'Interview With The Vampire' Season 2 Episode 2 Recap & Ending Explained: Did Armand Know Louis’ Secret?

‘Interview With The Vampire’ Season 2 Episode 2 Recap & Ending Explained: Did Armand Know Louis’ Secret?


Louis and Claudia’s time in post-war Paris is everything you’d imagine it to be in the second episode of Interview with the Vampire season 2. A unique American tourist experience discreetly observed by Parisian creatures of the night. Hunger is a new sensation in the penniless city clinging to its intellectual pleasures—a painful curse for the living and a carnival of blood for the dead. And you almost feel bad for Daniel, knowing he only just got to hear of Santiago’s breathtaking “performance” on a stage in Pigalle. We got to see Ben Daniels as his most mesmerizing, most alluring vampiric thespian, of course. And we couldn’t be more grateful for the experience.

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How did Louis and Armand meet?

No one told Louis that there was a coven of vampires in the city of Paris. The city he remembers resembled something like happiness. And since he didn’t know the coven existed (or claimed so), Armand held off the less patient ones of the coven from going for the ill-mannered Americans. Claudia and Louis were prudently observed, and the messes that followed their kills were silently cleaned up after. A page from Claudia’s diary lets us know that her eyes were still peeled for that one sign of hope that she was in the place where she’d belong. She didn’t necessarily love Paris. But she loved her brotherly vampire, Louis. And Louis fell in love with the city he saw through the lens of his camera. What you have to realize is that Daniel’s bound to have trouble wrapping his head around the fact that he’s now interviewing two vampires instead of one. And that too a couple who finish each other’s sentences. So, if he seems uptight about taking a dig at their love story, that’s because he’s pretty worked up. But even he has to admit that there’s something to be said about two vampires who’ve been in love for 77 years and still light up talking about the first time they met. It was in a seedy public park where Armand, the leader of the coven masquerading as the Théâtre des Vampires, first approached Louis and put his trepidations to rest. “I will not harm you.” And what a joy that he actually never did (I’m kidding, of course).

What was the Théâtre des Vampires?

A group of vampire actors hiding in plain sight as they pretend to be vampires on stage? I don’t know about you, but I find that thoroughly amusing. As did Claudia, it seems, and she was all decked up in her new silk gown when she walked through the door to see something she didn’t even know existed. On the stage, Santiago spoke every word with the evident intent to enchant the audience without using his vampiric gifts. But he did use it to fly, pretending he’s being swung around midair by a rope Claudia deduces is just there to convince the people he’s a mortal. How could Louis not be completely overcome by Armand’s charm? Armand’s creation is the most hypnotizing blend of art and death. The actors become one with the movie clips and animations in the background as a real prey is prepped to come on stage. Armand’s troupe’s boldness isn’t limited to admitting the truth through candid lies. They feast on a real woman as the audience’s ignorant clamor drowns out her shrieks. They think it’s all make-believe. Such an experience is expected to arouse both fascination and fear in Louis. What did he do with the last vampire, who charmed and terrified him at the same time? He fell in love. And what does he do with Armand? Louis definitely has a type. The American vampires are welcomed into the coven with the warmth of shared experience—a love for art, blood, and the freedom found in their camaraderie. Claudia’s heart flutters with excitement, feeling real happiness for the first time in a long time. But she’s quick with the necessary lies. Apparently, Claudia and Louis were created by Bruce. If anything, this lie is kind of similar to the lie the coven lives. Camouflaging the truth with something that’s close to the truth. 

Did Armand know Lestat?

Louis would’ve found it far easier to embrace the coven had he not seen Lestat de Lioncourt’s century-old portrait on the wall. Ugh, this guy again? Louis was just starting to let go! Armand evidently knew Lestat, the co-founder of the Théâtre des Vampires. And judging by Armand’s description of the notes of vermouth and annihilation in Lestat’s blood, they were once lovers. Daniel’s acerbic comment about how it’s starting to sound like a telenovela has no effect on Louis, who hardly has an issue that he and Armand loved the same guy. But he did have a problem with it back when he was in Paris. He didn’t know Armand. And assuming he couldn’t read his mind, Louis had no way of knowing how Armand would react knowing he killed Lestat. And despite Claudia’s reassurance that the Théâtre des Vampires saw them with no contempt and only lust, Louis couldn’t stop himself from going down the rabbit hole of anxiety. 

Did Armand Know Louis’ Secret?

Once you start thinking about the one thing you’ve been trying not to think about, it gets hard to pull the brakes. The same happens to Louis when Lestat’s ghost comes haunting him in Paris. One paranoia leads to another, and before he knows it, he’s desperate to make sure Lestat won’t come back from the dead. Seeking answers lands him in the office of Roget and Associates, the law firm that used to manage Lestat’s finances. And Louis seems to have underestimated just how closely they knew Lestat’s vampire identity and his relationship with Louis. There have been no withdrawals for years. And Louis’ presence in France becomes the determining factor in Lestat’s attorney declaring him dead. But what should’ve felt like a bittersweet reassurance hits Louis with a massive emotional punch when he reads the letter Lestat left for him to find in the case of his death. Every word is a stab to that grief- and guilt-ridden heart of his. He’s the killer; Lestat’s letter asks him not to pursue. He’s the traitor whose soul is being ravaged by heartbroken guilt. You see, the Paris chapter is uncomfortable for Daniel for a personal reason. That was where he proposed to Alice, his ex-wife and the mother of his children. The thing is, Interview with the Vampire is on Louis and Armand’s side in the game they’re playing with Daniel.

It goes beyond the interview 50 years ago and the interview now. Could Armand have messed with Daniel’s memories? Could Daniel have gotten too comfortable believing the things in his memory that make no tangible sense when he’s busy finding the gaps in Louis’ story? Daniel pays dearly for cutting into this supremely painful reminiscence with a sarcastic comment. He’s forgotten that the creatures he’s sitting before are ancient and powerful. Daniel’s left devastated as an enraged Louis invades his memories and picks apart the most painful ones to torture him with. The mortal was getting too comfortable crossing lines. And Louis just had to cut him down to size. We’re yet to know how the whole Alice thing factors into the trap Daniel’s walking into unknowingly. But Armand certainly seems to know more than he’s letting on. 

The ending sequence of Interview with the Vampire episode 2 is an effective relief from the tension that was building up in Louis’ living room. Daniel gets his composure back, and we’re back in Paris to follow the coven as they hop on their motorbikes and own the night. Claudia’s been an enthusiastic regular on these trips to feast on blood. But this is the first time Louis has joined them. The only thing missing is an “eat the rich” chant as this murderous group of actors breaks into the mansion that stands tall in the city crumbling in poverty. For Louis, the only relief from the agonizing screams of the “food” is seeing how Claudia’s more alive than ever now that she’s found her “people.” It also helps that a charming Armand stayed back to sweep him off his feet and give him a warning in the same breath. He knows there’s a complicated history between Louis and Lestat. And even though he offers to help Louis keep it a secret from the less understanding members of the coven, I find it hard to believe that he hasn’t read Louis’ mind and found out everything already. Armand seems to be playing weak to give Louis a false sense of control. What better way to truly get someone to submit to your control?

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Lopamudra Mukherjee
Lopamudra Mukherjee
In cinema, Lopamudra finds answers to some fundamental questions of life. And since jotting things down always makes overthinking more fun, writing is her way to give this madness a meaning.

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