
  • The real-life Peaky Blinders gang existed in the 1800s, unlike the television show which is set in the 1920s.
  • The show took inspiration from real historical figures and events, such as Charlie Chaplin and the anti-Irish sentiment of the time.
  • Peaky Blinders takes creative liberties with history, changing the true story of the gang and their motivations for dramatic purposes.

The true story of Peaky Blinders was also been heavily fictionalized for dramatic purposes but still has fascinating historical connections. The BBC-Netflix crime drama focuses on the Shelby family, a gang of outlaws who infiltrate high society in 1920s Birmingham, England. However, the real-life Peaky Blinders roamed about Birmingham during an entirely different time frame. Peaky Blinders stars Cillian Murphy as Thomas Shelby, a war hero who uses his outsider status and intelligence to orchestrate major power moves in Birmingham and beyond. Tommy is stylish and calculating; he’s willing to kill enemies for revenge or power. He is the face of Peaky Blinders and embodies the appearance and basic philosophies of the real-life Peaky Blinders gang.

Throughout the six seasons of Peaky Blinders, the show took several influences in creating Thomas Shelby and his world. At a time in history, the real-life Peaky Blinders did indeed make news headlines in Birmingham and were known for their unique style. In fact, creator Steven Knight told History Extra created the series based on his father’s stories about men who were “immaculately dressed, wearing caps and with guns on in their pockets.” Knight combined the real-life elements and his own take on these legends to create the acclaimed crime series and its memorable characters.

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The Real Peaky Blinders Gang Were A 1870s Youth Gang

Real Peaky Blinders Labeled for Reuse

Unlike the television show, the real-life Peaky Blinders started in the 1800s. A subculture emerged within Birmingham as a result of an economic recession. Overseas, various groups of dispossessed people turned to organized crime in New York City, and the same concept applied to the real Peaky Blinders' home city. In this case, the criminals were mostly young men who gambled and robbed to get by, all the while using violence to ensure a certain amount of power. While the show only showcases the early 20th century, The true story of Peaky Blinders dates back to the 1870s.

The anti-Irish movement of the 1870s saw youth gangs like the Peaky Blinders turn to crime as an outlet for their frustrations.

According to historian Barbara Weinberger, the gang first emerged because anti-Irish sentiments “offered a focus and a target for the frustrations of inner-city youths which… became institutionalized in gang warfare.” By the 1890s, the subculture became associated with a specific style: bowler-style felt hats, pointed and pulled down over the forehead which is how the term "Peaky Blinders" originated. Some locals were apparently blinded by the criminals' charisma, while some made the case that the gang couldn't see too well because of their covered eyes. Whatever the case, the real-life Peaky Blinders made an impression; it is a concept that translates to Knight's series.

Where to watch Peaky Blinders

The TV Peaky Blinders Represented A Very Different Gang

Tommy frowning and looking confused in Peaky Blinders

Because the real-life Peaky Blinders were known as working gentlemen from the lower class, their distinct style betrays what they should have been wearing, at least in theory. In addition, the true Peaky Blinders consisted of various gangs instead of one single family of outlaws. Criminals like Thomas Gilbert ran with a specific crew, thus making the name "Peaky Blinders" more prominent within Birmingham culture. They were a crime family by association - not by blood or a united code of "omertà", as the gangsters in The Sopranos or The Godfather.

Over time, the real-life Peaky Blinders began referring to themselves as “sloggers," the product of “poverty, squalor and slum environment,” according to Birmingham manufacturer Arthur Matthison. During the early 20th century, the gang of youths maintained the same look and criminal lifestyle, but mostly out of necessity rather than a grand scheme to gain immense power within Birmingham. The real Peaky Blinders gangs slowly dissipated because of athletics, movies, and other activities that kept young men busy. Life became easier for some – they didn’t have to rely on low-level crime to make ends meet. The real Peaky Blinders grew up and faded away, ironically, at around the same point in history when Peaky Blinders begins.

Several Notable Real-Life Peaky Blinders Inspired The Show

An image of Arthur and Thomas Shelby standing by a car in Peaky Blinders

The true story of the Peaky Blinders included a few members of the gang that achieved mild notoriety in Birmingham for their criminal exploits. Tommy Shelby is most likely based on Kevin Mooney aka Thomas Gilbert, though he was known for changing his last name several times. At the height of the real-life gang's power, Thomas Gilbert was the ringleader. The true story behind the Peaky Blinders' crimes isn't quite as sensational as the show. Gang members Harry Fowles aka "Baby-faced Harry" and Stephen McNickle were arrested for stealing bicycles.

Though Tommy Shelby is a fictional character, real-life Peaky Blinders ringleader Thomas Gilbert serves as a partial inspiration.

The first person to be named as a Peaky Blinder was a man named Henry Lightfoot. Henry later went to fight in WWI, a subject Peaky Blinders touches on with Tommy's character. Other real-life Peaky Blinders members include Earnest Haynes and Billy Kimber. Haynes was held in jail for a month after being caught for a home invasion. Billy Kimber is one of the few real-life characters in the early seasons of Peaky Blinders, and he's played by actor Charlie Creed-Miles. After running with the Peaky Blinders, Billy went on to form the Birmingham Boys. Kimber is a rival of Tommy in the series, and the real-life Birmingham Boys overtook the actual Peaky Blinders gang in 1910.

Peaky Blinders Used Several Historical Characters And Events

Peaky Blinders’ Shelby family isn’t based on a true story, but the world they inhabit mirrors the real-life Birmingham society of the 1920s. For example, movie star Charlie Chaplin makes an appearance in Peaky Blinders season 2, and Chaplin was indeed a Birmingham native with a Gypsy upbringing. In actuality, the real Chaplin would’ve been fully aware that the Peaky Blinders reached their prime decades before. For the series, Chaplin adds a glamorous twist, as the Shelby's influence reaches all the way to Hollywood. Peaky Blinders season 6 adds another reference to this as Lizzie Shelby (Natasha O'Keefe) yells at a group of kids to pay attention to the movie projector because it was a gift from Chaplin himself.

Tommy’s foes in Peaky Blinders are real historical figures. Along with Billy Kimber of the Birmingham Boys, there was Charles “Darby” Sabini - a London criminal who controlled racehorse rackets in southern England. The real-life Kimber and Sabini were actual rivals who fought for control, and they’re both prominently featured in Peaky Blinders’ storyline.

In Peaky Blinders season 5, as part of a larger scheme, Tommy Shelby enters into a partnership with a representation of the real-life politician, Oswald Mosley (Sam Claflin). Oswald Mosley really did form the British Union of Fascists but did not do so until 1932, rather than in Peaky Blinders season 5's 1929 setting. While there was not an assassination attempt against his life, in 1940 he was nearly wounded in an assault as World War II turned public sentiment fiercely against his ideology.

Interestingly, Mosley survives Peaky Blinders season 5 and Peaky Blinders' season 6 setting in 1933 would fit more accurately to his actual political timeline and his rise to prominence. Along with Mosley, other real political figures have appeared in Peaky Blinders, most notably Winston Churchill who has come to have an interesting relationship with the fictionalized Tommy Shelby. Peaky Blinders season 5 also introduces drug runner Brilliant Chang, who makes an opium distribution deal with Tommy. The true story behind Brilliant Chang is that he ran a Chinese restaurant in Birmingham, and was publicly identified in the news as a “dope king."

Even if the real-life Peaky Blinders weren’t a major influence on Birmingham society, the television series offers some intriguing revisionist history and theorizes what might’ve happened if a Peaky Blinder from the 1890s had served in World War I and later conversed with real historical figures like Chaplin, Kimber, Sabini, Mosley, Churchill, and Chang.

Peaky Blinders Movie: Confirmation, Cast & Everything We Know

Though the series concluded with season 6, Peaky Blinders is living on in a feature film, and there are already exciting updates about the new movie.

Peaky Blinders Took Many Liberties With Its Take On History

Oswald Mosley standing in front of his posters in Peaky Blinders

The BBC-Netflix series retains the spirit of the real-life Peaky Blinders gang, but changes the true story in terms of who they were, how they operated, and their motivations. In the 1890s, Chaplin would’ve been a toddler, and the filmmaking career of cinema pioneer Georges Méliès had barely commenced. Plus, World War I wouldn’t begin for approximately 20 years, so the real-life Peaky Blinders would’ve been mostly focused on surviving in Birmingham.

The real-life Peaky Blinders did not have the means to be as fashioned as their television counterparts nor the ambition to elevate them outside of petty crimes.

Most historians point out that the real Peaky Blinders didn’t hide razors in their clothing, primarily because of financial reasons. Many also have pointed out that Knight and company don't get the Romani language right, not to mention that the real-life Peaky Blinders could be as young as 13 and were mostly young men - not grown adults. While the gang members did dress well - or at least differently than typical street criminals - their tactics were practical. The real Peaky Blinders also focused on easy targets.

For the television series, Knights took the Birmingham gang from the late 19th century and dropped them into a more glamorous Birmingham society, becoming a close-knit family, led by a war hero who is unafraid of real-life figures such as Kimber and Sabini. For dramatic purposes, Tommy murders Kimber in 1919, thus establishing the Peaky Blinders as a rival to both the Birmingham Boys and the Sabini Gang. In real life, Kimber died in 1942 at a nursing home. The fifth season references the 1929 stock market crash and concludes with Tommy’s failed attempt to murder Oswald Mosley, whose real-life counterpart lived to be 84.

Jack Nelson Was Based On Joseph Kennedy Sr.

In Peaky Blinders season 6, the show reintroduces Michael Gray (Finn Cole) after a four-year absence and shows that he is now part of the Boston gangs, led by the mysterious Jack Nelson, Gina Gray's (Anya Taylor-Joy) uncle. The Boston Gangs of the 1920s and 1930s were certainly real. One example of this was the Gustin Gang, an Irish-American gang that took part in various criminal activities led by Frank Wallace and his brother Stephen. While Jack Nelson is not a real name from history, the character of Uncle Jack is clearly based upon Joseph Kennedy Sr., the father of JFK. There have long been rumors, largely refuted by historians, that Kennedy made his initial fortune through rumrunning.

While this might not be the case and is simply creative license on the part of Steven Knight to add it to the fictional Jack Nelson, the inspiration for Peaky Blinders' season 6 antagonist certainly engaged in some suspect dealings, making money on Wall Street through practices that would later become illegal, in addition to allegedly framing a man for rape just so he could buy up his business holdings.

While Joseph Kennedy Sr. never became President of the United States as his son did, he did have strong connections to the White House and knew President Roosevelt well. During the war, Kennedy became an ambassador to the United Kingdom but was recalled over his anti-British statements and his sympathies for the Germans and the Nazis, making him an ideal basis for an antagonist who can work alongside Oswald Mosley.

The US Came Too Close To Working With The Nazi Party

Peaky Blinders Who Is Jack Nelson Based On True Story

Jack Nelson's role in Peaky Blinders season 6 also explores another often-forgotten fact of history – how close the U.S. came to working with the Nazis prior to entering WW2. While opposition to Hitler was vocal in the States from the outset, there was equally loud pro-Nazi sentiment until the United States joined the Allies in 1941. The US public didn't learn of the mass extermination camps and the Holocaust until 1942, so Jack Nelson's real-life counterparts who pushed for closer ties to the 3rd Reich didn't necessarily know the atrocities of these would-be allies.

Peaky Blinder season 6 explores Joseph Kennedy Sr.'s history as a Nazi sympathizer and anti-Semite through the fictional character of Jack Nelson.

Peaky Blinders is well-loved because it's a historical drama that takes artistic license. Jack Nelson is only based on Joseph Kennedy Sr., mixing real facts with historic hearsay and total fiction. One Jack Nelson trait that wasn't invented by the Peaky Blinders writers was that Joseph Kennedy Sr. was a Nazi sympathizer and anti-Semite. During his time as ambassador, Kennedy Sr. put continued pressure on the US government to appease Hitler and abandon the Allies. His anti-Semitic views were widely known but, unfortunately, also mirrored by many of his contemporaries and weren't the career impediment they'd rightly be today.

In the end, it was Kennedy Sr.'s defeatist attitude annoying Tommy Shelby's sometimes ally Churchill that saw him recalled to the U.S. in 1940, rather than his Nazi-aligned prejudice. Roosevelt didn't see Kennedy Sr.'s anti-Semitism as a reason to bar him from political life — even roping in Kennedy Sr. to win the Irish Catholic vote in the 1940 election. Joseph Kennedy Sr. wasn't involved in a full-scale plot alongside Oswald Mosley and Adolf Hitler. That side of Jack Nelson's arc is entirely fictional. The U.S. still came close to working with Hitler, and even siding with him during the war, on several occasions, though.

U.S. ambivalence in the early years of WW2 is widely documented, with public support for joining the Allies not peaking until after Pearl Harbor. Joseph Kennedy Sr. was far from the only prominent politician who believed the US would be better served siding with the Third Reich. Until 1939, the US Armed Forces actively maintained War Plan Red, a strategy for a military invasion of the UK. Fascist movements, similar to Oswald Mosley's inner circle in the UK, had strong political voices. Joe Kennedy Sr. might not have been a gun-toting Boston gangster, but he was one of several prominent U.S. figures who, if they had their way, might have seen the U.S. enter WW2 on the side of the Nazis.

Peaky Blinders Showed The Deadly Reality Of The TB Epidemic