Blog | Lead Elimination


Lead Exposure Elimination project




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2023 in Review

2023 in Review

Introduction from LEEP’s Co-Executive Directors   2023 has been a year of progress, learning, and growth, all towards our founding goal of improving the health, wellbeing, and potential of children around the world. As we’ve expanded our paint programs, which aim...

Progress on lead paint in Pakistan

Progress on lead paint in Pakistan

Summary: Lead poisoning from paint and other sources affects approximately 47 million children in Pakistan.  40% of oil-based paints for residential use tested by LEEP and Aga Khan University in Pakistan contained dangerous and illegal levels of lead.  LEEP is working...

Our Year in Review

Our Year in Review

Introduction from LEEP’s Co-Executive Directors LEEP was founded on an ambitious goal: to improve the health, wellbeing, and potential of as many children as possible. This goal has always been grounded by the belief that progress is possible if we are committed to...

Sources of Lead Exposure in LMICs

Sources of Lead Exposure in LMICs

Although LEEP currently focuses on lead paint, we recognize that other sources may also be promising to address. We plan to explore effective interventions to reduce lead exposure from other sources over the coming year.

LEEP’s First Year in Review

LEEP’s First Year in Review

Introduction from LEEP's co-founders Around 1 in 3 children have lead poisoning globally and lead in paint is a major source of this exposure (UNICEF). Yet, lead is an unnecessary ingredient in paint, and regulations can successfully prevent its production (WHO &...

Study Results: Malawi and Botswana

Study Results: Malawi and Botswana

As part of our initial activities, LEEP analyses the lead content of solvent-based paint available on the market in countries without data on the current prevalence of lead paint. The purpose is to determine whether there is lead in household paint currently being...