Aaron Taylor Johnson 'Kraven the Hunter' Workout: Build a Superhero Physique
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Aaron Taylor Johnson 'Kraven the Hunter' Workout: Build a Superhero Physique

Aaron Taylor Johnson 'Kraven the Hunter' Workout: Build a Superhero Physique

Discover how Aaron Taylor Johnson transforms into Kraven the Hunter for the upcoming Marvel movie. Learn about his jacked physique, workout routine, and more!


Aaron Taylor-Johnson, known for his roles in movies like "Godzilla" and "Kick-Ass," is gearing up for his next big role as Kraven the Hunter in the upcoming Marvel movie. Kraven the Hunter is a formidable villain from the Marvel comics known for his expert hunting skills and physical prowess. Set to hit theatres in August 2024, the Kraven the Hunter movie promises to bring this iconic character to life in an action-packed adventure.

When it comes to portraying Kraven, Aaron Taylor-Johnson is the perfect fit. With his muscular physique and commanding presence, he embodies the strength and agility required for the role. In films like "Godzilla," Johnson has showcased his ability to handle intense action sequences, making him a natural choice for the part of Kraven.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson's portrayal of Kraven the Hunter is set to explore the intriguing backstory of this iconic Marvel character. In the comics, Kraven, also known as Sergei Kravinoff, is a Russian immigrant with a fierce determination to prove himself as the world's greatest hunter. Driven by his unyielding ambition, Kraven embarks on a perilous mission to hunt down the most elusive prey, including the legendary Spider-Man. With his unmatched skills in tracking and combat, Kraven poses a formidable challenge to his adversaries.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson is no stranger to intense physical training for his roles. To prepare for Kraven the Hunter, he's likely following a rigorous workout routine focused on building strength and muscle mass. With his dedication to fitness and his impressive physique, there's no doubt that Aaron Taylor-Johnson will bring Kraven to life in a truly epic way.

Aaron Taylor Johnson 'Kraven the Hunter' Workout: Build a Superhero Physique


Aaron Taylor-Johnson, known for his roles in films like "Kick-Ass 2" and "Godzilla," boasts an impressive physique that often turns heads. Standing at a solid 5 feet 11 inches tall, Johnson has managed to maintain a weight of around 175 pounds for his role in "Kick-Ass 2." However, for his portrayal in "Godzilla," he bulked up to approximately 190 pounds. Despite his varying weights, Johnson maintains a lean physique, typically hovering around 10 percent body fat.

What sets Aaron Taylor-Johnson apart is his ability to strike a balance between muscle mass and leanness. By staying around 10 percent body fat, he ensures that he maintains both size and strength without sacrificing definition. Going below this threshold could potentially compromise his muscularity. In the promotional materials for "Kraven the Hunter," Johnson appears to be at his peak physical condition, showcasing a combination of size and definition that perfectly embodies the character.

Aaron Taylor Johnson 'Kraven the Hunter' Workout: Build a Superhero Physique


When it comes to Aaron Taylor-Johnson's physique, one standout feature is undoubtedly his impressive shoulder and arm development. Through a dedicated commitment to heavy compound lifts, Johnson has sculpted massive shoulders and humongous biceps. His workout routine places a heavy emphasis on shoulder and arm exercises to achieve this muscular build.

A cornerstone of shoulder training is the standing barbell press, a classic movement that not only builds shoulder strength but also targets the triceps, traps, upper back and core muscles. This exercise is a testament to true strength and is essential for elevating overall shoulder development. To add variation and ensure continuous strength progress, you can incorporate exercise rotation with movements like the seated dumbbell press and seated Smith machine press as these are less systemically fatiguing.

In addition to shoulder training, this Aaron Taylor-Johnson-inspired regimen includes weighted chin-ups and barbell curls to further enhance arm size and definition. Weighted chin-ups primarily target the back muscles while engaging the biceps as a secondary muscle group. By incorporating different grip variations, such as underhand grip chin-ups, you can effectively target the biceps, resulting in impressive arm growth and definition. These exercises form the cornerstone of the Aaron Taylor-Johnson workout routine, helping you to achieve his muscular physique seen in "Kraven the Hunter".

Aaron Taylor Johnson 'Kraven the Hunter' Workout: Build a Superhero Physique


When it comes to building a physique like Aaron Taylor-Johnson, there's no need for complicated routines or endless hours in the gym. The key is to focus on compound movements and progressive overload, just like Johnson did to prepare for his role as Kraven the Hunter. While his training schedule for the film may have been different, this workout routine targets the same key principles that helped him achieve his muscular physique.

The secret to getting jacked like Johnson lies in getting very strong on a few key movements. By continuously increasing the weight each week through reverse pyramid training, straight sets, and rest-pause training, you'll build both strength and muscle mass. Muscle growth is directly proportional to strength gains, so prioritising compound lifts like the incline press, overhead press, weighted chin-ups, Romanian deadlift and Bulgarian split squat is essential.

To complement your strength training which will bring 80% of the results, incorporate isolation exercises like lateral raises, curls, and extensions to target smaller muscle groups in the arms and shoulders. Rest-pause training, in particular, will help maximise muscle fibre recruitment, allow for more effective reps and stimulate muscle growth effectively. This training style will blow up your shoulders, just like Aaron Taylor-Johnson’s. With this comprehensive approach, you'll experience maximum gains in both muscle size and strength.

The workout routine is designed as a two-day split, to be performed three days per week. The first workout will target your chest, shoulders and triceps; the second workout will hit your back, biceps and legs. The workouts will take you about one hour each to complete.

On the first week, you’ll do Workout A twice and Workout B once. On the following week, you’ll do Workout B twice and Workout A once.



  • Monday: Workout A
  • Wednesday: Workout B
  • Friday: Workout A


  • Monday: Workout B
  • Wednesday: Workout A
  • Friday: Workout B

This balanced approach allows for adequate rest and recovery while still providing enough stimulus for muscle growth. By following this routine consistently, you'll lay the foundation for long-term gains and sustainable progress. I preach adherence and sustainability at Eternobody because time and time again I've seen guys take on too much workload and quit after 6-12 months of good work. There's no point getting in shape if you can't maintain it effortlessly for the rest of your life.

Remember, sustainability is key to achieving lasting results. Rather than overtraining with a six-day-a-week schedule, focus on quality workouts that you can maintain for the long haul. Most people in the gym will hinder their recovery by training 6+ days a week. Unless you are on anabolics, this isn’t the best protocol for most natural lifters unless you have all your training, diet, sleep and lifestyle factors dialled in. I recommend training 2-5 days per week with most guys seeing optimal results training 3 days per week.

By training smarter, not harder, you'll see impressive gains in your physique, just like Aaron Taylor-Johnson in "Kraven the Hunter."



  • Incline Barbell Press: 3 sets x 4-5, 6-7, 8-10 reps (reverse pyramid training)
  • Standing Press: 3 sets x 6-8, 8-10, 8-10 reps (reverse pyramid training)
  • Triceps Double Rope Pushdowns: 3 sets x 6-8, 8-10, 10-12 reps (reverse pyramid training)
  • Cuffed Cable Lateral Raises: 1 set x 12-15 reps + 3 mini-sets x 4-6 reps (rest-pause training)
  • Hanging Knee Raises: 3 sets x 8-12 reps (straight sets)


  • Weighted Chinups: 3 sets x 4, 6, 8 reps (reverse pyramid training)
  • Bayesian Cable Curls: 3 sets x 6-8, 6-8, 8-10 reps (reverse pyramid training)
  • Bulgarian Split Squats: 4 sets x 6-8 reps (straight sets)
  • Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts: 4 sets x 10-12 reps (straight sets)
  • Lying Face Pulls: 4 sets x 12-15 reps (straight sets)

NEXT: Tom Holland 'Spider-Man' Workout: Unleash Your Inner Superhero


When it comes to training like Aaron Taylor-Johnson for his role as Kraven the Hunter, it's all about finding the right balance between intensity and recovery. This workout routine incorporates a mix of reverse pyramid training and straight sets to target key muscle groups effectively.

With reverse pyramid training (RPT), you'll start each exercise with your heaviest set and gradually reduce the weight with each subsequent set. This approach allows you to lift heavier weights while still maintaining proper form and technique. For leg exercises and accessory lifts, you'll use straight sets to warm up briefly with lighter weights before completing all your working sets with the same weight.

In addition to finding the right balance in your training frequency, it's essential to prioritise progressive overload to drive muscle growth. Progressive overload means gradually increasing the weight, increasing reps, improving form or improving mind-muscle connection to continually challenge your muscles and stimulate growth. It’s widely accepted that progressive overload is crucial for ensuring continued progress because you need to continually provide the muscle with a new stimulus to adapt to. Without overload, the muscle will reach the current challenge level and have no real reason to continue growing.

One effective method to achieve this is by employing the double progression model, where you increase the weight once you reach the top end of your rep range, ensuring consistent progress in your strength and muscle gains. By focusing on progressive overload and using the double progression model, you'll maximise your results and build a superhero physique worthy of a villain like Aaron Taylor-Johnson.

The goal of this workout routine is to help you build a physique similar to Aaron Taylor-Johnson's. By focusing on key movements and targeting specific muscle groups, you'll be on your way to looking absolutely jacked in no time.

It's important to remember that fitness isn't just about how hard you work in the gym—it's also about how well you take care of your body outside of the gym. Overtraining can lead to fatigue, injury, and decreased motivation, so it's crucial to listen to your body and prioritise rest and recovery.

By working out smarter, not harder, you'll be able to achieve your fitness goals without burning out or sacrificing your overall well-being. And with the right nutrition plan to support your training efforts, you'll be well on your way to building the aesthetic physique you've always wanted.

Aaron Taylor Johnson 'Kraven the Hunter' Workout: Build a Superhero Physique



    Not only did he slice off 20+ pounds of fat, but Harry also gained some insane strength & muscle. From soft to carved out of granite in 7 months. What's better? Landed a top graduate job post-transformation.


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    Alfred used the aggressive fat loss and lean bulking nutrition protocols inside of F$ck Me Now physique to fix his skinny fat nightmare. In just 8 months, he completely re-engineered his body composition.


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