Fountain Fort Carson High School Class of 1976

FFCHS (FFCHS) Class of 1976 Alumni List

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Alumni Registered at

While these classmates have not yet registered on, we have found matching search results on® for the following names in Fountain, CO

Class of 1976 Fountain Fort Carson High School Yearbooks

Click on the Yearbooks below to view a copy online at®.

Reunions and Fountain Fort Carson High School News

More 1976 alumni from Fountain Fort Carson HS have posted profiles on®. Click here to register for free at® and view other 1976 alumni.


The students that went to school at the Fountain high school called Fountain Fort Carson High School and graduated in '76 are on this page. Register to add your name to the class of 1976 graduates list.

Fountain Fort Carson High School alumni can relive their experiences from high school by sharing memories and pictures, reconnecting with those alumni listed, and more.