John Hodiak - Hollywood Star Walk - Los Angeles Times

John Hodiak

John Hodiak


John Hodiak
Radio: North side of the 6100 block of Hollywood Boulevard
Born April 16, 1914 in Pittsburgh, PA
Died Oct. 19, 1955 of heart attack in Tarzana, CA

John Hodiak was a husky star known for his performance in Hollywood and on the stage.

Hodiak, the son of Ukrainian and Polish immigrants, was born in Pittsburgh and grew up in Detroit. He first tried radio as the door to an acting career but was turned down because of his accent. He conquered the diction hurdle, became a radio actor and moved to Chicago.

Two years later, after a short stint in the Army's Special Services, he arrived in Hollywood with an MGM contract.

Hodiak drew a few small roles in the pictures "Strangers in Town," "I Dood It" and "Song of Russia." Then he caught the eye of director Alfred Hitchcock and emerged as a major film star in a sea infested with garbage in "Lifeboat."

More big roles followed, notably that of Maj. Joppolo in "A Bell for Adano." Hodiak played in a dozen motion pictures before leaving Hollywood for Broadway in 1953.

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