The Meaning Behind The Song: The Doomed by A Perfect Circle - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: The Doomed by A Perfect Circle

The Meaning Behind The Song: The Doomed by A Perfect Circle


The Doomed is a song by American rock band A Perfect Circle. It was released as the first single from their fourth studio album Eat the Elephant. The song was well-received by fans and critics alike for its hauntingly beautiful melodies, evocative lyrics, and powerful instrumentals. The song, like many other pieces of music, has a deeper meaning that goes beyond its surface.

In this article, we will explore the meaning behind The Doomed and answer some frequently asked questions about the song.

The Meaning Behind The Song

The lyrics of The Doomed are cryptic and open to interpretation. They speak about the end of the world and the struggles that come with it. The song seems to address the darker aspects of human nature and the destructive tendencies that lead to our downfall.

The first verse describes the destruction of the world, with lines like “Behold, our dying day / A world in disarray.” The second verse talks about the role of the media in shaping our perceptions of reality, with lines like “Manipulate your headlines / Or you’ll become the next of kin / To face extinction on your own.”

The chorus of the song is a plea for humanity to take responsibility for our actions: “We’re on a descent / Does it lessen your pain? / Zero-sum / Game.” The ending of the song is particularly poignant, with lyrics like “We’re already dead / And no one knows it / If there’s a heaven, then why the hell can’t we feed everyone?”

The Doomed is a commentary on the state of the world today and the impact that our actions have on the environment and each other. The song is a call to action for humanity to take responsibility for our actions and work towards a better future.


1. What inspired A Perfect Circle to write The Doomed?

There is no official word on what inspired the writing of The Doomed. However, the song’s lyrics suggest that it was written as a response to the current state of the world and the impact of human actions on the environment and each other.

2. What is the meaning of the line “zero-sum game” in The Doomed?

A zero-sum game is a situation in which one person’s gain is equal to another person’s loss. In the context of The Doomed, the line refers to the fact that our world is a zero-sum game, where every action has consequences that impact others.

3. What is the significance of the line “If there’s a heaven, then why the hell can’t we feed everyone?” in The Doomed?

The line is a criticism of the idea that there is a heaven where everyone is taken care of, while in reality, not everyone has access to basic necessities like food. The line is a call to action for humanity to work towards creating a world where everyone has access to the essentials.

4. What is the role of the media in The Doomed?

The media is portrayed as a tool of manipulation in The Doomed. The song suggests that the media shapes our perceptions of reality and influences our behavior, leading to our downfall.

5. What is the theme of The Doomed?

The theme of The Doomed is the end of the world and the struggles that come with it. The song explores the impact of human actions on the environment and each other and calls for humanity to take responsibility for our actions.

6. What is the genre of The Doomed?

The Doomed is a rock song, with elements of alternative and progressive rock.

7. What is the message of The Doomed?

The message of The Doomed is a call to action for humanity to take responsibility for our actions and work towards creating a better world.

8. What is the significance of the title “The Doomed” for the song?

The title “The Doomed” refers to the state of the world and the inevitability of our downfall if we continue on the path we’re on. It suggests that we are already doomed unless we take action to improve the situation.

9. Who wrote The Doomed?

The Doomed was written by A Perfect Circle, with lyrics by Maynard James Keenan, the band’s lead vocalist.

10. What is the impact of The Doomed on A Perfect Circle’s discography?

The Doomed is an important addition to A Perfect Circle’s discography, as it marks the beginning of a new era for the band. The song represents a departure from their previous sound and a new direction for the band.

11. What is the reception of The Doomed among fans and critics?

The Doomed was well-received by both fans and critics, who praised the hauntingly beautiful melodies, evocative lyrics, and powerful instrumentals of the song.

12. What is the place of The Doomed in the current music industry?

The Doomed is an example of how rock music can still be relevant and powerful in the current music industry. The song is a testament to the enduring appeal of rock music and the ability of artists to create meaningful, thought-provoking music in a world that often values commercial success over artistry.


The Doomed is a powerful and thought-provoking song that speaks to the current state of the world and the impact of human actions on the environment and each other. The song is a call to action for humanity to take responsibility for our actions and work towards creating a better world. Its reception among fans and critics highlights the enduring appeal of rock music and the power of artists to create meaningful music that resonates with people. The Doomed is an important addition to A Perfect Circle’s discography and a testament to the ability of music to inspire change and make a difference in the world.

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