Harry Potter star Emma Watson's Oxfordshire drama days - BBC News

Harry Potter star Emma Watson's Oxfordshire drama days

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Emma Watson in 2000
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Emma Watson enrolled at Stagecoach Theatre Arts School in Oxfordshire

Harry Potter star Emma Watson's former drama teacher has spoken of the "big impression" she made on joining her class in May 2000.

Maya Sprigg, principal of Stagecoach Theatre Arts School in Oxfordshire, was teaching Watson at the time she was auditioning for the first Potter film.

Watson attended the school for three terms after she sent in an application form stating she "would like to do singing and acting".

"She joined because of a burning ambition to be on the stage," Ms Sprigg said. "It definitely wasn't down to pushy parents."

In her application, under hair colour, the then ten-year-old Watson answered: "browny, yellowy and a bit of red."

She had attended Lynams nursery school and the Dragon School in Oxford before enrolling in the Stagecoach Friday night school.

Ms Sprigg said: "When she was just starting at Stagecoach she was certainly someone who made a big impression on us.

"She was always wanting to be at the front, always bright and always happy. If you showed her something once she'd pick it up straight away."

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Emma Watson, now 21, has starred in eight Harry Potter films

After more than 20 recalls by the producers of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Ms Sprigg realised things were getting serious for the young actress.

She admits now to a sense of pride when seeing her in newspapers or on the big screen.

"I wish I could say we taught her everything she knows but that's not so," she admitted. "She's just an amazingly talented young lady and a delightful one.

"Harry Potter is part of everybody's life and it's great to see people do well and fabulous to see how far she's come."

Watson, now 21, has made eight Harry Potter movies. The final film in the franchise, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2, is released on 15 July.

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