Songshan Culture and Creative Park

Where Old Meets New


2023-04-14 - 2023-04-30

Songshan Cultural and Creative Park: Where Old Meets New

Built in 1937, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park (SCCP) began life as Songshan Tobacco Factory of the Taiwan Governor-General Monopoly Bureau. It was later taken over by the Taiwan Provincial Monopoly Bureau and renamed Songshan Tobacco Factory of the Taiwan Provincial Monopoly Bureau. As the first cigarette-rolling plant in Taiwan, it manufactured cigarettes and cigars, generating considerable income for Taiwan at the time. In 1998, as demand declined, the plant stopped manufacturing these products, and merged with Taipei Cigarette Factory.
In 2001, the Tobacco Factory was listed by Taipei City government as Taipei’s 99th municipal historic site. On November 15, 2011, it was transformed into Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, and has been officially open to the public ever since. SCCP shoulders the missions of promoting Taipei’s originality; reinforcing Taipei’s soft power in culture and creativity; and enhancing the city’s competitiveness. SCCP has been recognized as “Taipei City’s Hub for Originality”, and serves as a social enterprise for the cultural and creative industry.
Located at a prime location in Taipei City, with new buildings sprouting up all around, SCCP’s rich history, ecology, and culture stand out even more. Each year, SCCP organizes events on its premises such as the Grad Expo; the Summer Festival; and the Taipei Originality Hub Festival to promote its brands and support young creators. SCCP fulfills its role of being Taipei City’s Hub for Originality by reinventing soft power, building social networks, managing brand-value, and cultivating talent. By fostering creative talents and encouraging originality, SCCP has become not only an important hub for creativity in Taiwan, but also a site for the international cultural creative industry. It provides a space for the public to appreciate art and originality, and to marvel at the creativity that knows no bounds.