be a piece of cake

(redirected from it's a piece of cake)

be a piece of cake

To be a very easy task or accomplishment. I thought I was going to fail the test, but it turned out to be a piece of cake! Grandma told me that knitting would be a piece of cake, but I'm already all tangled up in yarn! After so many years as an accountant, doing taxes is a piece of cake for me.
See also: cake, of, piece
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

piece of cake, it's a

It is laughably simple; it’s easily accomplished. This term is supposedly derived from the cakewalk, originally (mid-nineteenth century) an African-American promenading contest in which couples who devised the most intricate or appealing steps won a cake as a prize. Later the phrase came to mean a high-stepping dance with a strutting step, based on the promenade, as well as the music for such dancing. Finally, by the early twentieth century, cakewalk came to be slang for something stylish, pleasurable, and easy to do, and by the late 1930s it had been converted to piece of cake. Both piece of cake and cakewalk were British armed forces slang for an easy mission during World War II, and the former was used as the title for a television drama (1989; 1990 in America) about the Royal Air Force during that conflict. See also easy as pie; duck soup.
See also: of, piece
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer
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References in periodicals archive ?
Rosemary said: "It's a piece of cake to support St Cuthbert's by becoming a regular giver."
The eye-catching animal cakes featured on the cover and back of PARTY ANIMAL CAKES may look difficult to make, but with Lindy Smith's step-by-step, color photo enhanced directions in hand, it's a piece of cake to produce them.