani di tingkat dunia. Kesederhanaan beliau dan kehidupan yang tanpa pamrih membuat beliau begitu diagungkan dan mampu meluluhkan hati lawan-lawannya dalam memperjuangan kemerdekaan bangsanya. Beliau orang yang sudah melepas dendam, sehingga beliau memaafkan orang yang telah membunuhnya.

Di balik keagungan hidup Gandhi, beliau mengakui bahwa peran Kasturbai (istrinya) sangat besar. Gandhi mengakui bahwa sifat mengalah serta keseimbangan menjaga harmoni dari istrinya menjadi salah satu factor yang membuatnya bisa menemukan kembali ajaran satyagraha dan ahimsa. Memang benar kata pepatah “ dibalik pria yang sukses, dibelakangnya terdapat wanita-wanita yang hebat”…..

Buku ini sangat mengasyikkan untuk dibaca. Kita diajak menelusuri jejak pemikiran Gandhi yang penuh spiritualisme Timur (Hindu dan Buddha). Saya sendiri merasa banyak ajaran Gandhi yang sejalan dengan budaya dan filosofi yang berkembang di Indonesia. Itu mungkin banyak ajaran dan nilai2 yang berkembang di Indonesia juga dipengaruhi oleh ajaran Hindu, tapi mungkin itu juga disebabkan oleh begitu universalnya pemikiran2 seorang Mahatma Gandhi……
Profile Image for Erik Graff.
5,073 reviews1,244 followers
March 3, 2024
I've always had heroes, role models in life. Some, like a paternal great-uncle or my grandfather-in-law, are unsung. Some were world-historical. From childhood the list included--and still includes--the likes of Eugene Debs. Albert Schweitzer and Mohandas Gandhi.

I've read several biographies of Gandhi, those by Louis Fischer and William Shirer being the most influential, as well as his own early autobiography and at least one scholarly tome. This one, however, is more impressionistic, focused on Gandhi's 'philosophy/praxis' and replete with very many photographs, some of which I'd never seen before. As such, it was a refresher. As such, it was also somewhat soothing and centering--as well as inspirational.
Profile Image for Andrei Vajna.
Author 1 book4 followers
September 9, 2018
Short, insightful narration of how Gandhi, a failed lawyer, became absolutely obsessed with changing himself, taking things to extreme in dedicating his life to the service of others. In the end it is amazing that he had such an impact over 400 million people (and even others outside India) promoting non-violence at all costs even in the face of certain death.

What I felt was missing was more details about how he convinced others of his vision. Usually it's only stated that even the harshest oponents came to change their minds after just talking to him.
1,145 reviews3 followers
March 24, 2019
Gandhi the Man is an excellent overview of Gandhi’s life and his push for nonviolent resistance. There are lots of pictures and quotes throughout. I recommend it to anyone who wants to learn a little bit about Gandhi.
Profile Image for Mahbobeh.
66 reviews
May 23, 2017
كتاب خوب و مفيدى بود و باعث شد شناخت بيشترى نسبت به گاندى بزرگ پيدا كنم و چه حيف كه دست سرنوشت امانش نداد تا هندى زيبا و عارى از خشونت بسازد .
Profile Image for Nicholas Poveda.
66 reviews
April 8, 2022
It would have been more interesting and insightful if the book delved more into the controversies of Gandhi’s life. At least this book has easy to follow stories, even if they seemed out of chronological order at times.
415 reviews77 followers
April 9, 2009
I found this book incredibly inspiring. I feel a little ashamed that I didn't actually know much about Gandhi. I knew of him, but not much about him. I didn't know just how incredibly effective he was, and I didn't understand why he thought passive resistence was such a big deal. I felt like I understood these things after I read this short book. It was very easy to read, only 175 pages in large words, large pictures, and plenty of awesome quotes, and yet it still did a good job at explaining who Gandhi was and why and how he changed the world in his simple ways.

However, the title is misleading. It had a lot more to do with his politics and philosophies than the man himself, and it talked very little of his transformation. That's what I signed up for with this book. I was fascinated that he made such a radical shift from a lawyer to a life of self-imposed poverty, spirituality, philosophy, and world-shaking political activism. The explanation that his wife embodied his philosophy of nonviolence was interesting but seemed insufficient. The book does a good job at the beginning of talking about his childhood and his young adult years, but then suddenly leaps into his later years of political activism, with no story of the transformation in between.

I was also disappointed by the messiah complex of the biographer, who seems to worship Gandhi's almost inhuman powers, because I think the truly inspiring thing about Gandhi is how normal and flawed he was, and how he worked to overcome his weaknesses to the point of becoming such an enormous political and spiritual force in the world. It really proves that anyone is capable of such a transformation.
Profile Image for Troy Powell.
2 reviews
January 16, 2014
Great intro to an amazing man and his transformation to the hero we have heard about. It is definitely written by a 'fan', and is, therefore not reflective of the full story of Ghandi's life, which is why I gave it 4 stars. I did like how the author delved into the roots and drivers of the personal transformation Ghandi undertook in order to accomplish the amazing things he did.
19 reviews1 follower
May 16, 2019
از بهترین کتاب ها که خوانده ام
"گاندی، برترین آدم تاریخ است"
March 21, 2019
When I first saw the cover of the book I thought it is going to be a very bore one. Because I already knew that Gandhi was one of the greatest inspirational figures in the world. But I decided to give the book a chance and opened the book. It’s every part made me surprised. And I Had learned several things that will help me to the rest of my life.

This book have lots of surprising moment. Gandhi’s life story was not less than any thriller. And the author simply described that with awesome story telling to the all types of readers.

The story is about the great leader Mahatma Gandhi whose full name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He is also known as M.K.Gandhi. In India, he is known as ‘Bapu’. He was a social activist, who transformed himself for fight against the violence of his time. Gandhi was born in 2nd october 1869 in Gujrat , India. He used to be a shy and introvert guy in his early life. Who even could not talk with many people. When he was doing study, 13-year-old Mohandas was married to Kasturbai Makhanji Kapadia. Who was 1 year older than him. He completed his graduation and became a barrister afterwards. His childhood shyness and self withdrawal had continued through his teens, and he remained so when he arrived in London, but he joined a public speaking practice group and overcame this handicap to practise law. After practise, he spent 21 years at South Africa. There he noticed discrimination between people(specially Indians) and some people did not get even their own living rights. So he started to rise up voice by volunteering for ‘Boar’, war affected people. Gradually his voice get more strong and he started protest to all wrongs. He started to gathering encourage by then.

At a certain time-After protesting alone for a long-Gandhi draw up a petition and sets up a temporary committee to fight a legislation that sought to remove Indians from the voters roll. He had to being a stretcher bearer for his raising voice and activities. Gandhi was sentenced to imprisonment on four terms during the intensifying his ‘Satyagraha campaign’. He served a total of seven months and ten days in prisons around South Africa joined by his wife Kasturba and hundreds of other Satyagrahis. To describe Gandhi’s political life the author said, ”It was not Gandhi the politician who captured his heart, it was Gandhi the man his endless vitality, his warmth, his gentle, unshakable strength, his never failing sense of humor and infectious joy. ”His wife was always be with him with same attitude encouragement and excitement. Even later life he joined an ashram, she was happy just to be near Bapu. Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated by a young Hindu extremist while walking to his prayer meeting New Delhi. But his wonder of love, he took his last breaths by telling “Rama, Rama, Rama”. Meant I forgive you, I love you, I bless you.

I liked the climax of this book. After suffering that much difficulties, Gandhi could able to made himself a model of love and affection, model of a great pure spiritual mind. Could able to left behind ‘Gandhism’ after himself. His life is a massage that should spread out throughout the world to make bond and equality. Anyone will love to read this book who want to encourage and motivate himself by own.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
March 21, 2019

I was never into biography since my favorite genre is fiction. I always wanted to believe in all the assumptions and imaginative writings of people. Growing up with my grandmother was not easy, since I craved for the attention of both parents most especially my father’s. All these experiences made fiction a good choice of reading material because it made me forget the reality of life and live in the “happily ever after” and so on. So when we were told to read Gandhi the Man, honestly I never wanted to as much flip a page. To say I wasn’t disappointed by the book will be an understatement because I enjoyed it! How can a man live such an unbelievable life like it’s out of a fiction? I thought these only happened in fictions. The pictures, personal quotes and Gandhi’s life made it an irresistible read.

Gandhi the Man is a biography written about Mahatma Gandhi by Eknath Easwaran. The book delves into the life of a man and how he transformed himself to change the world. The said man was very shy during his teenage days and was a below average student. He was a person you won’t look at twice when you cross paths with on the street. His career as a lawyer was a failure. But one thing that is for sure is that, he never gave up. He never threw in the towel after all his failures. His wake-up call came when he was in South Africa solving a case among two family members. He realized that, winning a case against an opponent is not a win but living in peace with everyone is what matters. His wife was a major source of inspiration to him.

Living in South Africa at a time when Indians were mistreated made him stand up for himself and his people. He encouraged them to stand up for themselves too and demand their rights through non-violence. He believed that, victory through violence only does temporary good. Gandhi was a very spiritual person who had lived his life according to the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. His positive energy was so infectious that he won his enemies over to his side. Alas! Gandhi was shot by one of his enemies. He died but his teachings continued to spread throughout the world.

I believe Gandhi never had a purpose because he lived a sheltered life. Back in his hometown, although they were ruled by the British, he never really experienced the abuse of human rights because his family was always there to provide him with love and care whenever he needed it. But travelling to a foreign land without his family was the reality check he needed. It helped to transform and turn his life around. I can relate to Gandhi in the same way. Extended family is the norm at where I come from. Family is always around to protect you from the outside world same as Gandhi’s family was to him. And also just like Gandhi, I left the comfort of a loving environment and family to live in the States. Living in the States is helping to shape my life to not be dependent on others and I believe I am also transforming into a stronger lady.

Ah Well, I already said it all. This book did wonders to me and I am able to relate and strengthen myself with Gandhi’s experiences. It will be a shame to skip this book at the library. You will not be disappointed if give it a chance.

1 review
April 25, 2022
Gandhi the Man is an excellent overview of Gandhi’s life and his push for nonviolent resistance.If you are a fan of Gandhi then this is a kind of book that you should have in your favorite book shelf. It is a biography of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi written by Eknath Easwaran. This book was originally published in the United States in the year 1973. The book starts off with his life as a shy young boy who was born on October 2, 1869 and how he grew up facing many challenges in his life.

Gandhi was a person who believed that everyone has some kind of greatness in them, and that he wasn't special or different from any other ordinary man. Gandhi, the Man is a special kind of book because it has what no other book has: it describes the incredible inner revolution by which Gandhi became the Mahatma. When growing up in Gandhi's India, author Eknath Easwaran, the author, sought and came face to face with the personal power of Gandhi. It is that power that is revealed here.

Everything else was great about this book, but one part of the book in which i felt was a bit strange was when Gandhi was going to a prayer meeting and a young man blinded by hatred placed himself in Gandhi’s path, greeted him with the same gesture of his hands, and fired a gun point-blank into Gandhi’s heart. Then Gandhi said, “Rama, Rama, Rama”. Which means; I forgive you, I love you, I bless you. The reason why I did not like this part is because while reading this specific part I felt like that part was unrealistic. I think it was unrealistic because, I felt that, in real life when somebody is being shot they would rather prefer to say that i will not leave you then saying Rama Rama Rama. One other thing is, I was expecting the author to write in one of the chapter’s of the book Gandhi's children’s point of view. Additionally, he got married at a young age and his kids were not young anymore when he became a mahatma or when he was choosing the way of nonviolence. I really was disappointed to see that the author did not mention this in the entire book.

Relating my life story with Gandhi’s life is not a great idea since I don’t have many things in common with Gandhi's life story. As a matter of fact, one thing that I feel that I have in common with Gandhi is that I never give up on something once I make up my mind. Just like Gandhi did not give up after failing many times during his life period such as; failing to become a good lawyer, etc”.

Lastly, other than the two parts that I mentioned above that I didn't like , the book is really good. The author does a good job of illustrating how Gandhi's background shaped who he became. As they say, he was the grandfather of non-violence. It is because of Gandhi's life and how it is expressed in this book made me want to be a better person. I would like to give this book a 4.5 rating since I was expecting the writer to write about his kids. If you want to understand Gandhi the man, or want to deepen your understanding about him then I would really recommend this book to read.
1 review
May 13, 2024
                                                 Book review of Gandhi the man

Gandhi the man is the biography of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi - An activist of Indian independence. The author of the book is Mr. Eknath Eshawaran. The plot is simple. Mr. Eknath discusses Gandhi's whole journey throughout his life.. We can see not only Gandhi’s political life, but also his personal life and his change of mentality throughout his life. However the book is slightly sensationalized and mostly talks about the positive sides of Gandhi’s  various decisions. 

Gandhi the man has succeeded as a great story teller. The journey of Gandhi was so organized. The book contains 4 chapters. The first chapter holds up his constant endeavor towards non-violence. It shows the reasons and process of being self-obsessed to selfless The first chapter is capable of convincing the reader to be kind. It motivates and provokes the reader to think about others as well. 

The book highlights his activities, his thoughts and his calmness. It also highlights the devotion, and Gandhi’s daily habits.

My favorite part of the book was the way Mr. author has organized Gandhi’s simplicity. Gandhi seemed so pure that it was quite hard to picture him as a politician. The author has succeeded to present Gandhi’s endeavor and his inspiration beautifully. While India was full of woman abusers, Gandhi was the person who said that he learned a lot from his wife. And the good thing  is that Eknath thought of this fact as an important part of Gandhi’s life. However, the book could be more balanced about the consequences of Gandhi’s decisions. The book showed us Gandhi’s impression on only some indians. The book didn’t really talk about the fair Indian opposition Gandhi faced. 

Fortunately, my cultural background is not so different from Gandhi’s. That’s the reason I didn’t feel completely unaware of Gandhi’s social problems. I had no trouble analyzing Gandhi’s early life decisions. Beside that as an immigrant I felt so connected with Gandhi when he lived in London. His activities were so relatable. At the same time the guilt and realization he had after a certain time really motivated me to stay focused on my real goals. 

So, if someone asks me to rate this book, I’ll rate it ⅗. It has the potential to give away reasons to be kind and reasonable. However it couldn’t be a perfect biography because of its lack of information. A biography should hold every side and effects of a story. So readers can choose to agree or disagree with the person. If someone thinks that he or she will get an overall idea of that time. The reader will most likely be disappointed. Because it only idolizes Gandhi’s activities rather than analyzing these. So, If you want to know only some part of Gandhi’s life, I’ll recommend this book. Since, it doesn’t really hold Gandhi’s overall impression on the world. Although the book has a great historical background it could be more informative and slightly less biased.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
March 21, 2019

The book name is “GANDHI THE MAN” which is written by Eknath Easwaran . The author wrote about Gandhi’s life in this book . Gandhi was a man who was famous all over the world for his different way of living and point of view . He transformed himself through his whole life . He made his life difficult that no one can even imagine as he stood for nonviolence and rights but he never gave up.

When I first chose the book to read I felt like it won’t be very interesting but as I started to read it , I became curious about Gandhi’s life. I wanted to know more about Mahatma Gandhi’s life . I was surprised that someone can be this awesome, brave, and unique. The author beautifully wrote about Gandhi’s life events. Gandhi was born in a hindu family. He was married at an early age. His wife name was Kasturbai who always supported him . He completed his law in London . Gandhi learned so many things from “Bhagavad Gita” ( holy book of Hindu religion ). He stood for Satyagraha. Satya means “ trust ” and agraha means “obstinacy”. He started Ashrams for poor people. He also stood for nonviolence . Gandhi was arrested several times, but never step back. He and his partner Jawaharlal Nehru fought for independence and fate . He also started Sevagram, where he was building roads and post office with the help of people. At the end, a young man shot him with a gun but still he didn’t hate him. In fact, his last words were “Rama, Rama, Rama” which means “I forgive you , I bless you and I love you.” He was a nonviolence leader ; a man who was spiritual and inspiring.

My favorite part of the book is when Gandhi stood up for the nonviolence and how he and his partner Jawaharlal Nehru fought for the independence and fate. He never gave up no matter what he faced during his journey of life which inspired me the most. The thing which I can with this biography is that truth always wins. I can connect this biography with my country’s freedom fighters who gave their lives for the sake of our mother language and the victory of our country . During the war they faced many difficulties ; many people were killed and raped, but they never gave up and finally our country became independent.

You will definitely love this book if u start to read it once. You can learn a lot of things from this biography and how to never give up. Most importantly you will read about a great man ; who was one in a million , inspiring and spiritual.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
1 review
April 25, 2022
Eknath is from India just like Gandhi and had met Gandhi when he was young. The author rewrites about the shift of this shy failing lawyer to an enormous impact in people's lives and is famous for pacifism, “the great spirit”.
Even in the welcome seventies, Gandhi aroused all those who encountered him with his strength. The author believes that one of the secrets Gandhi learned early in his years was to observe each trouble as a hope for aid, a challenge that could prolong his better possessions of wit and fantasy.
The Bhagavad Gita was continually accessible to him in his minority but only between troubles in South Africa did Gandhi count on it as a welcome “ spiritual reference book”. Although Easwaran composes about his abstract behavior, welcome unity accompanying the weak, the interaction between religion and practice, the acculturating practice of pacifism, and the piety everlasting; the honest importance here is burning with love and compassion. The key to Gandhi's revolution was that he took off his mask and created himself into a simpler but meaningful life so he could do better justice for his people. It was only before that he erect inside himself the enthusiasm and the courage to bring to completion his responsibility. Easwaran wrote: “ Gandhi used to set the matter impolitely: when another woman's method of prosperity is more to you than your own, only then can you voice your love. Anything different is just trade. To offer this love even to those who hate you is the furthest limit of ahimsa. It pushes the horizons of consciousness itself. Gandhi was a pioneer in these new fields of knowledge. Everything he acted was an experiment in extending the human's ability to love, and as his capacity evolved, the demands on his love evolved to a greater extent harsh, as if to test what limits a human can bring. But Gandhi had learned to find a menacing pleasure in these storms and troubles. . . . By the end of welcome growth he was burning with love.”
My favorite part of the book was when he took the route of peace-treaty and believed in non-violence. When he was martyred, he did not have any ill feelings towards the guy, but instead words of love flew from his mouth. He who was absorbed in the act of non-violence met a violent end. He raised his hands in front of his face in the Hindu gestured greeting way, almost as if he was greeting his murderer and fell to the ground, extremely injured. But all he said was “ Rama, Rama, Rama.” It helped me realize that pious acts indeed go a long way.
I would suggest this book for those who want to change themselves for the better. This book will help you evolve yourself into someone better and a healthy lifestyle. Even though Gandhi isn't my favorite since he wasn’t the perfectly picture divine being as told in the book. But nevertheless, this book will motivate you to become a better person.
March 26, 2020
The book “Gandhi the Man” is a biography about Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi which is written by Eknath Easwaran. In this book the writer wanted to teach people about Gandhi's early life. And how he followed the Bhagavad Gita which helped to transform him into a nonviolent and truthful person. Additionally, the book highlights how we can all use Gandhi’s teachings to make our families and communities better and peaceful in the world.
When I read this book I learned about how Gandhi transformed himself in an incredible way which helped him to overcome his problems. He was born on October 2,1869 in Porbandar, India. In his early life , he was very shy and used to be afraid of darkness and snakes. At the age of 13, Gandhi got married to Kasturbai. Then he went to England to study law. In England , he had to face many problems but he never gave up. Not only did he have to change himself but also had to change his way of thinking . Meanwhile, after three years of hard work he passed his examination and signed on in the High Court. Later on , when he went to South Africa, he helped to liberate Indians and blacks to make them equal with whites. He was considered the Father of the nation of his country. He was internationally honored for his dogma of nonviolent protest to achieve social progress. He always tried to solve all the problems without any violence .
One thing is my most favorite part of this book is the second section called “The Way of Love”. Gandhi showed us how non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. In his whole life, he always showed love and respect for his enemies so that he could win their hearts. As a result, problems could be solved without any violence. He shows how to do something for others without returning any profits. Since I came to the USA I have had to face many challenges and difficulties. It is not easy to cope with a new environment and new people. Besides, I have to learn English language so that I can communicate with people. Here , I was admitted to the Jamaica Learning Center to finish my HSE therefore I can go college. My teachers are so cooperative with me. They always inspire me to do good work and help me in my studies. In this book , we can see that Gandhi was strongly attached to his mother which made him very devoted to God and believe in nonviolence.
I liked this book because it taught me something new. Gandhi manifested people how to struggle with problems, how to fight for achievement and could not give up easily. He was an incredible example of a great human being . I would recommend reading this novel to all ages of people, especially to students because student life is the best part of life being a good human . The theme of the novel is about making a better and peaceful life by following non-violence and truth.
1 review
March 21, 2019
I have just finished reading a great biography! Gandhi The man, throughout reading this biography it change me in a way of seen things. At first I was not very excited on reading this biography. I didn't know much about Gandhi , all I knew about him is that he was a man that wanted India's freedom. What caught my attention throughout reading this biography was that he was a man that wanted to change himself to change the world. Gandhi wanted to have a complete transformation.

His full name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi; he was married at a very young age and had two children's. At a young age Gandhi was a shy boy, and a coward. He avoid of having any conversation with anyone, and after school he used to run straight home. While time past he went to England to change his lifestyle. Then he became a man that fought with words not with weapons. His words were powerful that change lives and people perspectives. He was a man fighting for justice, fighting for India's freedom . He was a spiritual leader of India and had many followers. On the book it says “Violence can never bring an end to violence, all it do is provoke more violence”. (pg 69) What this quote is trying to tell us that Gandhi never agree to violence , and he tried to convince people that violence was not an option. Gandhi knew that his powerful weapon was his words .
The part that catches my attention in this book was when he had the incident in Maritzburg train. He bought his ticket to sit on the first class. While he was on his seat there was a passenger took a look at him and when back to get a officer. They demand him to go back to the third class. Gandhi refuse to go out voluntarily because he had all his rights to be on that seat. The officer didn't care about him; he push him out of the train and spend the night outside in the cold. All his belonging had disappeared. This is my favorite part of the book because even though he was humiliated; he still didn't had hate on him. He took the “decision that never to yield to force and never to use force to win a cause”. He still continue his journey instead of been a coward and returning back to India. This book had show me that even though you might be humiliated, and mistreated there are ways to overcome it. He told people to enjoy life and not be selfish or hate on their self. Gandhi inspired people to become a better person.
I highly recommend this book to people that loves reading biographies. Reading about Gandhi was a great book to start with if you never read a biography before. With Gandhi's transformation I have learn that there is hope on changing and becoming somebody different.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 169 reviews

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