
  • Blue Miracle mostly reflects real-life events but takes some liberties with character details for the plot, mainly in regard to Dennis Quaid's character.
  • The film is inspired by a true story of a fishing tournament, but some dramatic elements were added for entertainment.
  • The actual orphanage didn't receive direct financial benefits from the film but aimed to raise awareness about Social Assistance Centers in Mexico.

If a heartbreaking film is based on a true story, it's almost guaranteed to make viewers cry even more. The 2021 Netflix film Blue Miracle did exactly that with its depiction of a struggling orphanage named Casa Hogar in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Omar Venegas, known by the children as "Papa Omar," runs the orphanage alongside his wife, Becca. The film is loosely based on the true story of Omar and the experiences of several of the orphanage's residents at the 2014 Bisbee's Black & Blue Fishing Tournament.

While Blue Miracle mostly stuck to real-life events, there were some inconsistencies. That's especially true of Dennis Quaid's character, Wade Malloy (actual name Ernie Cossio), who didn't own the same washed-up boat depicted in the film. As terrific a film as Blue Miracle is, it is important for audiences to know the true story behind its plot, including certain points in which the film differed from real life.

Updated by Jordan Iacobucci on April 26, 2024: Blue Miracle is a terrific but often forgotten film about a ragtag group that engages in a fishing competition in order to raise the funds they need to save their financially strained orphanage. Based on the inspiring true story, not everything in Blue Miracle is strictly accurate. As is often the case with such films, the filmmakers took certain liberties with the real events that transpired. Even so, the true story is no less inspiring than the Hollywood version.

Blue Miracle's Plot Was Mostly Like Real Life

Omar and Tweety stand together at a dock in Blue Miracle.

Blue Miracle Cast of Characters

Character Name

Played By

Captain Wade

Dennis Quaid


Jimmy Gonzales


Miguel Angel Garcia


Anthony Gonzalez


Nathan Arenas


Isaac Arellanes

Wayne Bisbee

Bruce McGill


Raymond Cruz

10 "True Story" Movies That Lied

As many movie buffs know, films based on "true stories" or "actual events" should be taken with a grain of salt.

Blue Miracle begins with Omar, played by Jimmy Gonzales, rescuing a child on the crime-ridden streets of Cabo San Lucas. Audiences also watched Omar's own experiences as an orphan living in poverty. Hurricane Odile damaged most of the Cabo community in 2014 and increased Omar's financial difficulties, from repairs and food for about 40 boys at Casa Hogar. Omar was in massive debt and would have to send the boys back to the streets if he couldn't repay the money in time.

Omar and several orphans, who were known only by their nicknames, decided to participate in Bisbee's Black & Blue Fishing Tournament with Wade Malloy, the captain of a dilapidated ship named Knot Enough, alongside Hector (Breaking Bad star Raymond Cruz). Wade had won the tournament two years in a row and was reluctant to add Omar and the children to his team. However, Casa Hogar proved Wade wrong when Omar reeled in a 385-pound blue marlin, which earned the team $258,325 in prize money.

The True Story of Casa Hogar

Captain Wade (Dennis Quaid) and his crew look out to sea while in a fishing boat in Blue Miracle.

Blue Miracle Critical Ratings


Rotten Tomatoes





The True Story Behind Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer Movie

Christopher Nolan's upcoming movie Oppenheimer will tell the story of the titular father of the nuclear bomb, and there's plenty to see.

Much of Blue Miracle's plot was based on actual events. However, Wade was heavily fictionalized for plot purposes. The character was based on Ernie Cossio, who owned a fishing vessel much nicer than Knot Enough. Another dramatic story element added to Blue Miracle was when Omar discovered Wade had cheated to win the tournament. There is no evidence Cossio ever did that. Team Casa Hogar's win at the fishing tournament was also a plot device for Wade to step up as a parent and be there for his son.

After the children, who had no fishing experience, helped to win the tournament, the winnings were used to repair hurricane damage to the orphanage and to add amenities like classrooms and medical offices, as well as a girls' program. Casa Hogar shared on Facebook that it had received an "outpour of messages" following the film's release. The orphanage reportedly didn't directly benefit financially from Blue Miracle but instead hoped to raise awareness about Social Assistance Centers in Mexico. Anyone interested in donating to or learning more about Casa Hogar can visit the orphanage's website.

Other Movies To Watch If You Loved Blue Miracle

Movies Like Blue Miracle

Movie Name

IMDb Rating

Rotten Tomatoes Score

Letterboxd Rating


Rescued by Ruby





True Spirit





I Can Only Imagine





The Impossible




Netflix Plex

10 Best Movies Based On A True Story

Some of the best movies are based on stories that are too strange to be fiction.

If audiences loved the true story of Blue Miracle, with all its heart and humor, there are plenty of other movies of the same vein available to enjoy now. For example, Netflix's Rescued by Ruby tells the inspirational true story of Daniel O'Neil and his dog Ruby who work together to become a part of the Rhode Island K-9 search and rescue team. The movie stars The Flash's Grant Gustin and the adorable border collie Bear as Ruby. Like Blue Miracle, Rescued by Ruby is a terrific true story about underdogs (pun intended) who overcome seemingly insurmountable odds to accomplish a lofty and ultimately worthwhile goal.

For audiences who appreciated the nautical aspect of Blue Miracle, another Netflix original offers very similar themes. The 2023 film True Spirit follows the inspirational story of Jessica Watson, an Australian sailor who attempts to circumnavigate the globe at the age of 16. Largely based on Watson's 2010 memoir, True Spirit depicts the trials and tribulations that Watson endures while embarking on her perilous journey. The film stars such talent as Teagan Croft, who plays Jessica Watson, Avatar: The Way of Water's Cliff Curtis, and X-Men's Anna Paquin.

10 Best Comfort Movies of All Time

Comfort movies such as My Neighbor Totoro and When Harry Met Sally never fail to make viewers feel good on a rather grey and sorrowful day.

Dennis Quaid may be the foremost actor in Blue Miracle, but the Netflix original is far from the seasoned actor's only starring role in a film based on true events. I Can Only Imagine is a 2018 film about the Christian band MercyMe and the writing of their hit song after which the film is named. Quaid plays Arthur Millard, the abusive father of MercyMe's lead singer Bart Millard. Bart's relationship with his father proves to be a major motivating factor in his journey during the film's events, especially as the two reconnect after Arthur's terminal cancer diagnosis. While I Can Only Imagine deals with some heavy themes, it remains a soaring exploration of the human capacity for forgiveness and faith even in the face of injustice and abuse.

Audiences looking to continue down the rabbit hole of inspirational true stories with a happy ending certainly need to check out the hit 2012 film The Impossible. One of the best disaster films in modern history, The Impossible follows one family's journey after they are separated in the wake of the devastating 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor star as Maria and Henry Bennett, who desperately try to make their way back to their children in the disaster. The film is also notable for including an early appearance from Tom Holland, who would go on to portray Peter Parker/Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The film is at times traumatic and devastating but the seemingly impossible ending eventually comes to pass, with the Bennett family reuniting against all odds.

Blue Miracle is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to films that depict emotional and enjoyable films based on true stories. While these films at times take artistic license to increase the drama and watchability of their respective stories, they generally remain faithful to real-life events, leaving audiences inspired by the time the credits roll.

Blue Miracle

To save their cash-strapped orphanage, a guardian and his kids partner with a washed-up boat captain for a chance to win a lucrative fishing competition.