
The Afghan Whigs


A soul-influenced alternative/indie rock band from Cincinnati, Ohio, the Afghan Whigs were formed in 1986 by vocalist/guitarist Greg Dulli, guitarist Rick McCollum, bassist John Curley and drummer Steve Earle (2).

After releasing 6 LPs, a number of singles and EPs and a couple of drummers (Paul Buchignani and Michael Horrigan), the group disbanded in February of 2001, temporarily reforming (with Horrigan as drummer) in 2006 to record two new tracks for a best-of compilation.

In December of 2011, the core group of Dulli, McCollum and Curley announced its reformation to play a number of 2012 concert and festival dates, augmented by touring members Cully Symington, David Rosser and Rick Nelson (3). , Facebook , Lastfm , MySpace , Soundcloud , X , YouTube , Wikipedia
Members:Christopher Thorn, Cully Symington, David Rosser, Greg Dulli, John Curley, Jon Skibic, Mark McGuire (2), Michael Horrigan, Patrick Keeler, Paul Buchignani, Rick McCollum, Rick Nelson (3), Steve Earle (2)
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