Reprogram Your Mind To Drop Habits & Reach Success With All 18 Of Randy Charach's Original (Re-Mastered) Mind Power Audio Programs.

I know you're constantly struggling to make your life better. You may be trying to improve your relationships, get a better job or eliminate bad habits. That's Great!

When you try to improve your life, what you’re doing is trying to make yourself a more successful person.

Do you know the real secrets of successful people?

What self-help gurus don't tell you, is that it's not what you learn consciously that matters…

it's what your subconscious mind is programmed to believe.

You can follow all the self-help training programs you like, but if you’re subconsciously programmed to fail it's like trying to run up an escalator that’s going down. You’re always struggling but achieving a lot less than you could.

What’s the real difference between any super successful person and the ordinary person in the street?

Most people who know anything about psychology would agree, these people have minds that work differently. There’s a huge industry just dedicated to producing self-help programs for people who want to change their mindsets to resemble those of super achievers.

Yet, most people don't reach their full potential even after attending high priced seminars and reading hundreds of books. If you read the biographies of most super achievers you find they often had parents who gave them an unparalleled amount of support.

This gave these super achievers a special type of mindset that was programmed to succeed early in their life. You also find an unusually high number of super achievers from very poor backgrounds. Poverty triggered a burning desire inside them from a very early age.

Something happened in their childhood that strongly conditioned their unconscious minds to succeed.

Consider the childhood experience of the other 90 or so percent of the population. Their parents and school conditioned them to believe from an early age to fit in with the crowd and keep their expectations low.

In adulthood these childhood lessons are consciously forgotten but the unconscious remembers everything and is far more powerful than the conscious mind. The result is --- most people are programmed to fail.

Bad Habits Are Just A Symptom!

Have you ever noticed right when success seems to be just around the corner, something gets in the way?

Do you find you make simple mistakes that derail your plans? Do you find you sabotaging yourself when you should be at the peak of your success?

Perhaps you find yourself getting over a bad relationship and feeling good about yourself again. Then you go and put yourself into a new bad relationship.

How Would You Like To Succeed?

Many people quit smoking only to find they still have other health threatening problems. Some eat too much. Some abuse alcohol or drugs. Some engage in anti-social behaviour.

Many people have issues – often started in childhood – that cause them to subconsciously crave their own failure. Deep down inside they do not feel they deserve to succeed. So, they set up landmines in their own life.

You Have To Reprogram!

Do you feel like you are constantly taking one step forward only to take two steps backward? Your subconscious mind is setting traps for you.

If your computer constantly crashed, you would wipe the hard drive and reprogram it from scratch. You need to do the same thing with your mind!

People who truly believe they should succeed normally find success. People who do not think they deserve success seem to always fail.

How many times have you heard about people reaching the heights of success only to come crashing down because of some easily avoidable behavior?

It happens every day because these people have not found out how to reprogram the negative energy that was installed in childhood!

Here’s Your Answer!

I've help people for many years with my hypnosis sessions and programs. In 1995, I recorded 18 Self-Hypnosis audio programs on topics from losing weight to improving memory.

These were my first hypnosis recordings made available to the public. They have helped thousands of people reprogram their subconscious for success!

They've acted as an antibiotic to failure!

People who seemed cursed to failure for their entire lives are suddenly living happy and successful lives!

Along with their new self-confidence, many of their bad habits have disappeared as well.

"Oh this soothing voice and positive thinking. I love Charach. Awesome. Love it!!!" - ERICA COFFEY

"I find this is one of the best hypnosis programs I have found." - BELLA ROSE

"Since I started listening , almost 6 months ago, I've seen so many positive changes in my life! " - JULIA GROUT

Many people develop destructive habits to address the incredible stress that has invaded their lives. This can all change once you reprogram your mind for success.

Now Is Your Chance! Don’t Miss Out!

Up until now, my mind power audio programs have only been available through third parties who did not always maintain the quality of these original recordings.

Now, you can experience these re-mastered mind power success programs online and downloadable in MP3 format.

This can change your life for the better.

I’ve bundled the entire 18 recordings for you. Not only that, I'm also going to back up these programs with an unconditional money back guarantee!

If you try these programs and are not completely satisfied, simply request your refund within 30 days and I will return 100% of your money – no questions asked!

Don’t Be Afraid Of Hypnosis!

I know many people are scared to try hypnotherapy because of misconceptions that have seeped into popular culture.

Hypnosis is not a tool of mad scientists or a way to control your mind. That's all Hollywood hogwash! Hypnosis is a natural, normal state.

Have you ever noticed how time seems to fly by when you’re driving on a long car trip? Or, how you can lose yourself watching television on a Sunday afternoon? That is a form of self-hypnosis. You have probably hypnotized yourself many times in your life without realizing it.

Contrary to popular belief, hypnosis cannot be used to make you do anything you don’t want to do. It can’t turn you into a robot, brainwash you or take away your free will. That is simply a myth fed to people in movies and on television for entertainment.

Real hypnosis works very well if you are ready to change your life!

Hey, if it were that powerful, I could have simply hypnotized you to buy my programs rather than writing this letter. And, I wouldn't.

Hypnosis Is Perfectly Safe!

Hypnosis is a medically approved therapy. It’s used by doctors, psychologists and many therapists to effectively improve behaviour.

It’s used because it works!

These recordings are so amazingly effective because it’s not your conscious mind that’s causing you to fail. It’s your unconscious mind.

As long as you want to succeed, hypnosis can remove the blockages that are tripping up your life! Your subconscious can work to make you succeed rather than doom you to failure!

It Helps In All Areas Of Your Life!

Many people who use my hypnosis sessions to program themselves to succeed find their other bad habits disappear at the same time!

Remember, this is all offered to you risk free. Just try it for 30 days. If your life hasn't improved you can receive a full refund.

The Path To Wisdom!

Look, I’ve been involved with hypnosis for decades. While I’ve always been able to cure the individual issues people came to me with, I started noticing many people who beat their initial problems, still had huge roadblocks in their path to success.

I then started wondering what the successful people I encounter had in common. After years of experience this is what I found out. Successful people:

  • Set goals and achieve them.
  • Manage stress easily.
  • Solve problems effectively.
  • Have a positive attitude to prosperity that attracts money.
  • Are naturally creative.
  • Manage their time effectively.
  • Are able to switch off and relax.
  • Are able to speak effectively both in public and private.
  • Are super at selling their products, services or ideas to others.
  • Have a retentive memory.

Imagine How Different Your Life Could Be!

Think how much more successful your life could be if you simply had all these skills common to the winners in the world.

Would your work be different if you were able to remember important details?

How much more powerful would your personality become if you were able to easily remember people’s names and personal details?

If you could manage stress and set goals, would people be more impressed with you? The mind power audio programs have the potential to:

  • Automatically reprogram your mind to effortlessly attract financial prosperity into your life.
  • Give you the ability to solve problems easily and effectively.
  • Provide a relaxed outlook on life, easily overcoming stress.
  • Enable you to set goals and achieve them.
  • Help you to unlock your creative genius.
  • Manage your time effectively to prioritize the important things that really produce results.
  • Communicate with people in a fluent and persuasive manner both in private and in public.
  • Sell your products, services or ideas with ease.
  • Develop a supercharged memory, easily recalling important details.
  • The ability to relax and switch off to recharge your batteries.

    All immediately available to you within moments of you order.

All successful people are able to make others feel important!

If you had a greater memory for people and details you would be well on your way to acquiring these tremendous skills!

The most important common trait of all the successful people I’ve encountered was they feel comfortable with success.

That's why I create a bundle of programs that instead of attacking the symptoms of failure, directly removed the cause.

The result is this incredible hypnosis audio package. Since I started implementing these strategies for success I’ve seen the lives of my clients dramatically change for the better. They make more money. They have better relationships. They have better jobs!

I offer this program with my money back guarantee because it has proved to be so successful, I feel I take almost no risk offering your money back if your life does not improve in only 30 days!

Think about where your life is today. Are you really satisfied?

Are you getting everything life has to offer you?

Ask yourself these key questions:

  • Am I making as much money as I am worth?
  • Does success always seem to fade away at the last minute?
  • Am I sabotaging my life?
  • Do people with fewer skills than I have seem to soar above me?
  • Do I have unhealthy habits that are holding me back?
  • Do I want to make more money, have better relationships and lead a better life?

If you answered yes to these questions then you can’t afford not to take advantage of this limited time offer. Every day you continue your self-destructive habits is costing you the chance at success.

Failure can be a pit difficult to climb out of. The sooner you start turning your life around, the greater your ultimate success will be.

Aren’t you tired of wasting your time, money and effort, only to crash and burn? As your income and opportunities in life become greater, these programs can quickly pay for themselves.

Remember, you risk nothing. Everything is completely guaranteed.

There are not many times in life when you get the chance to have someone else take all the risk and give you all of the potential reward. This is one of those times.

The only risk you take is if you decide to delay. I want to help you, and I can’t unless you take the first step to help yourself!

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity!

Order today!

Look below where it say's What You're Going To Get to see exactly what you will immediately receive in this bundle. It's every one of my mind power success programs, as well as all of the sport and health programs.

There will be some programs you don't need. That's why the price is so low. Feel free to share these extra programs with your friends who will benefit from the titles you don't need right now.

Thank You!

Thank you for taking the time to read about this incredible offer. Time is running out and I’m sure you want to order today. This will be your first step to a better life!


P.S. #1: This bundle is only being offer at this special low price for a limited time.
P.S. #2: These Original Re-Mastered Mind Power Audio Programs Are Only Available Here.
P.S. #3: Remember, you have 30 days to try this out and can receive a full refund if not completely satisfied.

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About the instructor

Certified NLP Practitioner, Hypnotist & Hypnotherapist


Randy Charach helps people reprogram their mind to attract an abundance of happiness and prosperity. He’s a certified hypnotist, hypnotherapist, and practitioner of neurolinguistic programming (NLP). He walks his talk. By the age of 24, Randy made his first million dollars. He now has a self-made, 8 figure net worth. Randy combines his experience, skills, and knowledge with his advanced hypnotic methods to lead others to health, wealth, and happiness.Since 1995, with the release of Randy’s first series of hypnosis audios, he has helped thousands of people reach new heights in their life. To access Randy for a single Skype hypnosis session, you would pay up to $1000 or more. Now, you can reap the benefit of Randy’s hypnosis sessions for a tiny fraction of that investment in your financial future. Randy’s video sessions give you Randy-on-Demand. You can now enjoy his powerful, life-changing programs anytime, and as often as you want. Register for one of Randy’s amazing hypnosis sessions right now.

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Allergy Relief

    • Allergy Relief

  • 2

    Back Pain Relief

    • Back Pain Relief

  • 3

    Be Psychic

    • Be Psychic

  • 4

    Creative Thinking

    • Creative Thinking

  • 5

    Effective Speaking

    • Effective Speaking

  • 6

    Goal Setting

    • Goal Setting

  • 7

    Lose Weight

    • Lose Weight

  • 8

    Master Martial Arts

    • Master Martial Arts

  • 9

    Memory Improvement

    • Memory Improvement

  • 10

    Migraine Relief

    • Migraine Relief

  • 11

    Money and Prosperity

    • Money and Prosperity

  • 12

    Play Better Golf

    • Play Better Golf

  • 13

    Problem Solving

    • Problem Solving

  • 14

    Relax Now

    • Relax Now

  • 15

    Sales Power

    • Sales Power

  • 16

    Stop Smoking

    • Stop Smoking

  • 17

    Stress Relief

    • Stress Relief

  • 18

    Time Management

    • Time Management

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