Give me some new bands or players to listen to..... | Fractal Audio Systems Forum
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Give me some new bands or players to listen to.....

Check the site out, it lists an absurd amount of genres to choose from with a sound clip. It links to artists in that genre.
You will find something new.
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Not exactly new, but check out The Gentlemen's Blues Club. A group of studio musicians who put out a couple of bluesrock albums. Original songs and a few great covers.
Anything Butch Walker has written, recorded, or produced. Early solo stuff, Marvelous 3, or the lookup his production credits. Not a pop person, but I've been enjoying Taylor Acorn recently. I've always liked good females vocals.
Check out Ariel Posen.

I saw this video a while back and became a massive fan:

Joe Robinson is great, although his more recent material leans a little heavier on the singer/songwriter side.

This was my introduction to him many years back, and again it was instant fan mode for me:

By the way, I asked him at Vai Academy about the song title (Flaming Arches). Apparently it's about a friend of his who (allegedly) burned down a McDonald's in Australia as a young teenager.
Deerhunter, Premiata Forneria Marconi , IQ , Frost , Porcupine Tree , Steven Wilson and of course all of Dream Theater :)
Frost Milliontown is a MUST. they made videos from the whole cd in a studio .and i almost forgot neal morse band
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Dive into some Billy Strings and other Bluegrass players.
I've never listened to, or really liked this style until recently.
Really fun to try and learn some of the songs and licks.
Different and challenging.
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