The Meaning Behind The Song: Misty by Johnny Mathis - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Misty by Johnny Mathis


The Meaning Behind The Song: Misty by Johnny Mathis

When it comes to capturing the essence of love and longing in a song, few can do it as beautifully as Johnny Mathis. With his velvety voice and heartfelt delivery, Mathis has the ability to make you feel every emotion with every note. One of his most beloved songs, “Misty,” holds a special place in the hearts of many listeners. Let’s dive into the meaning behind this timeless classic.

The Song Details

Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre
Misty Johnny Mathis Erroll Garner & Johnny Burke Heavenly (1959) September 1, 1959 Pop

Written in 1954 by Erroll Garner, “Misty” quickly became a jazz standard. However, it was Johnny Mathis’ rendition that truly made it famous. Despite recordings by other giants such as Frank Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald, Mathis’ version remains the most beloved and well-known.

The Meaning of “Misty”

“Misty” is a song that speaks to the power of love and its ability to overwhelm and consume us. The lyrics depict a person who is helplessly drawn to another, feeling like they are on a cloud when in their presence. The mere touch of their hand causes a misty and dreamlike state of mind. The song beautifully captures the feeling of being completely enamored by someone, unable to resist their charms.

Furthermore, “Misty” explores the idea of being lost in love. The lyrics suggest that the person singing is hopelessly following the object of their affection. They are willing to be led on and are unable to resist the magnetic pull of their love. It’s a vulnerable and relatable sentiment that many listeners can connect with.

Personal Connection

“Misty” holds a special place in my heart, as it reminds me of a past love and the whirlwind of emotions that came with it. The song captures the intensity of my feelings during that time, as if I was floating in a hazy cloud whenever I was with them.

Every time I hear the opening piano notes and Johnny Mathis’ smooth voice, I am transported back to those moments of infatuation and excitement. The song perfectly encapsulates the sense of being completely consumed by someone and not wanting to be anywhere else but by their side.

Moreover, the lyrics perfectly depict the vulnerability and devotion that comes with falling in love. The line “I get misty the moment you’re near” resonates deeply with me, as it reminds me of the butterflies I felt whenever I saw my loved one.

While my personal connection to “Misty” might be unique to my own experiences, I believe that many others can relate to the emotions and sentiments expressed in the song. Love has a way of making us feel both misty-eyed and overwhelmed, and “Misty” captures that feeling with grace and beauty.


“Misty” by Johnny Mathis is a timeless classic that continues to captivate listeners with its heartfelt lyrics and gentle melody. It speaks to the power of love and the overwhelming emotions that come with being infatuated with someone. Johnny Mathis’ rendition of the song remains the most beloved, and it’s no surprise why. Whether you have a personal connection to the song or simply appreciate its beauty, “Misty” is a song that will continue to leave a lasting impression on anyone who listens.


Produced By Al Ham & Mitch Miller

Arranged By, Conductor Glenn Osser




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