45 Facts about the movie Imitation of Life - Facts.net
Mellisa Beaty

Written by Mellisa Beaty

Modified & Updated: 31 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Amazon.com

The movie “Imitation of Life” is a classic film that has captured the hearts of audiences for decades. Released in 1959, it is a powerful and thought-provoking drama that explores themes of race, identity, and the pursuit of the American dream. Directed by Douglas Sirk and based on the novel by Fannie Hurst, the film tells the story of two women from different backgrounds who form an unlikely friendship that becomes entangled with their desires for success and happiness. With its stellar cast, stunning cinematography, and compelling narrative, “Imitation of Life” has left an indelible mark on the history of cinema. In this article, we will delve deeper into the movie and uncover 45 fascinating facts that shed light on the making of this cinematic gem.

Key Takeaways:

  • “Imitation of Life” is a 1959 movie that explores race, identity, and society, captivating audiences with its powerful storytelling and thought-provoking themes.
  • The film’s impact extends beyond entertainment, sparking meaningful conversations about love, acceptance, and the complexities of racial and cultural identity.
Table of Contents

The movie “Imitation of Life” was released in 1959.

Starring Lana Turner and Juanita Moore, it follows the story of two women and their daughters as they navigate the complexities of race, identity, and society.

“Imitation of Life” is based on the 1933 novel of the same name by Fannie Hurst.

The novel explores themes of racial passing and motherhood, and the movie adaptation delves deeper into these subjects.

The movie was directed by Douglas Sirk, known for his visually stunning and emotionally complex melodramas.

Sirk’s signature style can be seen throughout “Imitation of Life” with vibrant colors, layered narratives, and intense performances.

The film was a remake of a 1934 film adaptation of the same novel.

The 1934 version deviated from the novel’s storyline and had a different emphasis, making the 1959 version more faithful to Hurst’s original vision.

The movie was a commercial success, grossing over $6 million at the box office.

Its popularity can be attributed to its gripping storyline, stellar performances, and relevant social themes.

Lana Turner, who portrayed the lead character Lora Meredith, was a well-established Hollywood actress at the time.

Her role in “Imitation of Life” showcased her versatility as an actress and earned her critical acclaim.

Juanita Moore, who played the role of Annie Johnson, received an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actress.

Her portrayal of a black housekeeper struggling with her mixed-race daughter brought depth and nuance to the character.

The movie tackles relevant and sensitive topics like racism, discrimination, and cultural identity.

It explores the complexities of racial passing and the challenges faced by minorities in a predominantly white society.

The character Sarah Jane, played by Susan Kohner, struggles with her identity as a mixed-race individual.

Her storyline highlights the internal conflict experienced by individuals torn between two worlds.

“Imitation of Life” was praised for its portrayal of strong female characters.

It empowers women by showcasing their resilience, ambition, and ability to overcome adversity.

The film received critical acclaim for its cinematography and visual aesthetics.

Douglas Sirk’s use of vibrant colors and rich compositions adds to the overall beauty and impact of the film.

Mahalia Jackson, the “Queen of Gospel,” makes a memorable appearance in the film, showcasing her powerful voice.

Her contribution to the movie’s soundtrack adds an additional layer of emotional depth to certain scenes.

“Imitation of Life” was groundbreaking for its time, as it tackled social issues that were often avoided in mainstream cinema.

Its bold narrative and unflinching exploration of racial and societal complexities set it apart from other films of the era.

The movie’s theme of identity resonated with audiences and sparked discussions about race and representation.

It encouraged dialogue and contributed to a broader cultural conversation about racial equality.

The film’s screenplay was written by Eleanore Griffin and Allan Scott, who effectively adapted Fannie Hurst’s novel for the screen.

They captured the essence of the characters and the social commentary present in the original material.

“Imitation of Life” was a significant success in international markets as well, further solidifying its impact and reach.

Its universal themes and relatable characters resonated with audiences worldwide.

The movie received two Academy Award nominations, one for Best Supporting Actress (Juanita Moore) and one for Best Costume Design.

The recognition further validated the film’s artistic and technical achievements.

The movie was ahead of its time in portraying interracial relationships and challenging societal norms.

It defied stereotypes and presented diverse and complex characters with depth and authenticity.

The film’s success paved the way for more thought-provoking and socially conscious films in the following decades.

It opened doors for filmmakers to address important social issues and push the boundaries of storytelling.

The powerful performances in “Imitation of Life” made a lasting impact on both the audience and the actors involved.

It remains a prominent example of the power of storytelling and the art of acting.

The movie’s release coincided with the Civil Rights Movement, making it even more relevant and timely.

It contributed to the growing calls for equal rights and sparked conversations about racial representation in the media.

The character Lora Meredith’s journey from an ambitious struggling actress to a successful Broadway star symbolizes the pursuit of the American Dream.

Her story resonates with audiences, mirroring their aspirations and struggles.

The movie’s title, “Imitation of Life,” hints at the facades and masks people wear in society, hiding their true identity.

It explores the idea of living an existence that is not genuine or genuine.

The film’s costumes played a significant role in visually capturing the era and the characters’ personalities.

The attention to detail in the costume design added depth to the storytelling.

“Imitation of Life” seamlessly intertwines the personal stories of the main characters with the larger societal themes.

It presents a microcosm of social issues through the lens of individual struggles.

The film’s success was not limited to its initial release; it has since become a timeless classic.

It continues to be celebrated for its groundbreaking narrative and thought-provoking themes.

The movie’s impact can be seen in the various adaptations and references made in popular culture over the years.

It has influenced filmmakers, artists, and storytellers across different mediums.

The emotional depth and raw performances in “Imitation of Life” leave a lasting impression on the audience.

It elicits empathy and invites introspection, prompting discussions about identity and societal norms.

The film’s iconic line, “I’m through with everything… except you,” has become synonymous with the emotional journey of the characters.

It encapsulates the complexities of human relationships and the sacrifices made for the ones we love.

The movie’s powerful message about the importance of accepting oneself and others resonates with audiences of all ages.

It encourages empathy, compassion, and understanding.

“Imitation of Life” has had a lasting impact on the representation of women and people of color in cinema.

It paved the way for more inclusive and diverse storytelling in the industry.

The movie’s success can be attributed to its ability to connect with audiences on an emotional and intellectual level.

It speaks to universal human experiences and encourages viewers to reflect on their own lives.

The film’s exploration of motherhood and the complexities of mother-daughter relationships struck a chord with audiences.

It delves into the sacrifices, challenges, and joys that come with being a parent.

“Imitation of Life” is a testament to the power of cinema to challenge societal norms and spark meaningful conversations.

Its impact extends beyond entertainment, as it contributes to a broader cultural dialogue.

The movie’s musical score, composed by Frank Skinner and Mahalia Jackson’s soulful performances, adds an additional layer of emotion to the film.

The music heightens the intensity of the narrative and enhances the overall viewing experience.

The movie’s release in the late 1950s showcased a shifting cultural landscape and marked a turning point in Hollywood’s treatment of social issues.

It set a precedent for more progressive and socially conscious storytelling.

The enduring popularity of “Imitation of Life” can be attributed to its timeless themes and universal messages of love, identity, and acceptance.

It remains a relevant and impactful piece of cinema.

The film’s exploration of racial and cultural identity highlights the complexities of self-discovery.

It challenges societal expectations and encourages individuals to embrace their true selves.

“Imitation of Life” showcases the emotional toll of societal expectations and the yearning for personal fulfillment.

It invites viewers to reflect on their own desires and aspirations.

The movie’s memorable performances and compelling storytelling make it a must-watch for film enthusiasts.

It demonstrates the power of cinema to illuminate and provoke thought.

The film’s legacy is a testament to the ability of storytelling to transcend time and resonate with audiences across generations.

It continues to captivate and inspire viewers, reminding us of the enduring power of art.

“Imitation of Life” showcases the transformative power of love and compassion.

It reminds us of the importance of empathy and understanding in creating a more inclusive society.

The film’s success sparked a renewed interest in Fannie Hurst’s novel, leading to increased readership and appreciation for her work.

It brought attention to the talented author behind the story.

The movie’s portrayal of racial passing sheds light on the complexities of biracial identity and the challenges faced by individuals caught between two worlds.

It challenges conventional notions of race and confronts the audience with uncomfortable truths.

“Imitation of Life” remains a cinematic masterpiece that continues to captivate audiences with its powerful storytelling and thought-provoking themes.

Its impact transcends the boundaries of time and continues to inspire discussions about identity, race, and societal norms.


In conclusion, “Imitation of Life” is a timeless classic that has left a lasting impact on the world of cinema. With its powerful storytelling, remarkable performances, and thought-provoking themes, the film continues to resonate with audiences even after several decades. From exploring the complexities of race, identity, and motherhood to portraying the effects of societal expectations and the pursuit of dreams, “Imitation of Life” offers a deeply emotional and poignant cinematic experience. Whether you’re a fan of classic movies or simply interested in thought-provoking storytelling, this film is a must-watch. Its enduring relevance and enduring legacy make “Imitation of Life” an essential part of film history.


Q: Who directed “Imitation of Life”

A: “Imitation of Life” was directed by Douglas Sirk.

Q: When was “Imitation of Life” released?

A: The film was released in 1959.

Q: Is “Imitation of Life” based on a book?

A: Yes, the film is based on the novel of the same name by Fannie Hurst.

Q: Who starred in “Imitation of Life”?

A: The film starred Lana Turner, John Gavin, Juanita Moore, and Sandra Dee.

Q: What is the runtime of “Imitation of Life”?

A: The film has a runtime of approximately 2 hours and 5 minutes.

Q: What are the main themes explored in “Imitation of Life”?

A: Some of the main themes in the film include racial identity, societal expectations, mother-daughter relationships, and the pursuit of dreams.

Q: Has “Imitation of Life” won any awards?

A: Yes, the film was nominated for three Academy Awards, including Best Supporting Actress for Juanita Moore.

Q: Is “Imitation of Life” available for streaming?

A: Yes, the film can be streamed on various platforms like Amazon Prime, Netflix, and Hulu.

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