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Guy X

Watch Guy X

  • R
  • 2007
  • 1 hr 41 min
  • 5.0  (2,074)

Guy X is a 2005 film directed by Saul Metzstein and starring Jason Biggs, Natascha McElhone, and Jeremy Northam. The film is a dark comedy set in 1979, during the early days of the Cold War in a US Army hospital in the middle of the Tundra. The story follows Corporal Rudy Spruance, a young army bureaucrat played by Jason Biggs, who is mistakenly sent to a remote base in Greenland. The base is run by a group of eccentric characters, and soon Rudy discovers that something strange and sinister is going on.

At first, Rudy seems to be out of his depth at the base – he’s not used to the harsh environment, the isolation, or the strange behavior of his colleagues. But he soon starts to investigate what’s really going on and becomes embroiled in a twisted web of conspiracy and cover-up. This is a film about power, corruption, and the dangers of living in a world where no one is ever quite what they seem.

Natascha McElhone plays a mysterious and alluring nurse named Galina, who first intrigues Rudy, and then becomes his confidante and ally. Galina is a complex character – part femme fatale, part savior – and McElhone delivers a nuanced and compelling performance. Jeremy Northam plays Colonel Woolwrap, the commanding officer of the base, and the embodiment of everything wrong with the military establishment. Northam is a master of playing charming villains, and he infuses Woolwrap with just the right mix of charisma and menace.

The film is shot entirely on location in Iceland, and the stunning landscapes provide a stark contrast to the bleakness of life on the base. The isolation and the cold seem to seep into the characters, and the viewer feels the weight of the environment and the situation. Metzstein uses tight close-ups and muted colors to create a feeling of claustrophobia, and the camera work is expertly done.

One of the strengths of Guy X is its balance of humor and darkness. The film is never afraid to be funny, and there are some genuinely hilarious moments. But it’s also a serious film, and the tension never lets up. The film follows in the tradition of films like M*A*S*H and Catch-22, exploring the absurdity of war and the military establishment.

The film’s climax is a tour-de-force of tension and action, and it brings together all the threads of the story in a satisfying and surprising way. The final scene is both poignant and uplifting, and it leaves the viewer with a sense of hope and optimism.

In conclusion, Guy X is a smart, engaging film that combines humor and drama with an anti-establishment message. The performances of the three leads are superb, and the direction and cinematography are top-notch. It’s a film that will make you laugh, make you think, and leave you wanting more.

Guy X
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  • Release Date
  • MPAA Rating
  • Runtime
    1 hr 41 min
  • IMDB Rating
    5.0  (2,074)