Best YouTube Channels for Civil Services Preparation
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Best YouTube Channels for Civil Services Preparation

Preparing for civil services examination is a not a cakewalk. It requires rigorous efforts, dedication, and proper guidance. Browse through these best YouTube channels to make learning more fun and engaging.
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UPSC civil services exam is for recruitment to various government jobs including foreign, administrative, and police service. Now, preparing for civil services is a big deal, particularly because of its vast syllabus and constant updating of current affairs. However, no preparation is tough when there is proper guidance. Your preparation for the examination could very well may be in full swing but to make it even better and fun, we have compiled a list of YouTube channels that upload amazing videos related to civil services examination. Browse through some of these best YouTube channels to enjoy the process of learning!

Best YouTube Channels for Civil Services Preparation

The Prayas ePathshala

Prayas ePathshala, an initiative of Prayas India, has been helping students with their preparation since 2015. The institute is regarded as the best in Mumbai and has won several awards including 'The Rising Leadership Award', and Students Choice Award 2017 & 2018. Evidently, it is among the best YouTube channels for videos regarding civil service preparation. The channel features numerous chapter-wise videos of each subject and separate videos for current affairs. Several live sessions are also held and they remain on the channel for students to revisit. There are videos on how to strategize the problem solving for better time management and performance. The videos are sorted by the topics in playlists, hence making them easily accessible.

Link to The Prayas ePathshala YouTube Channel

Sriram's IAS

Sriram's IAS has been on YouTube for the same amount of time as Prayas India has been i.e. since 2015. Till now, they have posted over 200 videos. One unique feature about this channel is its distinct pattern of videos. They are not videos with visuals. They are videos with just audios. To put it in simpler words, they are podcasts. Though there are old videos still available, their visual quality is not very clear. However, the podcasts as well as the old videos, have good audio quality. The videos are majorly based on polity and current affairs. The proper explanation of current affairs along with an opinionated angle is the reason behind its inclusion in this list of youtube channels for preparation of civil services.

Link to Sriram's IAS YouTube Channel


AKS IAS has been on YouTube since 2018 so it is not very old yet has grabbed a huge audience in a short period of time. The reason why it grossed so many subscribers in less time is that they have topic wise videos in regional language (in Telegu) along with English. A particular topic from an umbrella topic is also explained properly. For current affairs, information from newspapers is analyzed on a daily basis. Apart from this, there are videos on preparation tips and guidance. The channel also hosts live sessions that remain on the channel, for students to revisit. However, along with these plus points, there is a drawback, the sound quality of the video is not up to the mark. It can be heard and understood, but sometimes there might be issues.

Civil Services Study

Next on the list is the Civil Services Study, which is a relatively new channel that started in 2018. But in this short span of time, the channel has managed to accumulate almost 450 K subscribers and have posted over 2000 videos. The channel has videos mostly about guiding the students for the examination with help of multiple test series. For better preparation, there are videos that discuss the answer sheet of the latest relevant exams. A particular test series is created into a playlist, which helps the students to access them easily. Hence, if you are done with the theoretical preparation, this channel will help you with strategizing and analyzing the solutions to the paper. Though the content is mostly in the Hindi language so if you are not comfortable with this language, then this YouTube channel will probably not be that helpful to you.

Link to Civil Services Study YouTube Channel

Study for Civil Services

Study for Civil Services has been helping students with preparation for civil services exam since 2014. The channel has topic-wise videos of each subject and videos regarding the preparation of the exam. One of its highlights is that they solve papers section-wise, and revise previous year question papers with proper explanation, which helps students with an insight into what type of questions are solved in which way. Live videos that stream on the channel are saved and available for students for later visits. Their time-to-time current affairs related videos keep the aspirants updated along with their interesting question-answer sessions. However, the sound quality might be an issue sometimes.

Link to Study for Civil Services YouTube Channel

Vision IAS

Vision IAS channel started back in 2014 and now has two channels, the other one being Vision IAS Hindi. The old videos are in Hindi and cover mostly all the topics, however, the recent ones are guidance sessions and topper’s talk videos. The channel works completely professionally and provides its students with the latest possible services. There are very well-organized motivational sessions and seminars on the channel to make students clear about their vision. In many videos, some experienced exam crackers share their knowledge and tips for the current civil services aspirants.

Link to Vision IAS YouTube Channel

Mrunal Patel

Mrunal Patel has been on YouTube since 2010. Mrunal Patel sir provides great content on the channel with the latest news related to the exams. There are continuous preparation tips and problem-solving sessions on the channel. You can join Mrunal Patel at unacademy as well! However, on YouTube, the channel provides students with weekly live classes, doubt clearing sessions, PowerPoint presentations (in Hindi as well), and weekly quizzes with ranking. The channel also collabs with other channels like Unacademy. Hence, one gets a broader exposure to preparation guides required for preparation of civil services exam.

Link to Mrunal Patel YouTube Channel

Let’s Crack UPSC CSE

One of the oldest amongst all, Let's Crack UPSC CSE started in 2010, completing over a decade now. The channel is a blend of the most talented teachers of the country who try to provide the best of the knowledge and experience they have gained from their careers. There are live videos, which can be later accessed by the students. Videos of different topics from all the subjects, a daily update on current affairs, and revision of previous years' question papers are uploaded by the channel. Not, just this, there are videos of analysis of several newspaper features and editorials to keep you updated with the latest news all over the world. Another best part about Let's Crack UPSC CSE is that they have two channels, one for English speakers and other for Hindi. So, students can choose and study from the channel that they find more convenient.

Link to Let's Crack UPSC CSE YouTube Channel

Comparative Analysis of the 8 Best YouTube Channels for Civil Services Preparation

Youtube Channels

Total Subscribers

Average views per video

Average length per video

Frequency of publishing

The Prayas ePathshala

4.12 K

200 to 500

50 to 60 min


Sriram’s IAS

5.09 K

500 to 1000

5 to 10 min



102 K

1 to 2 K

30 to 40 min


Civil Services Study

445 K

3 to 6 K

10 to 15 min


Study for Civil Services

1.98 M

10 to 20 K

60 to 80 min


Vision IAS

1.19 M

20 to 30 K

60 to 80 min


Mrunal Patel

1.22 M

50 to 100 K

15 to 20 min


Lets Crack UPSC CSE

4.59 M

5 to 10 K

40 to 60 min



These were the YouTube channels that you can subscribe or refer to for better or in-depth preparation. We wish you all the very best for your exam!

Want to read more on how to prepare for civil service exams? Check out some of the following ones:

Have any other recommendations to add to this list of youtube channels? Let us know in the comments below or contact us via Instagram or Facebook. You can also always write to us at

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Supercoaching Hub
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