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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

The recent release of the book "Marvel Studios' The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline" requires a lot of analysis. Members of WikiProject:Timeline team are working on editing pages in response to the information revealed in the book. If you wish to contribute, please do not immediately edit these pages, and instead visit the Timeline Discussion.


Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For alternate versions of the X-Men, see the X-Men's Organization Hub

"And when are we getting the X-Men?"
Jennifer Walters to K.E.V.I.N.[src]

The X-Men are a superhero team comprised of mutants.


Guest from Another Universe

Binary found an unconscious Monica Rambeau and brought her to the X-Mansion, so the X-Men could help her understand who she is. Beast theorized that Rambeau is from an alternate reality and somehow crossed the tear in space-time, before leaving to update Professor X.[1]



External Links
