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Ultrascientist & transhumanist.

Summoning the Machine Spirit, serving the cult of knowledge, fighting for freedom to learn

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One of the operators of AA (might be the main one) has been disclosed and alleged.

Readers, they need your support. Tell others about the brave ones who have shown you a way to learn in an increasingly dystopian world.

AA, I wish you good luck in the battles to come. Let me know if need anything.


#freetalks | #communities | nexus.stc@proton.me
All bots are functional, except for the latest public bot, which has been affected by the new copyright wave. You just need to look through comments to this message or do a quick search on Telegram to find any of the working bots or visit the Library STC site (links can be found in groups and in live bots). Thanks to all those people who have created more than 1200 working copies of the bot during the last year.

In the meantime, you can write words of gratitude to our friends Ass Chand Publishing, who sends copyright claims on their low-quality shitty books. Their addresses, emails, and phone numbers are available on their site.

P.S Join our groups, we are working on Iroh P2P replication for truly independent distribution of papers as well as building our own LLM for books and papers.

#freetalks | #communities | nexus.stc@proton.me
🤖 AI 2024

The march of AI cannot be halted given today's global climate — a period of rivalry, separation, and noncooperation between nations that pose risks to both civilization and Earth itself. Recognizing AI's significance, stakeholders seek further funding.

AI is penetrating our lives and the question is how should we regulate and develop it? Will we end up in a world like Dune's, where AI is prohibited everywhere, or will a viable solution be found? May it worth to consider AI as something familiar, like nuclear weapon, and regulate the same way?

The difference in AI's distribution in comparision with nuclear weapon's distribution is that many private entities already have an access to AI, and AI is the thing that may impact our lives even more than nuclear energy. It seems we are in uncharted territory where many persons are owning Infinity Gauntlets. We have never been in such social and technological conditions, so there are no known solutions.

One possibility would be the strict regulation of AI, making it available only to states and regulating access to AI technology for companies and individuals. Another approach would be deregulation and efforts to democratize access to AI technologies. What exactly should be changed for making the last approach possible?

The AI nowadays is based on advances in microprocessors, computer science researches, and expanding electronic data availability. AI is literally fed by the data created by humanity throughout its history, but this data may legally fruit only for those who "own" it through copyright means or by "stealing", which is also a consequence of copyright. While ones can allow to spend billions of dollars to hiddenly buy datasets of Reddit articles, LinkedIn pages and browser profiles (I know what I'm speaking about) to train AI models and use them in search, others are prosecuted for distributing the socially important data for free. Right now the copyright is becoming the largest wall that separates the richest enterprises and everyone else.

Sustainable development of AI requires the development of free, reliable and equally accessible infratructure for distributing written art. Such infrastructure may be used for AI training and AI-enhanced search by any participant and should be based on the approaches that would prevent any attempts to restrict access for any side. It includes not just shadow libraries which have to play the role of worldwide storages, but systems for managing metadata of scholar works, machine readable formats for all writings and publishing approaches free of the capitalistic poison and unneeded scientometric race between scholars.

That is what we have been researching and doing in Nexus all this time, no matter of unjust laws or copyright pressure. That is why we want you to spread these ideas - equal and free access is not a piracy toy now but a powerful tool to stay alive for our kind.

P.S. Had no time to say it before - thanks for all uploaders, all developers, all peers, all moderators.

#freetalks | #communities | nexus.stc@proton.me
⚡️️ Books Uploads

Nexus has a file uploader named Aaron for sharing papers using their DOI, with the Crossref database as a source for titles, abstracts, etc.

We have just started testing to expand the capability to upload any books, not limited to those with DOIs. To achieve this, we leveraged data from the WorldCat database. Users can now input the ISBN of a book into the bot, which will retrieve the book data from WorldCat and prompt the user to request the book. These requests will be directed to Aaron uploaders who can fulfill user demands. While this method doesn't support uploading all types of content, it significantly streamlines the process in 99% of cases where the book has a valid ISBN and is listed in WorldCat. All uploaded books will be available through our Iroh replication that is also in testing right now.

We invite uploaders to join our #freetalks chat and engage with Aaron as we work towards liberation of all writing arts.

#freetalks | #communities | nexus.stc@proton.me
😊️️️️️️ Nexus March Digest 😊️️️️️️

👯‍♂️ The /q command now offers multilingual semantic search based on BGE-M3 embeddings. You now can search semantically using any language and in documents written in any language.

💻 Developers have detailed (join #communities to read) the neural networks utilized in Nexus for search and LLM.

📙 An HTTP API for uploading (join #freetalks to read) papers outside of Telegram is now available for testing to active contributors.

🗺 Nexus has integrated the Worldcat catalog, enabling the upload of any book. Credit for the Worldcat scrape is attributed to Anna's Archive.

🤖 Testing of Cybrex continues, with access to LLM granted to users who have uploaded papers and activated a Gaia subscription in their profile. Others may join #freetalks to take a look on what our LLM is capable to do.

📟 The Iroh protocol is advancing to the next version, incorporating our feedback. Development of software based on Iroh is ongoing to enable real-time replication. Users can join replication via the /seed command to receive freshly uploaded items, though ongoing bug fixes in progress.

🌏 We have conducted early tests of ALMA 13B to make automatic translations of scholar papers into any language possible. We are looking for contributors with GPU-rakes to setup a production cluster for auto-translations in addition to our own GPU-rake.

#freetalks | #communities | nexus.stc@proton.me
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We are celebrating 4 years today.

The first prototypes of the Telegram bot were coded at the end of 2019. The Nexus Search channel was created on the 3rd of March, 2020.

Thank you for staying with us all this time.
😊️️️️️️ Nexus Weekly Digest 😊️️️️️️

🤖 We have expanded Cybrex for more users: now many papers have an "Ask a Question" button, allowing users to pose queries about specific books and scholarly publications. Simply click the button and type your question! Questions cost 1 point for all users or are free for our uploaders who have activated subscriptions in their profiles.

📢 Nature reported that only 7,438,037 scholarly works are held in official archives, while shadow libraries are preserving over 100 million papers and books for present and future generations.

🌍 Translational neural network ALMA13B has been partially integrated into Nexus. As part of an experiment, we have begun translating a randomly selected 10,000 books from English into other languages and 10,000 books from other languages into English.

👨🏻‍💻 LibSTC has received several bug fixes, and we will be rolling out new guidance on how to replicate STC using Iroh in the coming weeks.

👩🏻‍💻 We are creating an uploader toolkit in Python that will allow you to upload your collections into STC and use STC as a backend for your bots and sites. Join #freetalks and leave your feedback and thoughts.

👨🏻‍🎓 Scholars in the #communities channel are engaging in discussions on why a job might become boring and exhausting, as well as exploring strategies to address these challenges (join to read).

#freetalks | #communities | nexus.stc@proton.me
👨🏻‍🎓 Nexus Research Facility 👨🏻‍🎓

We are testing a researcher support program: if you meet the criteria to be classified as an "active researcher," you will be eligible for a Gaia Subscription*.

- Possess an OrcID and link it in your /profile.
- Have a minimum of 5 research publications linked to your OrcID profile.
- Ensure all your publications are searchable through STC and are uploaded there (you can upload them at your own using @nexus_aaron).

Gaia Subscription will be automatically assigned on a monthly basis, but only if all your publications at the time of activation are uploaded to STC. Background checks may require some time; feel free to contact us for any feedback or inquiries.

* The Gaia Subscription enables you to make requests to our LLM at no cost and acquire papers at reduced points cost.

#freetalks | #communities | nexus.stc@proton.me
😊️️️️️️ Nexus Weekly Digest 😊️️️️️️

👍️️️️️️ Added "👍️️️️️️ Like It!" button. Last 10 liked books will appear on your /profile for quick access.

🤳 Privacy settings for profiles have been enhanced. You can now set any part of your profile as private or public and share it with others by using the /profile command in public groups!

🖲 Similar can now display up to 40 results. Our system allows give recommendations based on entire books and plucations, not just on abstracts or the first 50 pages like others.

👨🏻‍🔬 First subscriptions have already been gifted to researchers, allowing for reduced paper request costs and free Cybrex queries.

#freetalks | #communities | nexus.stc@proton.me
👯‍♀️ Personal Book Recommendations

Recommendations in /rec are now also curated based on "👍️️️️️️ Like It" books and publications, with up to 40 available positions! Enjoy your reading adventures!

#freetalks | #communities | nexus.stc@proton.me
Small recap on bot commands:

- If you have liked a book or paper, it will appear in your /profile
- /rec gives 40 (60 for subscribers) recommended readings for you
- /tops, /recent will show top-loaded (for last week) and recently downloaded papers
- /q What is love? launches semantic search which attempts to find papers and books responding exactly to your question
- /cybrex What is BRCA1? launches LLM over books and papers and tries to figure out the response based on them

#freetalks | #communities | nexus.stc@proton.me
Nexus is buying OpenAI

The growing need to process scholarly and fictional arts for future human prosperity compels us to take extraordinary steps. We are downsizing our GPU cluster by 1/10 for 3 days, and the released funds will be directed towards acquiring the most powerful AI company in the market to leverage their research for enhancing our search capabilities even further.

Elon Altman, CEO of Nexus
🎐 Data-Intensive Atmosphere 🎐

The life on Earth underwent a rapid increase in diversity and complexity once in its history, during an event known as the Cambrian explosion. Around 538 million years ago, this crucial period marked the rapid emergence of complex life and the appearance of most modern metazoan phyla. Lasting millions years, this event had led to a significant diversification in various organism groups.

One possible reason for the Cambrian explosion was the gradual introduction of free oxygen into Earth's earliest atmosphere by photosynthesizing cyanobacteria. Oxygen levels in the atmosphere rose gradually over billions of years, becoming significant around 800 million years ago and in the end it allowed for the growth of larger, more complex animals.

So, a small shift in oxygen levels allowed living beings to gain more energy from the environment, develop more complex bodies and neural systems, and eventually had led to the appearance of the human mind - very energy consuming organ. This shift was just one of many environmental changes but it made big things possible.

The question is there anything similar in the world around us right now? Yes! The development of modern artificial minds relies heavily on the "oxygen" of the 21st century: data. The blood and vessels of modern informational systems are books, papers, videos and Internet pages. They shape artificial neural networks, allowing them to see the world and gain powers that were not available to any living being before, the same way as oxygen had allowed our ancestrals to develop more advanced bodies during Cambrian explosion.

Just imagine if oxygen during the Cambrian explosion had been non-free, or if the efforts of cyanobacteria had been monetized to the degree that any oxygen-consumer would be imprisoned for illegal inhaling. Where would we end our path of evolving?

Our age can be characterized from different perspectives, such as the age of wars, the end of the good old world, the age of global warming, or the age of epidemics. However, we can also see it as the age of knowledge explosion - the age of free data flow that is making it possible to grow unbelievably complex mind forms that will shape our future for centuries.

Free libraries and archivists are those who make it possible for these mind forms to develop and prevent us from choking on the eagerness of those funny beings who think that oxygen must be paid.
Library STC Hub

New approach to replication has enabled us to launch a drop-in replacement most known scholar sites: https://hub.libstc.cc

No search hassle or weird GIFs at main page, simply input the DOI and gain access to any paper archived in STC. Furthermore, we are in the final stages of testing Iroh, and a fully operational daemon that will enable you to set up a complete copy of all scholarly publications with just one command even for baby seeders with small disks will be available soon.

Join us to create the new archival network based on state of the art technologies!

#freetalks | #communities | nexus.stc@proton.me
Magazines in STC

New and old magazines such as TIME, Life, Astronomy, The New York Times, The New Yorker, Izvestia and many others have been imported into STC, and more are set to appear soon. Magazines can be accessed through full-text search, by using the query type:magazine, by searching for specific ISSNs, or by clicking the Gazette button on any opened magazine. Enjoy!

#freetalks | #communities | nexus.stc@proton.me
STC is indexing preprints repositories

Preprint repositories are a vital component of the modern research workflow. As Nexus shifts towards not just being an archive, but a world of explorers equipped with tools to make discoveries and expand the corpus of knowledge, we would like to provide access to the latest and most cutting-edge research.

To this end, we are adding arXiv, bioRxiv, and medRxiv into STC and are going to provide a full-fledged web-interface for navigation over state-of-the-art researches in addition to libstc.cc

Join our Research Hub in #communities to engage in discussions on issues surrounding modern publishing and knowledge dissemination. Together with our constantly growing scholar communities, we will break the chains that have long constrained the free flow of information and ideas.

#freetalks | #communities | nexus.stc@proton.me
🚀 Solar Mind Feed

We would like to share something that our friends have done for us.

Solar Mind, a lightweight interface built on top of the STC Library, designed to browse recent scholarly publications and books. It consolidates thousands of academic journals and presents the latest publications related to requested topic.

#freetalks | #communities | #solarmind | #hub | #libstc | #aaron | nexus.stc@proton.me
Fun Fact of the Day - Anna's Archive is a Nexus project too

I have just taken a look into our logs, and what have I seen? That's right, when you click to download using one of their "Slow servers" from Anna's Archive, the request is actually served by libstc.cc. So, it seems that the "largest library in the world" is collecting donations, but the downloads are still being served by the truly largest library in the world?

For now, I have banned all hits from Anna's Archive, as they are creating excessive load and attempting to mimic that the downloads are coming from their own servers. If AA would like to use our servers and hub endpoint, it would be better to reach out to us directly, rather than using this shitty method.

P.S. To confirm, I can provide all user-agents and IP addresses that are being used on your "trusted" slow download servers, in DM.

P.P.S. AA has brought their excuses, so the incident might be considered as over.

#freetalks | #communities | #solarmind | #hub | #libstc | #aaron | nexus.stc@proton.me
🩸 STC Hemoglobin Index 🩸

Internally at Nexus, we are measuring the quality metric named Hemoglobin index. This metric reflects the number of different publications, books and articles that can be found by a plain query of "hemoglobin" in our bots. Initially, our Hemoglobin index stood at approximately 2500 items. Nowadays, due to active OCR of content and data enrichment and curating efforts, the Hemoglobin index has surged to 425110 and continues to increase rapidly. This represents a 170 times increase from the baseline, at least 15 times larger than any other shadow library and still 6 times smaller than Google Scholar. Thus, there is still a room for improvement.

#freetalks | #communities | #solarmind | #hub | #libstc | #aaron | nexus.stc@proton.me
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