Family of man killed in crash face six month wait for answers as inquest delayed

Aaron and Samantha Morris.
Aaron and Samantha Morris.

The family of a man killed in a crash while his wife was pregnant with twins will have to wait another six months for answers.

An inquest was due to take place this week into the death of Aaron Morris on July 1, 2022, and got underway at Crook Coroners’ Court on Monday.

But after fresh evidence came to light just last week the inquest was adjourned on its second day on Tuesday (May 14) and will now take place in November instead.

It will look at both the crash on the junction of Priestburn Close and Newhouse Road in Esh Winning, County Durham and whether ambulance delays contributed to his death.

The Northern Echo: Flowers left at the scene of the collision in Esh Winning.
The Northern Echo: Flowers left at the scene of the collision in Esh Winning.

Flowers left at the scene of the collision in Esh Winning.

The North East Ambulance Service previously apologised to the family admitting paramedics should have arrived within 18 minutes but instead took almost 50.

Aaron was said to have a 95 per cent chance of survival.

The delay in the inquest is because the Great North Air Ambulance Service will now also have to attend to explain its role in delayed response times after fresh evidence came to light on Friday of last week.

It means it will be almost two-and-a-half years since Aaron’s death by the time the inquest concludes.

Senior Assistant Coroner Crispin Oliver apologised to Aaron’s grieving family and assured them: “We will get this done before Christmas”.

The Northern Echo: Crook Coroners' Court.
The Northern Echo: Crook Coroners' Court.

Crook Coroners' Court.

Samantha said: “The day of the collision is something that will remain with me forever. Aaron’s death has left a huge void in our lives and the hurt and pain our family continue to face each day remains as raw now as it did the day Aaron passed away.

“While it’s nearly two years since Aaron’s death, time has stood still for us because of the many unanswered questions.

“The last couple of days and listening to the evidence has been incredibly distressing but it’s something I was determined to do for my husband.

“While I’m disappointed that the inquest won’t be concluded this week, I’m grateful that the Coroner is conducting a full and detailed inquiry and I hope that all lessons will be learned at the end of the hearing.”

The Northern Echo: Aaron and Samantha Morris.
The Northern Echo: Aaron and Samantha Morris.

Aaron and Samantha Morris. (Image: Contributor)

The inquest has been pencilled in to last six days from November 11. There will be two pre-inquest review hearings prior to ensure it is on track.

Samantha, who he married just 14 months earlier, was pregnant with twins when Aaron died. They were born three months premature in October 2023 without ever meeting their father.

On Monday she told the inquest how she had spent the night before the crash as a patient in hospital, the first night her and Aaron had spent apart since tying the knot.

The pair were due to go to the Lake District that morning to celebrate her birthday, she said, but she was late being discharged and so her doting husband had gone to pick up his off-road bike from a local garage and take it out to test it.

“We had planned to go to the lakes on the day because it was my birthday. We would have been off to the lakes and he wouldn’t have been on his bike – we planned to go straight after breakfast,” Samantha told the court.

She came across the crash which claimed her husband’s life as she drove home from hospital.

“I was on the way back from the hospital when I came across the accident, she added.

“I came around the corner and saw an accident. I had worked at the hospital as a student nurse and wanted to ring him to say I was going to stop. I looked again and realised it was Aaron.”

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Laura Gabbey-Cristofini, Lawyer at Irwin Mitchell representing Aaron’s family, said: “Aaron’s loved ones understandably continue to be profoundly affected by his death which happened in such tragic circumstances.

“All Samantha wants is for no stone to be left unturned and the most thorough investigation to take place.

“While this adjournment delays the family’s wait for answers, they are determined that there is a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding Aaron’s death.

“We continue to support Samantha and the rest of Aaron’s family at this emotional time.”