
  • Beelzebub is the Prince of the Demons, who’s more powerful than the typical human and demon, especially after he absorbs the power of the moon.
  • Beelzebub can lift over 1500 kg, regenerate, and heal himself, as well as trigger metal plating on his skin for enhanced durability.
  • Beelzebub fosters helpful relations between humans and demons in Sand Land and Forest Land, including his estranged relative Ann, while returning a steady water supply to the population.

Akira Toriyama’s Sand Land is a 14-chapter manga that originally ran in Weekly Shonen Jump more than two decades ago, back in 2000. Sand Land is set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland where water is one of the most coveted resources. Sand Land found moderate success back during its original run, but the property has recently entered a renaissance with a feature film, anime, and upcoming RPG video game underway. This is all quite inspiring, considering that Sand Land: The Series premiered right after Toriyama’s unexpected passing on March 1st.

Sand Land has never been more popular and it’s entirely possible that the anime’s success could turn it into an ongoing series that continues to celebrate Toriyama’s legacy. Sand Land is full of lovable, layered characters, but Beelzebub, its fiendish protagonist, is easily the standout. Beelzebub is powered with endless shonen protagonist charisma, but there’s a lot more to this wildcard ball of energy that’s important for audiences – whether they’re seasoned Sand Land experts or curious newcomers – to understand.

Who Were Akira Toriyama’s Favorite Dragon Ball Characters?

The late Dragon Ball creator cited his fondness for multiple characters over the years, but who were his overall favorites?

Beelzebub Is The Prince Of Demons & Lucifer's Son

Beelzebub Is A Revered Fiend Who Comes From Royalty

REVIEW: Akira Toriyama’s Sand Land Crafts A Rich World Of Drought, Demons, & Droll Absurdity

The anime adaptation of an overlooked Akira Toriyama manga banks big on an adventurous and entertaining "David and Goliath" story.

One of the most important details to understand about Sand Land’s Beelzebub is that he’s not just a fiend, he’s actually royalty of the demonic Underworld. Fiends are a variety of demon in Sand Land and Beelzebub is held in high esteem as the revered Fiend Prince. Beelzebub is the son of Lucifer, the King of the Demons (who looks suspiciously like Dragon Ball Z’s Dabura), which puts him on track to one day rule the Underworld when his father is no longer in the picture. That being said, Beelzebub himself is over 2,500 years old despite how he looks like a spunky child, so it’s unlikely that Lucifer is going to pass away from old age anytime soon.

Beelzebub is destined for greatness, but he’s surprisingly humble about his royal status and doesn’t demand fealty from the other demons who surround him. If anything, Beelzebub longs for a simple life built on excitement and adventure. Lucifer turns down Sheriff Rao’s offer to help restore water to Sand Land and locate the Phantom Lake, but Beelzebub seems quite eager to enter the fray. It’s unclear if Beelzebub’s zest for adventure is the result of a closeted childhood where he was forced to do his father’s bidding in the Underworld, but his humility plays a big part in Beelzebub’s affable nature and how he’s able to quickly win over others.

He makes an inspirational speech in Sand Land: The Series about how it’s unfair to be prejudiced against fiends and that sometimes a corrupt human is far more devilish than any demon. Accordingly, Beelzebub doesn’t let his fiend status define who he is, even if he’s grateful for the many abilities that he gains as one of these creatures. Sand Land: The Series’ later episodes shine a light on Beelzebub’s extended family and reveal that one of his seemingly human friends is actually part-fiend and his niece. Beelzebub’s sister, Lilith, may seemingly be out of the picture, but that’s not to say she can't return by the series’ end.

Beelzebub Is A Demon Who Lives In Sand Land

Beelzebub Doesn’t Spend His Time In The Demonic Underworld

Sand Land: The New Anime From DBZ Creator’s Best Series Deserves More Content

Akira Toriyama's Sand Land is being turned into an anime movie, and its success could see a manga continuation to "replaces" the original Dragon Ball.

Sand Land is a little vague when it comes to its separate realms, but Beelzebub’s status as the Prince of the Underworld certainly implies that this is where demons primarily reside. Beelzebub doesn’t immerse himself in this gloomy demon realm, which may or may not be adjacent to the afterlife, like it is in Dragon Ball Z’s Other World. Beelzebub instead forges a much healthier and friendlier life in Sand Land, a barren wasteland that’s lacking many luxuries. Beelzebub doesn’t appear to have a fancy life in Sand Land.

If anything, he appears to prefer to be among the people, rather than his intimidating father. Beelzebub hangs out with a group of demons, while he also fosters positive relationships between his fellow fiends and any neighboring humans. Sheriff Rao approaches Beelzebub to join him on his mission and Beelzebub doesn’t harbor any resentment towards him because he’s a human. On top of that, Beelzebub is happy to help Sand Land secure a steady water supply, but he doesn’t want to rock the boat between the world’s different ecosystems – whether it’s Sand Land, Forest Land, or beyond.

When Beelzebub learns that the Phantom Lake belongs to the Picchi, he doesn’t try to coopt it and perpetuate a cycle of abuse, like the nation’s corrupt king. Beelzebub instead finds a middle ground by breaking down the dam so that everyone is able to prosper. Beelzebub’s success with securing the Aquanium from the rogue Angel, Muniel, and preventing King Jam’s assassination also earns him even more points with humans and makes him a popular figure outside the Underworld.

Beelzebub Benefits From The Power Of Twilight & Is Stronger & Faster Than The Average Human & Demon

Beelzebub Has Many Demonic Advantages That Give Him The Upper Hand In Battle

10 Things You Didn't Know About Akira Toriyama's Sand Land Manga

Akira Toriyama's Sand Land manga has plenty of exciting details fans might've missed.

Sand Land establishes that Beelzebub is a powerful fiend, but a quick look at the prince doesn’t make him seem that intimidating. That said, looks can be deceiving as Beelzebub repeatedly proves he’s strong enough and completely capable to defend himself and his friends from an entire army if need be. To begin with, Beelzebub has standard fiend powers, which make him stronger than the average human and demon (although he’s still inferior to his father, Lucifer). He’s capable of lifting a tank that weighs 1562 kg over his head and can run at speeds that reach 100 mph.

Beelzebub’s tail may not look like much, but it proves to be quite powerful in battle and a valuable extra appendage. Beelzebub puts it to use in his battles against the Insect Men as well as the powerful Angel, Muniel, who has the power of weather at his disposal. Beelzebub also possesses a mild healing factor and regeneration abilities, which keep him resilient during lengthy battles. He also has telepathy skills, even if they’re not substantially explored in Sand Land. The same is true of his ability to release sonic blast yells that are powerful enough to level cities.

A vital detail about Beelzebub, as well as most fiends, is that they actively grow stronger in the light of the moon. This helps Beelzebub magnify his abilities and take on even greater threats. Beelzebub demonstrates that in this state he’s able to harden his skin so that it’s metal-plated and becomes resistant to gunfire. The full extent of Beelzebub’s Power of Twilight strength has yet to be seen, but it’s encouraging that he continues to surpass his limits. It’s likely that Sand Land: The Series’ final episode elevates Beelzebub’s fiend powers to new heights and shows what he can truly do.

Up until this point, he’s been largely outmatched by Muniel and his Angel abilities, but audiences would love to see him humble this bratty, entitled enemy. Despite these battle advantages, Beelzebub has some unique vulnerabilities. Beelzebub is not good around loud noises and holy water, which wreak havoc on his system and diminish his abilities. Fortunately, not many Sand Land characters seem to have any water at their disposal, let alone holy water.

Beelzebub Is An Avid Gamer

Beelzebub Appreciates Life’s Simpler Pleasures