41 Facts about the movie The Natural - Facts.net
Halette Pisano

Written by Halette Pisano

Modified & Updated: 27 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Amazon.com

The Natural, released in 1984, is a timeless classic that has captivated audiences for decades. Starring Robert Redford in a career-defining role, this sports drama tells the story of Roy Hobbs, a talented baseball player who, after a major setback, makes a remarkable comeback to the game he loves. Directed by Barry Levinson and based on Bernard Malamud’s novel of the same name, The Natural combines elements of sports, romance, and fantasy, creating a truly unforgettable cinematic experience.

With its iconic scenes, memorable characters, and poetic storytelling, The Natural has become a cultural phenomenon. In this article, we will delve into 41 fascinating facts about this beloved movie, from behind-the-scenes trivia to interesting details about the cast and crew. So, grab your popcorn and get ready to uncover the secrets and surprises that make The Natural a true gem in the world of cinema.

Key Takeaways:

  • “The Natural” is a timeless sports movie that captures the spirit of baseball’s golden era, inspiring viewers with themes of passion, redemption, and the indomitable human spirit.
  • The film’s iconic characters, memorable quotes, and evocative music have solidified its place as one of the greatest sports movies of all time, leaving a lasting legacy in cinema history.
Table of Contents

“The Natural” was released in 1984.

Directed by Barry Levinson, this classic sports drama captured the hearts of audiences around the world.

The screenplay for “The Natural” was adapted from a novel.

The film is based on the 1952 novel of the same name by Bernard Malamud, which tells the story of a talented baseball player named Roy Hobbs.

Robert Redford starred as the protagonist, Roy Hobbs.

Redford’s portrayal of the baseball player seeking redemption resonated with audiences and solidified his status as a Hollywood icon.

The film features a star-studded cast.

In addition to Robert Redford, “The Natural” includes memorable performances by Glenn Close, Robert Duvall, Kim Basinger, and Wilford Brimley.

The movie was shot in multiple locations.

Scenes for “The Natural” were filmed in Buffalo, New York, as well as various other cities, capturing the essence of America’s favorite pastime.

The iconic bat used by Roy Hobbs was named “Wonderboy.”

Wonderboy became an emblematic symbol of the film, representing Hobbs’ extraordinary talent and determination.

“The Natural” was nominated for multiple Academy Awards.

The film received nominations for Best Supporting Actress (Glenn Close), Best Cinematography, and Best Art Direction.

Randy Newman composed the musical score for “The Natural.”

Newman’s powerful and evocative music added depth and emotion to the film’s storyline.

The movie explores themes of love, redemption, and the pursuit of dreams.

The Natural” delves into the human spirit and the challenges faced by individuals on their personal journeys.

The film was a box office success.

The Natural” grossed over $47 million in the United States and Canada, further cementing its place in cinema history.

The movie features memorable quotes.

Lines such as “I coulda been a contender” and “You have a gift, Roy” have become ingrained in popular culture.

The movie’s theme song is “The Natural.”

The instrumental piece composed by Randy Newman perfectly captures the spirit and passion of the film.

“The Natural” showcases stunning cinematography.

The use of light, shadow, and color creates a visually captivating experience for viewers.

The movie explores the mystical and magical elements of baseball.

With its larger-than-life characters and extraordinary events, “The Natural” adds an element of fantasy to the sport.

The film draws parallels to the legend of King Arthur.

Roy Hobbs’ journey can be compared to that of the mythical King Arthur, destined for greatness and beset by challenges.

“The Natural” has inspired other sports films.

The film’s impact can be seen in subsequent movies that explore similar themes of passion, perseverance, and triumph.

The movie’s script went through extensive revisions.

The screenplay was initially written in the 1950s but underwent multiple revisions before production began.

The film’s climax is a memorable home run.

The climactic scene, in which Roy Hobbs hits a home run that shatters the stadium lights, has become iconic in cinematic history.

“The Natural” was praised for its nostalgic portrayal of baseball’s golden era.

The film captures the essence of a bygone era, evoking feelings of nostalgia and sentimentality.

The movie highlights the importance of following one’s passion.

“The Natural” encourages viewers to pursue their dreams and never give up on their aspirations.

The film’s production faced challenges.

From lighting difficulties during night shoots to adverse weather conditions, the production team overcame various obstacles to bring “The Natural” to life.

Baseball legends make appearances in the film.

Famous players, including Joe DiMaggio and Ted Williams, have cameo roles in “The Natural,” further enhancing its authenticity.

The movie’s score was nominated for a Grammy Award.

Randy Newman’s evocative music was recognized for its contribution to the overall impact of the film.

The film is a blend of sports, romance, and drama.

“The Natural” combines multiple genres, creating a captivating story that appeals to a wide range of audiences.

The original novel received critical acclaim.

Bernard Malamud’s novel was highly regarded by literary critics before its adaptation into a feature film.

The movie’s release coincided with the 50th anniversary of the baseball league.

The Natural” was released in 1984, the same year that Major League Baseball celebrated its 50th anniversary.

The film explores the corrupt side of professional sports.

The Natural” sheds light on the darker aspects of the baseball industry, including greed and dishonesty.

The movie’s costume design is exceptional.

The period costumes worn by the characters contribute to the authenticity and visual appeal of the film.

The film’s title is open to interpretation.

“The Natural” can refer to Roy Hobbs’ innate talent, the purity of the sport, or the forces of destiny at play.

The impact of “The Natural” extends beyond the silver screen.

The film has influenced baseball culture, inspiring athletes and fans alike with its timeless message.

The movie’s storyline incorporates elements of Greek mythology.

Roy Hobbs’ journey can be seen as a modern-day myth, with parallels to heroes like Odysseus and Hercules.

The film’s cinematographer, Caleb Deschanel, received an Oscar nomination.

Deschanel’s brilliant camera work brought the story to life, capturing the essence and emotion of each scene.

“The Natural” explores the concept of second chances.

The film emphasizes the opportunity for redemption and the power of forgiveness.

The film’s lighting techniques were inspired by artist Norman Rockwell.

The use of warm, nostalgic lighting in “The Natural” reflects the influence of Rockwell’s iconic Americana paintings.

The movie inspires a sense of hope and optimism.

The Natural” celebrates the indomitable human spirit and the belief that anything is possible.

The film’s release was delayed due to technical issues.

Production complications pushed back the original release date, but the end result was well worth the wait.

The movie’s poster became iconic.

The image of Robert Redford in a baseball uniform, leaning on his bat, has become synonymous with the film.

“The Natural” is often considered one of the greatest sports movies of all time.

The film’s memorable characters, compelling story, and timeless themes have solidified its place in cinematic history.

The film’s success led to merchandise and spin-offs.

The Natural” inspired a range of products, including apparel, collectibles, and a baseball video game.

The movie’s legacy endures.

The Natural” continues to captivate audiences and is regarded as a cinematic masterpiece, beloved by fans young and old.

The Natural remains a beloved classic.

With its iconic performances, memorable quotes, and timeless themes, “The Natural” holds a special place in the hearts of movie lovers, baseball enthusiasts, and those seeking inspiration.


In conclusion, “The Natural” is a timeless classic that has captivated audiences for decades. With its compelling storyline, memorable characters, and stunning cinematography, the film has secured its place in the annals of cinema history. From its iconic baseball sequences to its poignant exploration of the human spirit, “The Natural” continues to resonate with viewers of all ages. Whether you’re a sports enthusiast or simply appreciate a well-crafted tale, this movie is sure to leave a lasting impression. So grab some popcorn, settle in, and prepare to be transported into the magical world of “The Natural.”


1. When was the movie “The Natural” released?

The Natural” was released on May 11, 1984.

2. Is “The Natural” based on a book?

Yes, “The Natural” is based on a novel by Bernard Malamud, published in 1952.

3. Who directed “The Natural”?

The film was directed by Barry Levinson.

4. Who stars in “The Natural”?

The movie features an all-star cast, including Robert Redford, Glenn Close, Robert Duvall, and Kim Basinger.

5. Is “The Natural” a true story?

No, “The Natural” is a work of fiction, although it draws inspiration from various aspects of baseball history.

6. What awards did “The Natural” receive?

The film received four Academy Award nominations and went on to win an award for Best Cinematography.

7. What is the runtime of “The Natural”?

The movie has a runtime of approximately 138 minutes.

If you're fascinated by the magic of movies, explore more captivating facts about the art of adaptation and the creative minds behind the camera, like Barry Levinson. For a nostalgic journey, dive into the world of 1980s music and discover the tunes that defined a generation.

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