Movie Idioms (With Meaning and Examples) - EngDic

Movie Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

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Welcome to our fun exploration of English idioms that are all about movies! Idioms are phrases that don’t mean exactly what the words say but have a hidden meaning. They make talking and writing more interesting, especially when they’re about something as exciting as movies. Let’s dive into some movie-themed idioms that you can start using right away!

Movie Idioms

Here are 20 movie idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. Steal the show

Meaning: To get all the attention
Example: Emma really stole the show at the talent contest.

2. Flop

Meaning: A complete failure
Example: The new sitcom was a flop and canceled quickly.

3. Bomb

Meaning: To fail miserably
Example: His comedy routine bombed at the club.

4. Face the music

Meaning: To confront the consequences
Example: He cheated, now he must face the music.

5. In the limelight

Meaning: Center of attention
Example: She’s been in the limelight all week.

6. Showstopper

Meaning: Something outstandingly good
Example: The final scene was a real showstopper.

7. Not ready for prime time

Meaning: Not prepared for the main event
Example: His skills are not ready for prime time.

8. Play second fiddle

Meaning: To be less important
Example: He hates playing second fiddle to anyone.

9. A tough act to follow

Meaning: An impressive predecessor
Example: Her performance was a tough act to follow.

10. Chew the scenery

Meaning: To overact
Example: He really chews the scenery in that drama.

11. Make a scene

Meaning: Cause a public disturbance
Example: She made a scene at the restaurant.

12. Behind the scenes

Meaning: Unseen, not public
Example: A lot happens behind the scenes of a movie.

13. Kick off the show

Meaning: To start the event
Example: He kicked off the show with a bang.

14. Steal one’s thunder

Meaning: To take someone’s attention
Example: She stole his thunder with her announcement.

15. Hit the big time

Meaning: To become successful
Example: He finally hit the big time with his new film.

16. Understudy

Meaning: Backup performer
Example: She’s the understudy for the lead role.

17. Steal the spotlight

Meaning: To take all the attention
Example: The lead guitarist stole the spotlight tonight.

18. Box office hit

Meaning: Financially successful movie
Example: Their film was a box office hit.

19. Steal the scene

Meaning: To dominate the scene
Example: He stole the scene with his powerful act.

20. Star-studded

Meaning: Having many famous actors
Example: The film was star-studded and exciting.

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