For The Workforce, Drowning by Thursday - Songfacts

For The Workforce, Drowning

Album: War All The Time (2003)
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  • This song is about how people believe they will always have to work or are constantly ordered to do stuff and not getting enough out of it to live. The lyrics, "Anchor is part of the desk" means that this attitude starts right away in school and most people continue working way too hard in unfulfilling jobs their whole lives - only the rich can escape it. >>
    Suggestion credit:
    Jeff - Cheektowaga, NY
  • This song deals with the pressures of working life, with allusions to suicide: "These ties strangle our necks" and "Hanging in the closest." It touches on how people are just numbers in giant organizations "With out no name just numbers on the resume stored in the mainframe marked for delete." >>
    Suggestion credit:
    Danny - Brisbane, Belgium


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