Saturday, June 08, 2024

PolyKit DUO 6 Voice DIY Poly Synth by Craig Barnes

video uploads by Craig Barnes

"PolyKit DUO first tests as a 6 voice poly. some bugs to iron ouThis is the first test of the basic functions of this 16 voice DCO based analogue synthesizer. It will be bi-timbral when complete with upper and lower sounds with 8 voices in each, dual, split and single modes. Still a lot more work to be done. t in the software around the portamento controls, but other than that it's almost there."

PolyKit DUO first tests as a 6 voice poly
Bi-timbral PolyKit 16 updates
Second phase of the PolyKit construction was to create the bi-timbral software so it can create, save and load two sounds at once. so far so good with some spurious aftertouch in there.

PolyKit 16 first fully polyphonic test

PolyKit DUO preliminary demo with only one filter installed.
Preliminary testing of a single voice as I have no more AS3372E chips and they seem to be lost in the mail from Portugal. Had a few issues with wiring, always the way when you do two voices on a board at once. Filter 1 & 2 EG outputs were swapped. And EG level for voice 2 had two pins swapped on the 4053 switch between velocity and full level. Need to debug some more but so far I'm happy.

PolyKit 16, a bi-timbral 16 voice dual DCO Polysynth.
This is a short demo of a small selection of sounds produced by the PolyKit 16 programmable Polysynth. It is based on the PolyKit DCO by Jan Knipper and has been expanded from 6 note polyphonic to 16 with dual DCOs instead of single, additional sub and triangle outputs and dual LFOs and a noise source per bank of 8 voices. Still more work to do on the programming like trying to create patches as well as presets.

Poly6 Teensy 3.6 based Polysynth with patch memory

video upload by Craig Barnes


This is a polyphonic synth forked from albnys/TeensyPoly6 converted into a 2U 19" rack.

The analogue interface now uses 6 MUX chips to read the pots and switches so there is no need to connect top the top or underneath of the Teensy 3.6 for the extra analogue inputs required. It runs smoother now as well.

The schematics are upto date now with the latest mux changes.

The synth is built using a teensy 3.6 overclocked to 192Mhz and is programmed in Arduino IDE using the teensy audio library.

Easily upgrade to a T4.1 or even a T4.0 as very few connections are required now. Increase of polyphony is probably available with a T4.x.

How it sounds in the original keyboard form, this sound engine is unchanged.

• Homemade Polyphonic Synthesizer! [posted here]

Triple VCOs with octave +/- shift.

Osc A with SAW, PULSE (PWM) and TRIANGLE waves, plus SUB and Crossmod

Osc B with SAW, PULSE (PWM) and TRIANGLE waves, plus tuning, oct +/-

Osc C with 28 waves, plus tuning, oct +/-

LP/BP filter with resonance and env +/- for A/D/R


Modulation destinations for FM. TM and AM

LFO attack, decay and sustain with depth control

PWM LFO with rate and depth

Digital reverb with size and mix amount

Digital delay with time and mix amount

Programmable ranges for Pitch, Modulation and Aftertouch

Mono, Poly and Unison (two voices) modes, Unison detune ranges

Note priorities for Mono and Unison modes, Top, Bottom, Last.

MIDI modulation, aftertouch, CC messages for controls, channel change, pitchbend.

999 memories with storage of all front panel controls except volume.

MIDI In, Out, Thru"

Sequential Prophet 600 clone on proto board with Gligli upgrade

video upload by Craig Barnes

"A complete clone of a Sequential Prophet 600 built into a CME UF60 case, push buttons were used instead of the membrane. AS3372E chips were used instead of the standard AS3372 which are expensive and hard to find. Total cost around 600 euros and a month to build on and off."

Moog Source based clone controlled by Teensy 3.6

video upload by Craig Barnes

"I love the Moog Source but really cannot justify over £2000 to buy one without MIDI etc. So I made a monosynth based on the style of the Source, I replaced all the button/value selections with actual pots to make editing simpler. I added another LFO to control the PW of each oscillator with depth controls. The ladder filter is from the MemoryMoog. It stores 999 patches and has MIDI and CV inputs. Note priorities etc. The envelopes are Electric Druid EnvGen8C devices so I have added log/lin envelopes and looping modes."

More Moog Source clone sounds

video upload by Craig Barnes

"This is my attempt at cloning the classic Moog Source but also bringing it upto date. I built this synth over a year ago before the war started. I recently took it off the shelf and tried to remember how exactly I wired it up as I made very few notes of the schematics, most of it was on the fly or from tried and tested methods I had in my head. But I think I got about 95% of it loaded into GitHub now and I made a few changes along the way. I updated the software and added more features over MIDI such as aftertouch, midi clock sync etc. it sounds better in the flesh than recorded on my phone but currently my studio is out of action due to Putin's ongoing effort to destroy this country. I hope you like it and the other synths on my channel, I'm not much of a player so relying on the arp from a keystep whilst filming with my phone. The last sound "Thump Bass" is an example of the repeating envelopes for the filter and amp."

VCDO based Polysynth in a Crumar Stratus case

video upload by Craig Barnes

"A 6 note polysynth design that I have been building on and off for about 3 years since i had the idea. I gutted an old Stratus as I got it very cheap and the original idea was to only replace the organ generation circuits with real VCO's or DCO's to feed the Stratus CEM filters etc. But as it developed I ended up replacing more and more of the Stratus with my own designs or interpretations of designs I've found on the web. It switched between CEM3340 VCO's an Electric Druid VCDO1 chips, eventually settling on the VCDO1 chips even though the waves are only 8 bit, its very PPGish.

The specs are as follows.

Dual Electric Druid VCDO1 oscillators with modified firmware for new waveforms and performance.
Multipole filters similar to the Shruthi design but using the CEM3320 and pole mixing. 16 states, resonance, key tracking, EG depth & invert and looping.
LFO with 16 waveforms, slope and delay, depth and multiple destinations. Electric Druid TAPLFO3.
White Noise source based on the Electric Druid Noise 2
3x EG's per voice, Pitch, Filter and Amplifier, switchable velocity on each EG, Electric Druid EnvGEN8c.
Bit Crush on the waveforms
Poly/Unison modes
999 memory locations
MIDI and CV in/outs and can be used to drive CV based equipment"

Korg DW6000 editor built into the DW6000

video upload by Craig Barnes

"This is a Teensy 4.1 based sysex editor for the Korg DW6000, it can hold 999 patches and update the DW on each patch selection. Sysex params also have corresponding CC numbers so it is easily controlled by a DAW or other external controller. It can also receive and send MIDI over USB to all connection to a PC or MAC without a MIDI interface.

It can receive sysex patches over MIDI and these can be saved in the editor or synth.

In master mode the editor is in charge and simply sends new patch data every time a program change is made. The synth memories are irrelevant at this point, but it also allows you to build a bank of sounds in the synth if you wish as any of the patch data sent from the editor can be saved in a synth memory location.

in slave mode the editor simply sends a program change to the synth and recalls a patch. You can edit the patch with the editor and save it in the synth, but it will not be in sync with the editor memories 1-64.

You can send individual or all the patches of the synth out as sysex messages from the menu.

Any suggestions I will consider implementing if possible.

Also a copy of the factory patches are stored onboard and you can send these at anytime to the DW6000 to factory initialise its sounds.

Also you can send all of your patches from the DW6000 to the editor to bring it up to sync with your synth, probably the best thing to do. The only caveat is you will have no patch names as the DW6000 does not hold that data, so you will have to rename the patches if you require names.

Schematics and code can be found here."

Bill Wolfer is STILL jamming on the Legacy HZ Synth

video upload by Bill Wolfer

"You ain't heard nothing yet! I have the feeling that this is the start of a beautiful friendship. All sounds and effects are from the Legacy HZ and nothing else.

Music written and performed by Bill Wolfer.
©2024 Wolftoons Music, ASCAP. All rights reserved."


video upload by Woody Piano Shack

"Demo KORG WAVESTATE WAVE SEQUENCING SYNTHESIZER, successor to the KORG WAVESTATION. I never heard sounds this good before in a synth!"


Christophe Duquesne: Additive Spectral Analysis Tool Update - ContinuuCon 2024

video upload by ContinuuCon

"Christophe Duquesne: Additive Spectral Analysis Tool Update - ContinuuCon 2024"

The M.E.M.S Project at Buchla & Friends (non music version)

video upload by Logan Mannstrane

"January 27th, 2024

As an avid enthusiast of Buchla format modules, I couldn’t resist attending the Buchla & Friends event in downtown Los Angeles. Armed with my camera, I set out to capture the essence of such a unique gathering.

The highlight of the event was the M.E.M.S talk by Chip Flynn and Mark Milanovich, which delved into the legacy of Don Buchla. Their dedication to recreating the original designs is nothing short of awe-inspiring. I hope this HDR video provides a vivid glimpse into their meticulous craftsmanship.

Discover more about M.E.M.S:"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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