FAO Rwanda staff welcomes a new Country Representative  | FAO in Rwanda | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO in Rwanda

FAO Rwanda staff welcomes a new Country Representative


The staff of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rwanda today, Monday welcomed the newly appointed Representative Ms. Coumba Dieng Sow. Prior to joining FAO Rwanda, Ms. Sow, a national of Senegal has been serving as Senior Subregional Resilience Officer, leading FAO’s work on emergencies and resilience in West Africa and Sahel. In her first speech as the FAO Representative, Ms. Sow expressed her excitement to join and serve in a country that has made such great steps towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, mentioning that the remarkable inclusive economic growth of Rwanda over the past 28 years is inspirational to many and we should strive to contribute to it.

“ I am very grateful for the Director General to have appointed me as the new FAO Rwanda Representative and I am indeed excited today to start this journey with you, a journey I am sure will be exciting for all. It has to be.” said Ms Sow

She also reiterated the importance of fostering teamwork spirit and urged the staff to shun the work as a usual pattern and instead embrace innovative and creative ways of delivering towards a common battle of making sustainable food systems and achieving Zero Hunger.

Ms. Sow first joined FAO, in 2006 as Agricultural Policy Officer in the Policy and Programme Development Support Division in Rome, Italy. In 2013, she was appointed to the Office of the Director-General, Responsible for supporting the implementation of activities in the African region. Effective 18th July 2022, Ms.Coumba Sow, as the new FAO Rwanda Representative is going to support Government priorities and lead the planning and implementation of FAO programmes and extrabudgetary project activities for the country. Ms. Sow is very active on different socisal media platforms  and she deems them important in engaging with accorss section of agriculture development actors especially youth. On Twitter she can be reached @CoumbaDSow