40+ Movies And Shows With Wine In The Title
  • Photo:
    • Netflix / Warner Bros. / Fox Searchlight Pictures

40+ Movies And Shows With Wine In The Title

Jason Bancroft
May 4, 2024 40 items

Ah, the enchanting world of wine. It's not just a delightful companion at dinner tables or a star at tastings; it has also made its mark in the glamorous realm of cinema and television. Imagine curling up on your couch with a glass of your favorite vintage, ready to dive into films and shows where wine isn't just part of the scene but part of the title. Intrigued? You should be! Our list is about to uncork some seriously entertaining picks that have captured the hearts (and palates) of audiences worldwide.

Why focus on titles with wine, you ask? Well, these movies and shows offer a unique blend of storytelling that often mirrors the complexity and richness found in every bottle of wine. Whether it’s drama unfolding in vineyard-laden landscapes or romantic tales that make you feel like you're sipping a fine Merlot under starlit skies, each entry promises to be as engaging as it is thematic. Plus, who can resist the allure of plots that swirl around vintages and vineyards?

Ranked by popularity based on votes from fans who adore their grapes fermented or fresh from the vine, this list is tailored for enthusiasts by enthusiasts. From timeless classics to modern gems, each title has been chosen for its ability to capture imaginations and perhaps inspire your next movie night selection - or even your next wine tasting adventure. So grab your glass (and maybe a notebook), because we’re about to pour out some cinematic delights that are sure to appeal both to cinephiles and oenophiles alike.