
  • Seth Rollins' role in "Captain America: Brave New World" remains a mystery, fueling speculation among eager fans.
  • Rollins shares his excitement about his experience in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, stepping out of his comfort zone.
  • Rollins affirms his commitment to WWE and dismisses retirement rumors, promising many more electrifying performances.

In the artistic realms of Marvel Studios, a seismic revelation echoes through the cinematic landscape – the entry of WWE's World Heavyweight Champion, Seth Rollins, into the illustrious Marvel Cinematic Universe. Unearthed in set photos from the upcoming Captain America: Brave New World, Rollins' presence has ignited fervent speculation among fans. As Marvel meticulously guards the secrets of its cinematic world, Rollins' role remains shrouded in mystery. Is he a formidable antagonist, a hero in disguise, or a wildcard in the MCU narrative? Amidst the whispers and speculations, Rollins himself, in exclusive interviews, offers cryptic glimpses behind the curtain, leaving audiences on the edge of anticipation for the unfolding saga that awaits in this cinematic venture.



Movie Name

Captain America: Brave New World

Release Date

February 14, 2025 (tentative)


Anthony Mackie, Harrison Ford, Sebastian Stan, Florence Pugh, Shira Haas, Liv Tyler, Tim Blake Nelson, Seth Rollins

What Role Is Seth Rollins Playing In 'Captain America: Brave New World'?

Seth Rollins As An Iconic Marvel Villain?

Seth Rollins, revered in the wrestling arena, now steps into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the Internet erupted with fervor when clandestine images of him donning a dark costume surfaced in May 2023. In the grand tradition of Marvel's secrecy, Rollins' character in Captain America: Brave New World remains an enigma, fueling rampant speculation among eager fans.

The prevailing theory, woven from the leaked photos, suggests that Rollins might be taking on the mantle of a villain. Among the conjectures, the spotlight hovers over The Serpent Society, a nefarious group from Marvel lore. Could Rollins be the malevolent King Cobra, endowed with serpentine powers, or perhaps The Constrictor, a double-dealing specialist in espionage? The tantalizing possibilities leave Marvel enthusiasts on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting the revelation of Rollins' role in this cinematic venture.

Seth Rollins' MCU Experience

A Glimpse Behind The Scenes Of 'Captain America: Brave New World'

Seth Rollins WrestleMania 39 Cropped-1

In a rare glimpse behind the MCU curtain, Seth Rollins shared his experience working on the set of Captain America: Brave New World during an interview on Mythical Kitchen's Last Meal show. While the WWE icon remained tight-lipped about the specifics of his role, he couldn't conceal the sheer enthusiasm that permeated his words. He said:

“It was a really good experience. And I think it’s going to be pretty cool. I think our audience is going to love it. I think their audience is going to love it. So it was a cool crossover to be able to kind of jump into some totally different skin and try a new thing out for me. I’m not comfortable. Look, I’m 38. I’ve only been doing wrestling for 20 years, only nonstop. That’s it. I worked in crappy restaurants and a carwash when I was in my early 20s, and that’s it. Other than that, all I’ve done is wrestling. So anytime I get outside of my comfort zone, I’m nervous. Like I suck at this. I’m like, I don’t know what I’m doing. But I was in good hands. And it was a really, really fun experience. And I’m excited to see how it turns out, and hopefully, everybody doesn’t hate me. I don’t want to have ruined everybody’s vision of this character. So I’m doing my best. I hope people enjoy it.”

Seth Rollins Talks About 'Captain America' Role And His Wrestling Future
Seth Rollins is set to have his first big Hollywood film role. What does that mean for his time in WWE?

Seth Rollins On Venturing Into Hollywood After WWE

Seth Rollins Is Not Retiring From Wrestling

In a candid conversation with Comic Book, Seth Rollins delved into the delicate balance he maintains between his thriving wrestling career and future Hollywood endeavors. Despite the allure of the silver screen, Rollins affirmed his unwavering commitment to the WWE, emphasizing that he currently finds himself in the zenith of his wrestling prowess. With a palpable passion for the squared circle, he dismissed notions of an imminent retirement, assuring fans of many more years of electrifying performances.

Is Becky Lynch Destined To Be WWE's Next Breakout Star In Hollywood?
Becky Lynch is the biggest women's star in WWE, but her acting roles outside the company show that conquering Hollywood might be next.

Rollins also shed light on the intricate dynamics within his marriage to fellow WWE superstar, Becky Lynch. While both harbor Hollywood aspirations, Rollins disclosed a competitive camaraderie that fuels their respective journeys. He said:

"There's always a healthy competitiveness in our marriage, we're both top tier stars, top tier competitors. It's very difficult for us to not be competitive. She got to headline WrestleMania before I did, and I got to do this before her, so yeah, we're always duking it out.”

While Seth Rollins embarks on his MCU journey, the spotlight is also held by his wife, Becky Lynch, as she endeavors to make her mark in Hollywood. Despite a few cameo appearances in TV shows and a WWE-produced film, Lynch is still seeking that breakthrough moment on the big screen. Would WWE's power couple translate their success into becoming a Hollywood power couple? Time will tell.