Pro-Palestine demonstrators marched along N. High during evening commute, snarling traffic : r/Columbus Skip to main content

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Pro-Palestine demonstrators marched along N. High during evening commute, snarling traffic

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If you’re communiting home on high street, you’re doing it wrong anyway.

This is def the “In thing” you can’t control to be upset about right now.

u/wiiya avatar

Columbus, OH will solve peace in the Middle East!

I demand that our Ohio’s Secretary of State change Ohio’s foreign policy approach!

“Why can’t we just like, send all that tax money we pay to Palestine.”

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u/The_Horse_Joke avatar

According to Dyer, the demonstrators had a permit to stage a protest at the Statehouse, but not to march on city streets. Police reacted to accommodate the march, and some counter-protesters were diverted away from the marchers to prevent issues, he said.

Good on the cops for that one.

E: I’ll bite, why are people disagreeing? Should the cops have bogged themselves down in hundreds of pointless arrests, or are you upset that they didn’t allow counter-protestors to clash with the protestors? I feel like I’m missing something

I’m also failing to see how this is a negative (aka I don’t understand your downvotes).

Everyone got to use their 1A right, and no brawls/clashes broke out.. seems like the best case scenario.

Bootlickers need to get home to beer and butter sitting.

u/wiiya avatar

If you’re arguing about downvotes, you lost the plot.

u/The_Horse_Joke avatar

I don’t think anybody was actually arguing about downvotes or upvotes, just pointing out how it was weird that I was at 10+ people disagreeing in one way or the other (I was at -10 votes when I added my edit) but without anybody telling me why they disagree.

But like I said, I’m open for discussion on my original comment to those who initially disagreed. I’m sure I could learn something so let’s foster discussion in this sub!

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Yes. Clear the streets of the litter

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There is one sure way to make sure that people don't like you and that's when you block traffic.

Do these people not understand that this is not going to help their cause?

u/Wonderful_Wonderful avatar

Disruption is the point of effective protest

Effective protests are to draw attention to an issue.

u/ArchDriveGirlEyes avatar

The issue is that people are more concerned about being traffic than kids getting their brains scooped out by US bombs.

u/Hog_and_a_Half avatar

Yeah, because statistically, like half of those people are likely just trying to get to their shitty job to barely make rent this month. People aren’t that concerned about Palestine when they have their own problems facing them directly. 

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There’s an actual genocide in Darfur that’s been going on for decades and no one gives a shit.

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How exactly is disrupting regular people trying to get somewhere going to do a goddamn thing to help Palestinians? The answer is it is not.

The only thing this accomplishes is for anyone that sees it to think that those people that are supporting Palestine sure are a bunch of selfish Self-Important assholes. Period

u/BatUnlikely4347 avatar

How exactly are regular people ever going to get on the right side of any issue?

People act like "if only protesters did this people would give a fuck." Most people don't and won't ever care. Pretending like it's the protesters fault people are selfish is ridiculous. Furthermore, if being blocked from getting to work would be the reason someone would angrily resolve to be anti-Palestinian, that person is hot garbage and probably not worth the effort to convert such a fairweather ally to the cause.

Chanting slogans can't possibly be an attempt to convince people, whether you block traffic or not. Chanting "from the river to the sea", etc, is not an argument. It seems like sort of a battle cry, to feel like you're doing something, to feel good about yourself, like you're part of the fight you believe in. 

I doubt the protestors have a grand strategy for their actions. They probably don't care if they turn people off to their cause by pissing them off. 

There are tried and true strategies for getting people on your side of an issue: canvassing, political ads, debates. Everything political parties have honed to a science. Sure, huge protests can sometimes derail the political process in their favor, but these protests aren't huge or threatening, just slightly annoying. So, my guess is that most are just doing it out of frustration of feeling powerless to help and to be able to feel like they're part of it.

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u/ConflictExtreme1540 avatar

Hey its me, I'm hot garbage I guess. If you block me on the highway, there ain't no way I'm gonna support your cause. Get the fuck out of the road

u/MrOnlineToughGuy avatar

Is “Jews bad” the right side of the issue now?

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u/Lazy_Vetra avatar
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u/EastAug avatar


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The idea is to pressure centrists who would otherwise not vote to get engaged about changing things because it’s less annoying than blocked roads.

This is part of how the civil rights movement worked, a lot of people who otherwise didn’t care that much pressured politicians to give in because they were sick of dealing with all the disruptions. Path of least resistance

Didn’t work for my kids when they were toddlers. It isn’t going to work now. Move or get run over.

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u/Tj_0311 avatar

You're right, it's going get me up to vote against whatever these people wasting my time are fighting for.

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Is the point to make me support them even less? Because that’s working.

It wasn’t very effective, and it hurt itself in its confusion.

Yall sure are talking about it though...mhmm.So.

u/Obi_Vaelduin avatar

That comment was a Pokemon reference though... Mhmm.So.

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u/SauCe-lol avatar

How many minds of Israel supporters do you think this protest has changed?

u/Salahidin17 avatar

the point is to bring attention to the genocide occuring to people who'd normally not care.

the country is very slowly but surely becoming more sympathetic to the Palestinian cause and questioning why Israel is getting so much aid and support for committing countless massacres.

Americans have a somewhat more negative view of the Israeli government (as do many Israelis) but they are far more negative on both Hamas and the PA.

This is a key difference between Americans as a whole and what you see on college campuses. The majority are also positive on both the Israeli and Palestinian peoples. The majority of Americans are not anti-Zionist or anti-Israel. They are anti-Netanyahu.

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lol sneak attacks another nation.

Other nation retaliated.


Hamas fucked around again. And found out again.

It is up to the people of Palestine to remove the terrorists from office.

u/SpaceBucketFu avatar

You know what you’re bringing attention to? Me being late for fucking work. You have a strong opinion about something? Great. Keep feeling strongly about those things. You know what I don’t owe you? Literally anything. Welcome to reality, where you aren’t the main character.

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Sometimes protest is personal. You know like for your own moral compass.

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Why do people keep posting this when the very people you're trying to 'reach' are telling you you're just pissing them off?

u/ruralvoter avatar

Losing a war that Palestine started does not = genocide. 

This isn't a war, and it is genocide.

u/ruralvoter avatar

Call it what you will but none of this would be happening if Palestine didn’t provoke it. 

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Literally it is not

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u/ConflictExtreme1540 avatar

Genocide would be bombing them to oblivion. Not sending aid, telling civilians where to seek safety, asking other nations to allow safe passage, and accepting temporary cease fires. If isreal is committing genocide right now than they are baaaaaad at it

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Ok Dad ...

u/KillerIsJed avatar

Tell that to Martin Lither King Jr who famously had no impact. /sarcasm

u/UAreTheHippopotamus avatar

Inconveniencing people is the point and it draws attention to their cause. In the end, they made the news and I seriously doubt most people base their opinions on the Israel-Palestine conflict on that time protestors inconvenienced them.

Inconveniencing people is the point? So the point is to piss people off? And when they are pissed off they're going to be pissed off at the people that are blocking them from getting wherever they need to go.

This is just (and how can I put this in my native language?) Fucking stupid.

Inconveniences get attention and attention gets funding and resources directed toward the problem.

Additionally the people they inconvenience are likely far fewer than the number of people who will see their message because of the protests. And it's possible that some of the people inconvenienced might get mad at their government instead of the everyday people who are protesting for what they feel is right.

It honestly isn't a super tough concept to grasp.

u/Salahidin17 avatar

"A liberal is someone who opposes every war except the current war and supports all civil rights movements except the one that’s going on right now"

I posted above a poll from the 60s that's word for word what a lot of people in this thread are saying about these protests, it would be funny if it weren't so fucking depressing

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u/ArchDriveGirlEyes avatar

You would know.

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u/ruralvoter avatar

Why do our opinions matter at all? 

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The civil rights protests often blocked traffic or obstructed access to businesses.

u/Cardinal_and_Plum avatar

They also had something to do with people's daily lives in our country. The Palestinian conflict doesn't effect basically every single American the way Civil Rights did.

Future faking yaself.

u/Cardinal_and_Plum avatar

Not sure what this means.

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u/SpaceBucketFu avatar

Which ones? The ones that are still talked about and remembered were the ones that directly protested the oppression that existed. Rosa parks didn’t stand in the street because she was protesting the right to sit on a bus where she pleased. You know what she did? Sat in the front of the fucking bus, not in the street.

Selma. Selma comes to mind immediately as it was a huge media spectacle, and traffic blockades were erected by sympathizers. That was one of the main themes of criticism of the protests at the time. A lack of propriety.

This is the period of time when King's quote 'a riot is the language of the unheard' is from.

Many protests were decried in the same language as the pro Palestinian protests are today.

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u/OldHob avatar

Traffic is sacred. For the good of society, the traffic must flow.

u/Salahidin17 avatar

sounding a lot like the white folks who thought civil rights protests were more hurtful than helpful

again, the point IS to be disruptive. Americans need to know that our country is not just complicit, but actively supporting ethnic cleansing and genocide

Not one person that was stopped in traffic for this bullshit has a damn thing to do with what's going on in Gaza..

And this is not exactly breaking news. Anyone with more than a couple brain cells knows the dynamic.

You want to be disruptive be disruptive somewhere with someone that is actually attacking Palestinians. Feel free to go to The Middle East to help out

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u/This_Ad_1516 avatar

Whose children?

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u/Strollin_Nolan avatar

This is always so frustrating because people blocking traffic miss the point of civil disobedience. You're supposed to disregard or disobey rules/laws if that rule or law is the thing you're protesting. Example, the lunch counter sit-ins were organized efforts to disobey and disrupt a specific injustice that was actually addressable through policy change.

These people do not actually oppose other people getting to work on time. They're so disconnected from the problem they want to solve that they've resorted to being generally annoying to get attention. This strategy of being annoying for attention has never worked, and it is not the same as what figures like MLK and Ghandi did.


They did more than "block traffic". My girlfriend and I were out to dinner minding our own business enjoying the spring weather when suddenly there was a mob of 100+ people on High St. who stopped in front of the row of restaurant patios and started screaming at the people there, some with bullhorns, many wearing Keffiyeh's or masks (even gas masks) and carrying wooden and metal flagpoles and other blunt objects and what looked like makeshift shields.

It was a bit more than "disruption". I'd call it a thinly veiled threat of physical violence for political purposes. All these people whining about how it's just a minor inconvenience and "protests should be disruptive"... Tell it to the panicked parents I saw, the terrified waitresses and me who had to look at my girlfriend and see the fear in her eyes because in a moment we went from enjoying a laid back dinner on a High St. patio to suddenly being trapped in a restaurant where the only way in or out is right through the above mentioned mob that's screaming at us for having the audacity to live our lives in peace.

Yeah their "protest" got our attention alright and got us thinking about the conflict. Almost certainly not in the way they were hoping but I'm honestly not sure what the thought process is of people who think that's a good way to go about getting people to support your cause.

My god, my monocle popped just reading this!

Man, sorry your lunch was ruined. Bet the folks in Gaza would love to have that option of a quiet meal, or any meal...or any quiet ....

The whole point of demonstrations like this is to make you uncomfortable, to make people not be able to ignore the problem .

I certainly feel the frustration and understand that these methods can push people away, but so what ? We live in a society. And if your view on human rights is swayed in opposition to bc some people were yelling then you weren't exactly for human rights for everyone in the first place.

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u/Joel_Hirschorrn avatar

Organized by Students for Justice in Palestine, the group that celebrated the 10/7 attacks, has financial ties to Hamas, and refers to terrorists as “heroes” and “martyrs.”

“On the 76th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba” is also a pretty biased headline from the dispatch. This is the 76th anniversary of Israel’s declaration of independence.

The “Nakba” would never have happened if the Arab powers hadn’t rejected the UN plan for Palestinian statehood/peace and instead declared a genocidal war against Israel and the Jews to try and wipe them out in 1948, and then lost that war resulting in the displacement of todays Palestinians.

u/Blood_Incantation avatar

Some Dispatch reporters on Twitter who actively cover these protests/the issue locally are openly pro-Palestine.

Sure, they're people with opinions but to loudly proclaim your stance on what you cover is odd.

u/Joel_Hirschorrn avatar

Not surprising. In the video they’re chanting “no peace on stolen land!”

I thought peace/ceasefire was their whole schtick, no?

Signs calling for ceasefire but a banner saying “resistance till return” is a confusing message.

u/Kenjataimuz avatar

On brand. Peace, except for when we murder, rape, and kidnap a bunch of innocent people.

Fuck wads.

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Their whole stance never made any sense. I've not heard a single person talk about what happens the day after the ceasefire. Do we just expect to proceed peacefully after? Unless these protestors just expect there to be no more Isreal (I wouldn't be surprised) there is no actual solution to be had.

History >You.

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u/ruralvoter avatar

 Some Dispatch reporters on Twitter who actively cover these protests/the issue locally are openly pro-Palestine.

Then they should not be journalists. 

It wasn’t that long ago journalists were not allowed to espouse any political opinion. 

It wasn’t that long ago journalists were not allowed to espouse any political opinion. 

When? There are 24x7 "news" channels that only spit hot takes while pretending to be journalists. And that's been happening for literally decades.

u/Salahidin17 avatar

there isn't a single journalist in America that doesn't espouse their political opinion I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about

furthermore, this isn't a political issue, it's a matter of ethics and morality moreso

u/ruralvoter avatar

Stephen Colbert isn’t a journalist. 

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u/Stunning-Term-6880 avatar

"Please Ignore all the uncritical support for Israel and stop being mad about them indiscriminately bombing and starving civilians."

Has this sub ever had a Palestine thread without Yenta Joel jumping in to spew pilpul?

u/Joel_Hirschorrn avatar

Oh hey what’s up man, you back to spread more antisemitic conspiracy theories? I see you deleted your comments after being called out last time but no worries, I grabbed a screenshot.

Best of u/columbusglowcloud :

“You forgot the part about every "white" jew on Earth actually being a Ukrainian Khazar imposter with no genetic lineage to the jews of the Bible. That's why you guys are happy to send all Ukrainian Slavic men to the meatgrinder. So you can turn Ukraine into Israel 2.0”

When questioned on what exactly was meant by the previous statement:

“I said exactly what I said, boy. You listed 3,000 years of history except your king didn't convert you until the Middle Ages so the history you posted is about a completely different group of people. Most jews of the Bible became Christian. The pharisees who hated Christ assimilated with the Palestinian Arabs. If any jews are being persecuted today, it's the Muslims in Gaza.”

Preach the gospel Joel. Give us some good copy-pasta, we’ll help spread your message.

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Colonialism does not ever Have to happen. This is why the sun enhanced people of the world are shaking off old ways like fleas. It's inevitable end is near. The youth has spoken.

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Wonder how many of the people marching have seen this video.

Or the any of the other countless atrocities committed by Hamas on Oct 7.

These are the people you're marching for...


These people should be protesting the fact that the Republican state reps and Secretary of State are trying to take away our voice in the 2024 election because of the date of a rubber stamp convention.

That affects our lives significantly more directly than the humanitarian disaster in Gaza. As terrible as the situation in Gaza is, it’s basically all under Netanyahu’s control and he doesn’t want to stop. Nothing these protestors say will change Bibi’s mind because Bibi is an awful person who’s cynically doing this to stay in power.

u/Salahidin17 avatar

there's so many ways the United States can pressure israel to stop, but they're not. the best the current administration can do is delay shipments of bombs to Israel while simultaneously providing aid to the people who are getting obliterated by US made bombs