Syphax | Oxford Classical Dictionary
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date: 16 June 2023



  • Howard Hayes Scullard
  •  and John Briscoe


Syphax (Σόφαξ in *Polybius (1)), chief of a Numidian tribe (see numidia), the Masaesylii, in north Africa, with capitals at Siga and *Cirta. He revolted from Carthage c.214 bce, and made an alliance with P. *Cornelius Scipio (1) and Cn. *Cornelius Scipio Calvus in Spain. He overran part of the territory of his neighbour *Masinissa and tried to retain the friendship of both Rome and Carthage, but was won over to the latter by *Sophonisba. He fought against the Roman expeditionary forces led by *Scipio Africanus, who burnt his camp. Defeated at the Great Plains (see punic wars), he fled to his kingdom where he was beaten in battle and captured. He died in imprisonment at *Tibur in Italy in 201.


  • Roman History and Historiography

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