Megan Fox Welcomes 38th Birthday By Wiping Social Media



In a move signaling new beginnings, Megan Fox is embracing her 38th birthday with a digital cleanse, wiping her Instagram slate clean and starting afresh. The actress, known for her roles in “Jennifer’s Body” and “Transformers,” has taken the bold step of clearing her Instagram account of all posts and unfollowing everyone—a symbolic gesture marking a fresh chapter in her life.

As Megan enters a new year of life, she’s chosen to mark the occasion by hitting the reset button on her social media presence. With every post removed and every follower unfollowed, her Instagram profile now stands as a blank canvas, ready to be filled with new memories, experiences, and moments worth sharing.

In the weeks leading up to her Instagram reset, Megan had been active on the platform, treating her followers to glimpses of her life, including her stunning new brunette hairdo and various makeup looks. However, as her birthday approached, it seems Megan made the decision to wipe the slate clean—a symbolic gesture of shedding the old to make way for the new.

This isn’t the first time Megan has made headlines for her social media activity. In February 2023, she briefly deactivated her Instagram account amid speculation about her relationship with Machine Gun Kelly. However, she quickly returned to clarify that there was no truth to the rumors of cheating, dispelling any speculation with her characteristic candor.

Happy Birthday, Megan!