University of Bergen
UiB students on campus
Lecture by honorary doctor Dr. Anne Larigauderie

IPBES: A Decade at the Crossroads of Biodiversity Science for Better Policy and Action

Dr. Larigauderie has been awarded the honorary doctorate for her outstanding contributions to strengthening the global science-policy interface in relation to biodiversity and ecosystems, and in particular her role in facilitating the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services...

New Research
Man in blue jumper infront of stair case

Unexpected Findings about Survivors of Sexual Violence

More than 10,000 interviews and a new method show that survivors of conflict-related sexual violence are actually more engaged in their communities afterwards.

Image of honory doctors at UiB 2024

New honorary doctors appointed by the UiB

Kirsten Shepherd-Barr, Camille Norment, Mads Bryde Andersen, Christopher Aiden-Lee Jackson, Alberto Ascherio, Trond Petersen, Lynn Meskell, Jeanne C. Watson and Anne Larigauderie receive prestigious honorary doctorates from the University of Bergen.

News | Research
bilde av gravid kvinne som røyker

Quitting smoking during pregnancy may have a positive effect on placental weight

A new study from the University of Bergen and the University of Exeter shows that pregnant women who quit smoking may prevent an abnormal mismatch between the weight of the placenta and the growth of the fetus.

Jill Walker Rettberg

ERC wants to see what shapes the stories AI tells us

Professor Jill Walker Rettberg receives an ERC Advanced Grant to see how narrative archetypes influence the future of artificial intelligence.