Rural, Suburban, Urban: unit vocabulary (article) | Khan Academy

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Rural, Suburban, Urban: unit vocabulary

This is an introduction to some useful and interesting words and phrases in this unit. You probably know some of them already, while others might be new. Take some time to get to know them all before you get started!

Groups of related words

Community, rural, suburb, suburban, and urban

A community is a group of people all living in the same place.
An urban community is one that’s in a city or town: lots of people live there, and there are lots of different kinds of buildings close together.
A suburb is a place where people live just outside of a city or town. There are lots of houses in suburban areas, but not as many other buildings as urban areas—maybe just one or two small shops or stores.
A rural community is one with lots of nature and open spaces, with fewer people and buildings than urban or suburban areas.

Advantage, disadvantage, upside, and downside

An advantage is something that makes one thing better than another. An upside is another word that means the same thing.
For example, one advantage, or upside, of living in the country is that the air is cleaner than in the city.
A disadvantage is the opposite: something that makes one thing worse than another. A disadvantage can also be called a downside.
For example, one disadvantage, or downside, of living in the country is that there usually aren’t any stores nearby.

Located and location

Location means “place”, or “where something is.” For example, you could say that a house with a view of the ocean has a beautiful location.
You can also describe where something is using the word located. Here’s an example sentence: “I get woken up by the sound of howling monkeys every morning because my house is located next to the zoo.”

Other unit words and phrases

Word: notice
  • Definition: become aware of something
  • Sample sentence: When Mia visited the city, she noticed that people didn’t wave and say “hi” like they did at home.
Phrase: occurred to (someone)
  • Definition: thought of, realized
  • Sample sentence: Suddenly, it occurred to Esteve that the rumbling sound wasn’t thunder, but a herd of stampeding cows!
Phrase: public transportation
  • Definition: things like buses, trains, and subways that anyone can ride to get around a city, town, or local area.
  • Sample sentence: Mateo always rides on public transportation to get to his grandma’s apartment.
Word: resident
  • Definition: someone who lives somewhere
  • Sample sentence: I am a resident of a small town called Oakdale.
Word: surround
  • Definition: be around the outside
  • Sample sentence: My favorite thing about living on the edge of a forest is that our house is surrounded by trees.

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